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Radeon Flickering Text

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Anyone know how to fix the flickering text with regards to the ATI Radeon 32mb video card?

The game runs fine aside from the flickering text, which isn't HORRIBLE, but it is slightly annoying. The only time I don't get it is when I run it in software mode, but that pretty much blows smile.gif

I have a Celeron 500mhz, 128mb ram, 52X CD-ROM, ATI Radeon 32mb video card...latest drivers, DirectX 8, 56k modem.

Any help would be appreciated if anyone else has this problem.



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What version of the drivers are you running ? I assume that you're running either Win98 or ME. I can't recall what causes this, but I believe a driver update may fix this issue.

Rage3D has links to the latest Radeon Betas. I haven't experienced any text problems with the Radeons under Win98SE. Reactorcritical also lists several of the Radeon drivers.

Rage 3D (in upper right corner, make sure you select the correct OS):


Reactorcritical (Radeon 256 section):


[This message has been edited by Schrullenhaft (edited 03-14-2001).]

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I downloaded the version 4.12.3056 driver. If you're asking about which build, it says that it is build D7.13-CD01C

Incidentally, it didn't fix the flickering text problem, but it did make it SLIGHTLY better. If I'm using the wrong driver, I'd appreciate if you'd let me know smile.gif I'm not technically-minded, so I appreciate the help.

Incidentally, this is a good forum ... quick responses.



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Hey, thanks for the info. That patch fixed the problem completely. Still no fog, but I guess that's a problem with the card itself not supporting the fog frown.gif Oh well, at least the battlefield isn't completely whited out.

Out of curiosity, if I play a mission with fog in it, even though I can't see the fog, is the visibility of my units still affected? Can they use the fog for concealment even though I can't see it, and does it still limit their vision?

Thanks again for the assist,



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Originally posted by Schrullenhaft:

Possibly in the future ATI will find out what they need to do to actually fix the fog-table problem. Unfortunately fog-table support in DirectX has been completely lacking in ATI products for years.

If you get some of the tweak programs from <a href=www.rage3d.com>Rage3D</a> you can enable table fog option. Whether it actually works is another matter wink.gif

Some of the tweak programs say that the table fog potentially causes problems so it should be enabled only if some game uses it.. YMMV.

One thing those tweak apps are good for is radeon "overclocking" .. That is, you can put your underclocked bulk card to the same spec the retail package uses (183MHz)..

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I've already tried the "tweaks" for the Radeon and other ATI video chipsets. Despite the additional registry listings for several types of fog - I have yet to see any in CM. The closest has been the "entirely gray" battle screen, but that wasn't quite what I had in mind.

[This message has been edited by Schrullenhaft (edited 03-16-2001).]

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