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arma ii demo

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Armed Assault 2's demo is out now. It's a really good demo because it includes a functioning editor.

Unfortunately as far as I can tell it is exactly the same game as the first one, but it has better graphics and sound. :( I'm not sure the core game has been changed much beyond the ability to hop fences. Most buildings you can't even enter, vehicles still spin, there is no change to ground cover/no addition of foxholes, etc... I don't see any significant changes.

I was thinking exactly the same thing with the demo. They shouldn't call it ArmA II but ArmA: Facelift. Still fun though and I'll probably still buy it.

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Guest Panzer Boxb

There are quite a few "under the hood" engine changes but only a few that are direct interface/mechanics alterations. Jumping fences is nice as is being able to reload while moving. I am going to wait for a sale before making the plunge though. On the positive side, there are tons of modders working feverishly to bring new stuff in and port OFP/ArmA mods over.

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Guys, I'm more than surprised at the reactions here. I've been playing A2 since about three weeks (German release) and the second evening I uninstalled A1 since no way I'm going back.

The new AI in Arma2 is so good at using cover and concealment that I spent the first week getting killed by soldiers I never saw. Together with the new effects when running, it really cuts down (in a realistic way) on your situational awareness.

The new editor modules allow for easy application of advanced scripting items, like Air Strikes, Artillery and random enemy patrols. You can also command platoons and even companies now with a "High Command" module that allows you to place waypoints and set behaviour for multiple squads.

Yes, many buildings can't be entered, and the ground is non-deformable, so no foxholes. But that seems rather minor when you are fighting for a village or town against a platoon of AI which uses every bit of cover. Oh, and smoke now works against the AI. I've used it quite a bit was my squad was getting hacked to pieces trying to assault an outnumbered enemy AI team.

Adam, you seem to expecting CMSF AI type behaviour in Arma. Forget it. CMSF doesn't allow you to drive vehicles or shoot a gun firsthand, neither does it allow you to send individual soldiers around, so obviously it does a few things better with the stuff you can do.

This is the closest to a first-person warfare simulator we can currently get on the computer. There's a reason the USMC uses the same engine for training, so if you are willing to let go of the idea that it has to be a first-person CMSF, A2 might be the best military game released this year.

OFP:DR will be OFP in name only, and likely fall on the arcade side of things.

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RSColonel_131st, do you play with post-processing effects on? I turned them off after 5 minutes, they gave me the worst headache.

Anyway how does it run for you? I have an intel Pentium D 3.0 processor, 3 gigs of RAM, and a Nvidia 7800 GTX and can barely get 20 FPS with everything on low.

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What Dietrich said.

I succumbed to impatience and bought the German version a month ago. It ran better out of the box than ArmA1 and has had a few patches since release. It runs fine on my mid-range rig - E8400 C2D, 4GB memory, Nvidia 9800GTX, WinXP SP3 - with fps in the 25-40 range.

Vehicle fidelity hasn't changed much since ArmA/OFP but it remains an entertaining game nonetheless, especially when played with a few good friends who appreciate teamwork.

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RSColonel_131st, do you play with post-processing effects on? I turned them off after 5 minutes, they gave me the worst headache.

Anyway how does it run for you? I have an intel Pentium D 3.0 processor, 3 gigs of RAM, and a Nvidia 7800 GTX and can barely get 20 FPS with everything on low.

I like the effects (blur when turning) since they reduce situational awareness which IMHO is a realistic try to simulate that you can't observe enemy at distance when running.

But I shut them down for framerate reasons. Performance is really weak, I have an AMD 5000+ Dualcore which will bottleneck at 15FPS in some of the included missions due to AI calculations, and the 9600GT - which runs other games like STALKER or FALLOUT3 pretty nicely, also goes below 20 FPS sometimes even with everthing on low.

Adam, I don't have the demo, no clue what scenarios they included. But in the retail, there's at least one mission ("Trial by Fire") which has you assaulting a village with 6 squadmates (AI Group Commander) and they will all nicely take cover and move in leaps & overwatch. I've been killed by enemy AI laying prone next to a fence and bending their upper body around the fence post so only their head is visible.

