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Chariots of Fire AAR/DAR

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Originally wrote this for another gaming community I'd part of (Red Orchestra) hoping to get some of them into it... so that might be why it has some seemingly superfluous explanations. Hope you enjoy. We (my opponent and I) plan on playing all the Peiper scenarios/ops in order over at blowtorchscenarios.com so this might go on a while.


This operation was designed by George McEwan and Charlie Meconis over at blowtorchscenarios.com and I cannot take any credit for it.

Gray question mark boxes are the objectives. I get points for capturing them and for destroying enemy units. This is a static operation which means it is several successive battles over the same area, with reinforcements/ammo being supplied in between battles, unless a unit is too far extended and beyond the front line, in which case it will not be resupplied (ammo is crucial during long 100+ turn operations such as these).

It is February 7th, 1943 and I have been tasked to liberate the town of Andrewjewka from the hands of the fascist invaders. I will lead elements from the 350th infantry division and have been told to expect support from the 201st Tank Brigade within the next 24 hours. For now though, my assets are limited to 6 infantry companies about half of which are SMG troops, several AT guns, mortars and a couple platoons of AT rifles, and 7 T-70s.

Resistance is expected to be light, though there are reports of a small armored unit defending the town. I have also heard a rumor from one of my subordinates that it is in fact a so-called "Blowtorch Battalion" commanded by a certain Peiper. Regardless of what fascist pig is in charge of this unit, they shall soon be overwhelmed and destroyed by the might of the Red Army!

My attacking force is divided into two main columns (the two different colors represent the different setup zones), each with 3 infantry companies and supporting units. Both my T-70 platoons are on the right flank, but I will move one platoon to the left flank to support that advance. If it is indeed an armored unit defending this town, I will avoid direct confrontation with enemy tanks as my T-70s are ill equipped to deal with such a threat. Unless I can outflank enemy armor, I will try to move my fast T-70s to attack enemy infantry and light units from behind protected positions in defilade and avoid contact completely.


On the left flank,

I will seize the Goods Yard on the far left to provide firing positions down into the first two objectives, and advance with fast orders as quickly as possible to the first buildings on the edge of the town to get my infantry out of the open. Additional mortars and HMGs will provide cover from a lightly wooded area about 100 meters from the edge of town.

The left flank


In the center,

one of my platoon of T-70s will advance to hull down positions several hundred meters from the left flank and provide covering fire. Their main targets will be enemy halftracks and infantry, especially HMGs. If enemy armor appears they will reverse and come back from a different angle.

The center


On the right flank,

My infantry will move as quickly as possible out of the open to attack the railway station. Although using fast move orders instead of advance is riskier (troops ignore casualties more and are more exposed) I am hoping that most of my infantry will be able to close with the enemy quickly and suppress him. Whatever happens, I want to stay exposed in the open for absolute minimum amount of time. Mortar and HMG positions as well as 2 AT guns will be covering the advance in a lightly wooded area about 125 meters out from the railway yard objective. My other platoon of T-70s will advance to hull down positions several hundred meters out on the left side. Again, they will avoid contact with enemy armor.

The right flank


All infantry squads are spread out 25-30 meters apart from each other so as to avoid being suppressed by the same enemy unit, that way, even if one squad gets pinned, the others will advance quickly to destroy the antagonist. SMG platoons are leading, with rifle platoons bringing up the rear. The SMGs are absolutely devastating at close range (40-100 meters) but suffer from less firepower at longer rangers so it is particularly important that they close with the enemy quickly.

A T-70 with fast move orders to a hull down position.


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On the left flank my advance continues unimpeded for all of one turn, then 3 enemy halftracks come into view and manage to pin a couple of my infantry squads in the rear. One rifleman gets hit in the leg and goes down and another platoon leader flat out routs and decides to make a dash for it---in the wrong direction. His commitment to the party is questionable and this will be further looked into after the battle.


These few squads suck up most of the firepower though and the rest make it into the ravine and into cover.


Meanwhile, my "sleighs" (actually represented by universal carriers as the game does not include sleighs, but historically they were) manage to drop off an HMG and AT gun into cover in the small wood. The AT gun slowly sets up and targets an enemy halftrack that comes into view. Meanwhile my "sleigh" targets another HT that pops up into the other side. I decide to keep it in view so as to possibly draw fire from any enemy AT weapons or armor.


Next turn, my AT gun fires, and hits! The enemy crew and passengers scramble to bail out and come under a hail of fire from my maxim machinegun in the woods. Turning 20 degrees to the left, my AT gun fires again, and hits, but not before the enemy halftrack knocks out my "sleigh" with an AT hit (presumably a halftrack mounting a low caliber AT gun). The enemy AT halftrack gets hits again and is knocked out. One enemy squad appears in a house and fires at one of my PTRD teams, pinning them and inflicting one casualty.


On the far left, one of my MGs has reached one of the Goods Yard buildings and sets up. I order to hide so he does not open fire until I am ready to cross no-man's land and need the fire support.


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Next turn several unseen halftracks send a barrage of fire into one of my PTRD platoons and mortar platoons. Several casualties and both get pinned, but luckily by this time all of my infantry has moved into cover behind the ridgeline. I let them pause to rest. I am almost ready to begin the assault across no-man's land. My AT gun fires and misses twice at one of the halftracks, but finally hits on the third shot. 3 halftracks down already and no response from enemy armor, which is a good sign.


Meanwhile in the center my platoon of T-70s make it to the first hull down position. One of them pauses and takes a potshot at an enemy halftrack on the left flank and misses, before moving on.


Unfortunately, next turn one of them is hit and loses its gunner/commander, but keeps going. Whatever fired the shot was not spotted. Possibly enemy armor? The platoon continues through the ravine in cover, I order them to continue along this path until they can get closer to the left flank objectives.


Meanwhile on the right flank, all is well and there are no enemy contacts. My lead SMG platoon has almost reached the objective.


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