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Scroll wheel configuration for PCs

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Hi all

I play CM I, II and III on a Mac Powerbook dual boot 1Gz with a 5 button scroll wheel mouse. There is a shareware control panel called USB Overdrive which allows one to configure and define all mouse buttons and wheel scroll actions.

For CM, Scroll up is + on the number pad and scroll down is - on the number pad (not the equivalent in the row of numbers above the letters on the main keyboard). what this does is it allows me to change elevation view by just scrolling up or down. It is quick, fast, intuitive very quickly and all only using the mouse with one hand.

I have also configured two other buttons as [ and ] which allows zoom up and zoom down. Rt click is shift click which brings up the menu...in fact you can configure in whatever way you want depending on your gaming style and preferences. It can be set up with different configurations for different applications so the mouse buttons can change for different games and apps.

It is one of the few shareware progams that is definitely worth the shareware fee !

What I want to know is...is there an equivalent driver for the mouse in the PC world ie, Windows XP pro. Most drivers I have checked have not allowed that degree of configuration. I have now also a PC for work which I can also play CM on but I am finding it a bit "clunky" changing view elevations after being so used to my Mac.



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I think that there's some software out there to do this sort of thing under Windows, though I haven't used it personally myself. Here's one package called ClickyMouse. It seems to actually be a way of using the mouse to execute macros rather than map keystrokes to mouse buttons/wheels.

Logitech's Mouseware drivers offer the "keystroke" feature that allows for mapping keyboard keys to mouse actions. This is probably the closest thing you're looking for, however it may require a Logitech mouse in order to work properly.

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