They even seem to use cover not immediatly in their front, for example a wall blocking LOS 6 meter in front of them, they will move up a slope just far enough to peek over that wall. The system is not restricted to hugging corners or trees.

I don't know why you are not seeing this. One thing I noticed however is that you as commander should not try to micromanage them as in A1. For example, trying to send them into individual positions on corners makes them stupid. Best I found was to leave them in formation and just move ahead myself, or to use the "Advance" command so they can pick their own paths.

The biggest notable difference for me is that enemy AI is not standing in the open anymore. I created a few quick editor missions with an enemy squad given a "Combat" behaviour waypoint in a village, and whenever I assault that village, I have to look hard for them. In A1, they would be standing in perfect wedge formation exactly on top of the waypoint, in A2 the AI scatters and hides, with just enough head showing to nail you. That improvement alone makes a massive difference for the way you as commander have to plan your assaults.

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Armed Assault 2's demo is out now. It's a really good demo because it includes a functioning editor.

Unfortunately as far as I can tell it is exactly the same game as the first one, but it has better graphics and sound. :( I'm not sure the core game has been changed much beyond the ability to hop fences. Most buildings you can't even enter, vehicles still spin, there is no change to ground cover/no addition of foxholes, etc... I don't see any significant changes.

my comp is so old it won't even run the demo.

At the least I hope they increased the ability of AI to use cover and turned down their uber-hearing and uber-shooting ability through smoke and vegetation.

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Adam, I don't have the demo, no clue what scenarios they included. But in the retail, there's at least one mission ("Trial by Fire") which has you assaulting a village with 6 squadmates (AI Group Commander) and they will all nicely take cover and move in leaps & overwatch. I've been killed by enemy AI laying prone next to a fence and bending their upper body around the fence post so only their head is visible.

They even seem to use cover not immediatly in their front, for example a wall blocking LOS 6 meter in front of them, they will move up a slope just far enough to peek over that wall. The system is not restricted to hugging corners or trees.

I don't know why you are not seeing this. One thing I noticed however is that you as commander should not try to micromanage them as in A1. For example, trying to send them into individual positions on corners makes them stupid. Best I found was to leave them in formation and just move ahead myself, or to use the "Advance" command so they can pick their own paths.

The biggest notable difference for me is that enemy AI is not standing in the open anymore. I created a few quick editor missions with an enemy squad given a "Combat" behaviour waypoint in a village, and whenever I assault that village, I have to look hard for them. In A1, they would be standing in perfect wedge formation exactly on top of the waypoint, in A2 the AI scatters and hides, with just enough head showing to nail you. That improvement alone makes a massive difference for the way you as commander have to plan your assaults.

Could it be that the AI is not working as well in the demo as in the full version?

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I know the main game has had 2-3 patches so far. So that might be the reason for the difference. However so far in the demo I have seen the AI take cover just a couple of times. Enough to notice it, but not enough to affect gameplay.

What gets me about the performance is that I can run Crysis on DX9 high, with some lag when there are a ton of explosions. But can't fight more than a 20 guys in A2 without lag. I am guessing its finally time to get a new video card. :(

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Wow, the Trial by Fire mission is semi-broken. Can't get by the APC, the chopper that's called in gets blown out of the sky and I hit it with 2 RPGs and it did nothing at all. So I see the mission funkyness is still there from A1, gotta restart it for the 3rd time. The first time my team was frozen, wouldn't move to next waypoint.

I've seen the AI do both, use cover and just stand around out in the open. So that's kinda hit or miss. I'm honestly considering not buying this game next week, might wait for the patches. It'll be first time I haven't bought a BI game on release day.

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I posted a preview of the new OFP awhile back. For those that missed it, here it is again.

This was great to hear and a fear we all have.

Anyone familiar with the first Flashpoint games will no doubt be pleased that our somewhat brutal first skirmish proves Codemasters hasn't dumbed down the series for the console generation, nor has it stripped away any of the realism to make it accessible to the masses.

There's certainly room for both of these games, at least to keep BI on their toes. A good thing for us customers/fans.

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