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Blue Screen when loading CMBF

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Hi, I installed CM British Forces but when I try to load a quick battle the blue error message screen appears. All im able to understand is that apparentlt a file called nv4_disp is causing the problem.

Im able load CMSF or CM Marines with no problem.

Any clues?

Many thanks

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"nv4_disp" is your Nvidia driver. Are your settings for the British Demo the same as the full install of CMSF/Marines (desktop resolution, etc.) ? You may want to try the "desktop" resolution or perhaps 1024x768, etc. Also make sure that you're not using the Hotkeys file from your full install. There have been changes to that file that will cause problems if you use the one from your current full install.

While the 1.20 code that is in the British Demo is an improvement, I don't think it should be that different regarding the video driver's ability to handle it.

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Tks for you answer. I never installed the demo of Bristish Forces. I purchase CMSF with the marines Bundle. I never touched the hotkeys file.

Today I installed British Forces and again didn´t touch the hotkeys file (do i have to change it?). I´m using Display Desktop. Same I used to use with the CMSF and Marines.

I´m not able to load the following battles (it reach certain percentage and the blue screen with the mentioned error shows up):

UK Armoured Assault.

UK British Mettle

I was able to load with no problems:

UK Battlegroup Attacks

UK Breaking the Banks

UK Britains Joy

Also I was able to load the British Campaign. At least the first mission.

Those are the ones I tried so far.

It´s really weird.

I have an AGP Geforce 7600GT with 94.24 drivers (didn´t have any problem with other games with that ones).

Many thanks for your help.

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The UK British mettle map is huge, something like 2.4 x 2.7km. UK Armoured Assault is a somewhat more reasonable 1.5 x 2.4km. What are your settings? A "Best" all-around setting with a 2.5km square could cause your CPU to have fits. Do you still have scenario loading problems with your settings dropped to "Fastest"?

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Thanks MikeyD!!

I was able to load both battles at fastest. Do you think it would be possible to load them at a better quality?

I´m running windows XP. Pentium IV 3.0. 2GB ram. Geforce AGP 7600GT 256MB. 94.24 Drivers.Direct X 9.0C. Hard drive 320GB.

Im able to run IL2 1946, CMX1 games, Strategic Command and Theatre of War with this 94.24 drivers.

I also have Theatre of War 2 but it´s unplayable even at the lowest settings.

Thanks for your help.

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I'm the wrong guy for REAL tech questions. I'm sort of an "anti-techie", not only do I not give useful tech information, people often walk away from me dumber than when they arrived! :)

with that warning, you can alway test-out what resolution your system can take. While you're playing a big complex map hit the hotkeys shift { and shift } to raise and lower 3D model quality. You know you're REALLY in trouble when you see giant 3-D black triangles instead of a picture. That means your CPU has cried "uncle"! :eek:

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