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ATI and fog effects


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I'm looking at a PC upgrade and the ATI question is something I am interested in too seeing as many of the UK PC producers put Radeons in at the moment. I'm still tempted to stick with GeForce at the moment and Schrullenhaft is far more qualified to comment on this than I. That said I read an article in a PC mag that basically says the new 9700 Radeon makes FULL use of DirectX 8 (unlike the GeForce) and will make full use of DirectX 9 enabling a lot more effects (whether this includes fog I don't know).

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Nope, no fog-table support under DirectX for ATI products. Fog-tables work under RAVE on the Mac, so it is an issue of ATI deciding exactly what they want to 'support'. Vertex-fog (which doesn't look as nice) is the supported method of fog under DirectX for ATI.

Despite the claims of 'full support of DirectX 8 or 9', they have little meaning when it comes to supporting features correctly. These statments are geared towards support of newest features of the latest DirectX APIs, such as Transform & Lighting, PixelShaders, etc. These features don't generally mean much to CM right now or to the vast majority of games that actually exist right now. For future games these features will mean more.

Unfortunately I don't think that ATI will ever support fog-tables (or their emulation, which is what NVidia does). The closest that I've come to fog-table support with an ATI driver has resulted in a completely gray screen. No tweaker has ever changed that fact, despite listing all sorts of fog types to enable.

[ September 18, 2002, 12:57 PM: Message edited by: Schrullenhaft ]

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