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W2K/ GeForce2MX/ No FSAA/ No Corruption?


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Is it possible to run a win2000 (Celeron 800, 192mb, SP 2) machine with a GeForce2 MX (14.71 beta drivers) without using FSAA and get no graphical corruption in CM?

Right now, I have 2 issues. First, the white text in the status stuff at the bottom of the screen flashes or goes transparent. Whenever I go back to 2d, I cannot read the white text in text boxes.

Second, sometimes when playing an IP game, the whole status bar's bitmaps dissapear, leaving some spots of white text. The buttons are still active, if one can find them.

Any advice/hints?


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The white text problem under Win2K remains with the latest drivers (21.81). I believe you can clear it up by ESC'ing to the desktop and back. So far I've had to use FSAA for text to look proper in the 2D portions of the screen under Win2K. Disabling FSAA has caused the text corruption (on a GeForce 3).

The other issue you list with TCP/IP games is another common problem. No exact consistency with this one either (in other words, it defies being reduced to one common variable). A number of PC users who've ran into this particular TCP/IP problem were running NVidia-based video cards, but some ATI users and others have also had this problem. I don't know if ESC'ing to the desktop and back during a TCP/IP session is possible or not in order to redraw the screen.

[ 09-27-2001: Message edited by: Schrullenhaft ]

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Yes, it looks very, very pretty with FSAA forced. But I like very high res settings with a crapload of hires mods and the GeForce2 MX just cannot quite handle FSAAing 1280x960 without significant slowdown.

Thanks for the answer, schullenraft. Unfortunately, it was the one which I expected.


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