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I have been a big(BIG BIG) fan of this whole series of games as well as the combat command series.

I have several questions.

1. will there be a campaign based on the Germans not starting the war until 1946 as originally planned. or will the game support doing such a campaign ourselves.

2 how does one become a beta tester??


steve kostelak

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I don't know such a campaign, but as far as i know Hitler urged to start the war as soon as possible, in fact he was mad a Mussolini who brought the Munich treaty instead of War in 1938.

Each year on top of 1939 would have made germany weaker and her heighbors stronger.

And one more thing: Germany was broke, because it spend money for all those precious tanks and weapon. But this money was only printed, never earned.

Only through the plunder of her neighbors Germany was able to continue to fight.

There is a briliant campaign in Patton drives east, in which Germany had "won" the contintal war, with new borders and german fortication near the Urals. The year si 1945 (if i remember correctly).

The Allies start the game with a huge landing operation against occupied England while the Germans have ther Plan Z dream build and afloat.

Not exactly the campaing you were looking for, but at least a near miss (and believe me: a fresh and entertaining new campaign).

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And one more thing: Germany was broke, because it spend money for all those precious tanks and weapon. But this money was only printed, never earned.

Only through the plunder of her neighbors Germany was able to continue to fight.

Yes Germany was practically broke during the late 30's. It's a myth the success of nazi-politics created by Goebbels that have lived with us to this day. Generous loans from the banks all over the world and forced labour in addition with the goverment taking over jewish businesses profits was the key. Germany could only enter war. American ambassador in Berlin, Dodd, once said you should also include the british and american weapons industry to the war criminals who kept ignoring the versailles treaty selling weapons to the third reich.

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It's my understanding that Hitler promised his generals and admirals that there would be no war until 1946, the reason was to give German industry time to complete things like the planned German fleet which was supposed to be much larger before the war started. this was especially true about the submarine fleet which was supposed to be over 300 boats at the start of the war. snice the war started early there were only about 60 available. think of the havoc that could have been caused if they had 300 for the opening of the war. Of course nothing happens in a vacuum and it is entirely that that allies would also be far more prepared also. So this is like all what if possibilities. would the Germans have been aware of the t-34. would they have had jet fighters in full production, would the allies have ramped up production, would they have figured out the poor qualities of the Sherman and british tanks and had better ones in production etc etc. But the great thing about this series of games is the ability to try out what if's. Patton in the east is a great example of this.

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The problem, of course, is as BrotherX says in the WWII Speculations Thread (at least a post I quoted) that Hitler felt the longer he waited past 1939, the stronger his rivals would become even as Germany became weaker due to its debt and distorted economy. Hitler had to make a major move of some kind, or begin reining things in economically to pay for his military buildup to that point.

I think he could have worked his way out of it if he'd done things a bit differently, except by that time the only courses he'd consider were the ones he chose to see. The British and French would not fight over Poland because they hadn't fought over Czechoslovakia. He had to be right because he was never wrong in the past. Then, after the attack, Britain and France would agree to a negotiated peace. The didn't. So after taking France, Britain would have to agree to terms. It didn't. So he'd turn east and (through some convoluted reasoning) end the war with Britain by destroying the USSR. And when that didn't happen etc & etc, each step becoming more out of touch with reality than the previous one.

But I think July 1940 is an interesting place to look for where Germany really lost the war. At that moment it had actually won, unless it went out of its way to lose, which is exactly what Hitler proceeded to do.

Even if Britain continued to fight it could have been slowly brought to its knees by attrition; all Germany needed to do was suffer a major setback, such as its costly loss in the Battle of Britain. If instead it had increased its Uboat campain without pulling the USA into the war, Britain would have had to agree to peace terms within the year. Instead Hitler chose to do the one thing even he had always known would be a fatal mistake, get into a two front war.

The amazing part is, despite all his blundering, Germany came so close to winning.

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I have been a big(BIG BIG) fan of this whole series of games as well as the combat command series.

I have several questions.

1. will there be a campaign based on the Germans not starting the war until 1946 as originally planned. or will the game support doing such a campaign ourselves.

2 how does one become a beta tester??


steve kostelak

1. No official campaigns like this planned but it can certainly be created by using the Editor that will come with the game. In fact this is the same Editor I use to create the campaigns and has been used by many modders since the original release of the Strategic Command series.

2. Right now we are covered but if you are interested send me an email, my email address is accessible in my profile, and I can put you on file for future needs if applicable.

Thanks for your interest,


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Not sure where to place this comment, but Questions seems to work.

I'm addicted to the game and play W&W and PDE (endlessly). In the early game, just before Germany attacks France, the computer version takes Denmark, and then by association Norway. On occasion, it's happened that with bad weather, Germany might not eliminate the Danish defending unit on the turn it's attacked, and this in turn can impact the plans and timing of attack (not that I mind - I'm always the Allies).

Historically, Denmark fell in two hours, before most people there woke up. There were the minorest of casualties (sixteen danish soldiers, it's said). No partisans to speak of. There's more in Wikipedia, but I've said enough for my question...

In the upcoming game, are there going to be some minor countries - like Denmark perhaps - possibly Ireland, Portugle (I don't know if Greenland or Iceland actually ever got an army) - that will have no army to defend itself with?

Kind of like a fait accompli? (I know that's mispelt, but you get the gist)

Further, and I don't know if the script allows it, will some of those minor countries have a variable strength of defense? Kind of like, ok, I know Denmark is weak (not picking on my own country, but it's an example), and experience shows me the max defense it gets is 3, but sometimes it's 2, or 1, or not even there?

If it's a fixed number, will that always be a strength of 3 as in the present games including the Pacific Strike version?

I'm curious. Thank you.

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Hi Brian,

There have been a few changes to some countries like Denmark and I think it is safe to say that it will fall much more consistently in this release. In terms of random strength values, not a bad idea, but I can confirm that this won't be the case in this release. We are still trying to use just appropriate strength numbers as applicable.


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