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TCP/IP WEGO with replay...where is the problem actually?

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no this is not another thread of mine about when TCP/IP WEGO with replay with hit the deck, much more i want to know "what" are the problems. i mean the typical non developer got, as we all know, a pretty dream like fantasy of how to make things work in the game.

my fantasy image of TCP/IP WEGO with replay is that you simply take WEGO from single player and make a mechanism wich does the same as the single player but multiplayer. that cant be so hard :D

most people today have a fairly good internet connection. i consider my connection "average" and i have a "practical" max download of 2Mb/s+ and about 130Kb/s upload. i dont know the theoretical specifications of my connection.

what i want to say, even if the accumulated data of one minute turn is 30Mb or so, i and many others can upload it in no-time.

the time it takes to do this would be nothing in comparison to exiting the game, uploading it to a mail account, sending it,...so on, the usual PBEM procedure, and it wouldnt interrupt the game flow is such a drastic way.

so what is the technical problem one does not see if one isnt looking at it from the inside.

i hope someone official can chime in and tell us something about this.

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Yes, it is a technical problem that can likely be solved. Unfortunately, we won't know that for sure until we actually sit down and do the work. Therefore, the issue is how much time do we take away from everything else to make it happen? And when do we do that? TCP/IP WeGo with playback is not critical to the game as a whole. Important, I agree, but not as much as the new QB system or having a temperate environment with the expected bells and whistles.

We do think that TCP/IP WeGo without playback is a high enough priority that we've got it scheduled for Normandy.


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at first, thanks for responding directly here, i am puzzled about this since the release of the game and you never explained it that "clear" befor :)

TCP/IP WeGo with playback is not critical to the game as a whole. Important, I agree, but not as much as the new QB system or having a temperate environment with the expected bells and whistles.

iam fine with this, everything in life got its priority. you dont need to defend, or lets say reinforce, youre position about this ;) i am not here nor did i create this thread to callenge this position.

i am only interessted in "why" this takes as much time as it does and how this feature is generaly viewed.

now i know, or it seems that way, that the real problem isnt the tecnical problem itself but the time needed to fix it. means it is nothing wich cant worked around, but it needs time.

thats good to know, i myself thought that you guys think about droping the replay at all. this would be horrible! the way you told us some month ago that we will likely get TCPip WEGO but not as we are used to it, and later on it was said it got no replay, i was somewhat shocked.

by the way, while we talking about TCPip WEGO, i know the RT players are pretty hot for CO-play. now my question; is it "theoreticaly" possible to have TCPip WEGO with Replay AND Co play!? this sounds like a mess to code up, but is it possible?

thing is playing 2 vs 2 in TCPip WEGO with replay would be...a dream :D

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