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Hornets and Tomcats

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Well, you'd have to ask a Marine aviator to be sure, but given the fact that BFC got their info from real Military Aviators, I assume that they got good information that Marine AV-8s might be used for strafing runs but the Marine F-18s probably would not.

This does make some sense; the vectored thrust of the AV-8s gives them much better low-speed maneuverability, which is important in low-level flying and threat avoidance.

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Actually, Spitfire may have a point. Selecting "Target Light" *used* to usually mean a strafing run for fast movers. Now that the strafing run capability has been removed, I'm not sure it's been reset. I haven't tested it myself -- personally, I never found the strafing runs very useful for these assets so I didn't use them much back when we had them. The 30mm on the A-10 is another story...

At the very least, if Target Light does nothing for these assets, it should be greyed out in the interface or something so that the player is aware.

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At an Airshow i was at they did an "airfield attack" that included a simulated Cannon strafe by an RAF Tornado GR4. Also one of the reasons (i was told) that the Harrier GR9's are being replaced by torny's is that they have a cannon and can strafe. But then were getting into the whole Afghanistan vs Real war with real Air defences.

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Do western airforces ever use unguided bomb runs in Afghanistan anymore? I'd love to see a stick of bombs delivered onto a enemy trench or stronghold in CMSF. JDAM's are just so clinical and precise.

A-10s were shooting unguided rockets (mostly Illum) and did drop a few Mk82s while I was there...but no the F-15Es were loaded with 1 GBU-31, 3 GBU-38and, 3 GBU-12s. They had the cannon and it was used VERY sporadically...a bit of laughing point between teh A-10 and F-15 guys at standup every morning.

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