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Quick Battles: Odd Prediliction for AT, Recce Units or other odd OOBs for Blue?

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First up - I know that Battlefront has stated several times that they're not spending any more resources on tweaking Quick Battles. I'm not asking to have it fixed; I'm just wondering if anyone else has noticed what I consider an oddity.

My question is - is it generally a accepted fact that playing quick battles with small Blue forces will generally result in AT-heavy or exotic OOBs, or am I getting some of the strangest runs of random generator results I can think of?

I like small scale quick battles in real time when I have about an hour to kill and don't want to invest in a full scenario (I don't know about you gents, but if I start a scenario it's quite difficult for me to hit Alt-S and walk away).

I've noticed though that if you select medium or light infantry in US Stryker, US Heavy or Marine formations (or indeed, many "mix" forces), you often get a plethora of AT-type weapons... AT dismounts, ATs in HMMWVs, TOW teams, LAV-ATs... etc. Even when you don't get all AT weapon units, I seem to get Engineers, Recon units, pretty much everything except vanilla mechanized infantry or dismounts.

I had played through about six such "flukey" scenarios and finally I thought to myself, "Is this just dumb luck?" so I went through about a dozen more set-ups with various Blue force combinations - I'd always seem to get "exotic" OOBs - often heavy on AT assets, and almost never your average ordinary rifle squad mounted in a Stryker or Bradley. Each time I'd quit, start another scenario immediately, and get a similar recon or AT-heavy OOB. Each time it would typically be unsuited to what I'd expect to use for the scenario - two platoons of HMMWV-TOWs and no dismounts to take a town, or something similar - basically, odd duck choices.

To me it feels like trying to use a random generator to make "typical" WWII scenarios and getting captured Russian T-34s and Romanian bridging platoons for the Axis forces and Brazilian heavy anti-aircraft batteries and Kangaroo APCs for the Allies every time.

Even when I tried to be as plain as possible... village terrain, small scenario, infantry only, etc... I got a company of Engineers.

Is it possible that the Small scenario setting assumes a battle between recon-type forces? I've tried combinations of attack/assault/probe/meeting engagement defence postures and I still seem to get odd OOBs. Does the rarity/oddity even out if I select medium-sized engagments? The one common factor to all of these quick battle set-ups is that I've specified "small". Is there a setting for rarity that I've missed and perhaps jacked up?

At this point I've gotten into the Semper Fi Syria campaign, so I'm not looking for quick answers on the topic. What I'm hoping to get is if I select Small scenario, US Stryker, Medium infantry or mix, that I'd get a platoon to a company of "typical" forces - Strykers with associated infantry and the various Stryker-platform vehicles. Or if I select US Heavy mixed, I'd get a platoon of M2 Bradleys and their dismounts and maybe a tank or two. Occasionally I'd get some "odd" forces, but they'd be... "odd".

Anyhow, just an observation. It's a great game, and occasionally it's a lot of fun to play with units you're not used to (I did learn how to do breaching properly when I was saddled with those Engineers). Not so fun to try to take a infantry-defended village with a HMMWV-TOW platoon and their dismounted crews.

Strangely (or perhaps not), I often get what I'd expect going with randomly generated Red forces - a company of BMPs, a platoon or two of tanks, etc.

I guess another possibility is that the point costs for complete platoon formations is so (relatively speaking) high for Blue (vs. Red) units that in small scenarios, when the point count is limited, the generator just selects units that can fit in the point cost category and doesn't consider rarity. i.e. - Since a Bradley infantry platoon costs so much, it's not considered as an option for a Small scenario, and the command structure set-up of the CM:SF system doesn't allow for half-platoons or detached units.

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Last night I tried Attack, Medium-size, Forest-terrain, Blue US Stryker, Medium Infantry, Fit, Good Quality, no Force adjustment, Red Syrian Mechanized, Medium Infantry, Fit, Good Quality.

I got a US Stryker MOUT mechanized company, with supporting FSV and three MGSs.

The Syrians got BMP-1s and their dismounts. I didn't see any armour or specialized support equipment.

It was exactly the kind of quick battle I was hoping for, if a little large. Played in real time with occasional Esc pauses, finished in just under forty minutes.

I got caught up in the game and didn't have time to check other medium-sized set-ups, but if you're frustrated with the force mixes you get with small, try a medium set-up and see if it works better.

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