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A video of a little PBEM....

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Here is a little video of me playing against a PBEM opponent in CMSF.

The scenario is Guarding the far flank. It is modified to replace the original US Army forces with a british force roughly the same strenght.

Prior to the main assault I managed to knock out the british challengers with AT14s.

The AKD soundmod make this game so much more immersive....

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Just watched your video and that looks like a real intense full out battle.I was amazed on how much RED units there were.No question about it, it sounds like a war zone, sounds like what world war 3 would be with all those explosions,MG and cannon fire.

I use AKD distant sounds and it is a very well done mod.He also made one for artillery that i noticed you didn't have, you should check it out if you haven't already, but i think its only on filefront.

on another note i like your signature saying.Good one.

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That battle is one of ym favorites that I made for CMSF, glad to see others enjoying it, even modified. A little background, that map was made from an actual situation during the Iraq invasion. The situation was starting to occur, but the iraqi attack didn't make it that far. One of the beta testers was in command of the defense, and obviously, wasn't a stryker company. I had a lot of fun making it, and testing it, and the other beta testers enjoyed it.

Feel free to release your version with the Brits, all I ask if you keep my name in the briefing as a designer as well as your own, and name it some like Guard the Far Flank - Brits.

Keep up the youtube videos, enjoyed watching it!


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Thanks for the replies guys.

About the AKD mod: Im very happy with the way the artillery sounds now :)

Vanilla sounds were very very flat.

@rune, interesting info about the background! The modified scenario is my opponents idea. Ill let him know he can post it.

He absolutly plastered my specops with airbursts on that flank in the video.

The only way my armour could get to that flank so quickly was because I blew a hole in the stonewall blocking it.

His javelins are taking a toll on my T72s as you can see.

Im planning on doing another PBEM video. This time of a challenge I put up on the "Opponents wanted" forum. The mission is Red Stream.

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