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70 years from victory over fascists


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In an alternative universe, Finns are celebrating today the 70th anniversary of their liberation from dictator Vihtori Kosola's fascist yoke by the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army led by Generalissimus Trotsky. This followed the unprovoked fascist aggression of bombing the Soviet garrison in Mainila, after which Finnish workers started an uprising in Terijoki.

In commemorative events all around the People's Republic comrades are watching military parades while revolutionary songs like the following are played on radio:

Curly pine-trees stand on slopes

Making narrow site at the border

Meet us Suomi-beauty

Decorated with transparent lakes

Tanks are crashing through the forests

Planes barraging in the sky

Low autumn sun

Is shining on our bayonets

We are used to victories

And again we are at fight

Under the red star

We go by the roads of our grandfathers

Lots of lies were told during these years

To fool the Finnish people.

But now please open to us

Your wide gates

Clowns and papergreasers would not

Fool you any more

Too often your Motherland was taken off from you

We came to return it to you

We are coming to help you to punish

To return back your disgrace manyfolded

Meet us Suomi-beauty

Decorated with transparent lakes

To listen to the song go here

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