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Took a break from CMBB for a few months.. bought a new laptop, has vista unfortunately and haven't had the chance to re-install CMBB on it

been reading through horror stories of people trying to play BB on a vista machine DX 10 cards and also read threads from people who have had no problems what so ever.. so here's to me crossing my fingers and hoping everything works out again!!

I also copied and moved all my CMBB bmp, scenario and wav files from my old machine to the new one, so if everything works out I can just jump back into it from where I left off!!

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so I finally reinstalled CMBB... although the game installed properly, even with my fingers crossed the graphics are all messed up during the actual gameplay. Running the game with a GeForce 9600M GT card.. anyone have any thoughts or if I dive into the NVidia Control Panel on vista, what settings I need to be at?

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I use CMBB in vista all the time without problems, but I deliberately put in a 7000 series card. Others report just turning of AA, as Flying Column said. The only problem I know of beyond that is that sometimes the text boxes disappear (all white I mean) - but just minimizing and maximizing the screen (with alt-tab) restores them if that happens.

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I tried to disable the anti-alaising through the nvidia control panel, ran the game again and the graphics were completely unchanged from before, i.e the sky doesn't appear as anything but black and when you scroll the mouse the map edges merge into the battle ground and I get a real messed up scene. I'm sure it doesn't help at all but when I run the game, I set it to XP compatibility mode but I guess the problem is with the video card and DX10... any other thoughts about this?

Also, my Xmas wish.. for a new updated series of Combat Missions

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i'll give that a try as well.. also, for anyone here who has gotten BB to work and are using an nvidia card, what are your settings on the nvidia control panel? or should I look somewhere else on my machine to fine-tune the card for CMBB

Also I've been hearing from people that CMBO works fine on vista and I haven't tried to play it on the new machine so maybe I'll give that a go..

if nothing else works I guess I'll just concede defeat in my attempts to play this great game again!!

as a more technical question.. what exactly is the problem with these new cards and old games like BB?

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i'll give that a try as well.. also, for anyone here who has gotten BB to work and are using an nvidia card, what are your settings on the nvidia control panel? or should I look somewhere else on my machine to fine-tune the card for CMBB

Also I've been hearing from people that CMBO works fine on vista and I haven't tried to play it on the new machine so maybe I'll give that a go..

if nothing else works I guess I'll just concede defeat in my attempts to play this great game again!!

as a more technical question.. what exactly is the problem with these new cards and old games like BB?

Again, Vista isn't the problem. The problem is NVidia's DX10 drivers. You only use their DX10 drivers if you have both Vista and a 8xxx video card. If you either have a 7xxx card or non-Vista you are fine either way.

If you have Vista and DX10 video card then people report that you just have to use 2x2 AA and it runs, although slow.

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much to my surprise and chagrin, CMBO works perfectly fine on my machine...while CMBB, even with all the anti-aliasing tweaks still messes up and is unplayable.. so I'm sad to stay that I will probably be done with CMBB...unless nvidia releases an update that allows for DX5 then I'm done with this great game

needless to say, I had a great time playing this game and can't wait until the next WW2 installment of the combat mission series which I see looks like Combat Mission Normandy

but until that time, I still need my fix of ww2 action.. anyone on here ever give Theatre of War a go?

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