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Cover Armor arc for Normandy game!?

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Sergei is correct when he draws the difference between how I phrase things. I've tried to be quite consistent with this over the last 11 years of posting because it's helpful to be consistent :D

If I say something will definitely be in then that means it is already done or is on our "must have before we ship" list. If it isn't currently coded the form it takes might not be as discussed, but the functionality should be roughly the same. Rarely something that I say will be in, but isn't coded at the time, won't make the cut. That's because I'm really careful about saying that something will be in :)

On the opposite side of the equation, if I say something will definitely not be in then it is extremely doubtful it will be in. Sometimes we do manage to slip in something or something similar, but it isn't very likely.

The rest of the stuff fits in the squishy middle. If I say that we want something to be in, but have not promised it, then I try to say roughly what sort of priority it has and roughly when it might make an appearance. If the idea is viewed favorably, or at least neutrally, and I have not specified a rough priority... then it is in the heap of thousands of other suggestions that we consider when selecting features to implement. Chances of an one suggestion getting implemented is low simply because of the impossibility of implementing so many suggestions.

Cover Armor Arc is a feature we definitely want in the game. However, it's pretty involved and therefore we aren't promising it for Normandy. What I can say, though, is there are some other things we are planning on implementing that will make this feature more desirable and viable. But again, I can't say when that larger change will come into CM, even though I can say that I know it will. Sooner rather than later.


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