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One shot, two kills?

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I've seen this in a recent PBEM turn file. Looks like a single T-72 shell killed two AFVs at once - the shot walked right through number one and hit number two. I wonder if this is realistic.

Generally, I often had the impression that tank shells sometimes didn't stopped after they hit something, even if they obvisously exploded. Has somebody else noticed that, too? Not sure if it's still visible in 1.2

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Definitely realistic under some circumstances, which I can't tell since you didn't specify what was being shot at, the distance between the vehicles, the range from the T-72, etc.. And it's definitely been seen before. Heck, at some point someone set up a scenario just to see how many BMP-1s an Abrams SABOT could penetrate before it stopped :D

Basically... a modern AP type tank round should be able to punch straight through a light/medium armored vehicle. If it can go straight though one it is likely capable of going through at least one side of another (provided the circumstances are favorable).


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An APFSDS round is just a big metal dart so if the armour is thin enough, the round will just pass right through the vehicle. There is always an explosion because of the energy delivered to the target but it would be smaller on lightly armoured targets because the round keeps moving.

This is actually the reason why the British keep the HESH round - the APFSDS round might not be lethal enough if it just goes straight through so the HESH is used to more effectivly disable the vehicle. It should be more effective against buildings against HE too.

Edit: Whoops - too late! :)

Edit again: If you are using an Abrams the round will be depleted Uranium - I think that as the round hits the target the friction will cause the DU to burn and self sharpen, increasing the lethality. Could any expert confirm this?

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Going off memory from a earlier version,(1.08? 1.10?) but I had an Abrams fire an AP round at a T-55 frontally through the turret, going out the back causing the crew to bail. It then continued into another T-55 causing a catastrophic kill.

Found that to be pretty cool.

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