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sorry convoy still wrong

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When the 101a fix dealing with convoys concerning China, was it just a China fix or for all convoys? Same problem that I did not notice before when the Dutch Indies surrendered my Japan total mpp's went from 210 to 157, I then removed the East Indies convoys due to a suggestion by Scottsmm [thank you Scottsmm] and my Japan total went from 157 to 249 in the very next turn plus my other convoy mpp's, something needs to be corrected here I think.


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Hi Willy

What's happening when the DEI surrenders is that the Dutch at Batavia are destroying vital port installations before it falls. This prevents the convoy from starting up for five turns, and is why (if you've already taken the oilfields on Sumatra) your income will drop then rise.

It is a slightly roundabout way of achieving the intended result. We did experiment in beta testing with having the DEI set to scorched earth on invasion, but it actually made the DEI far too hard for the Japanese to take. In fact, we had allied players stopping the Japanese dead in their tracks here for a very long time, even though the allied defenders of Java were operating on a shoestring.

I've always wanted the DEI to be a potential battleground between adhoc allied formations and the Japanese early in the war, but the overall advantage should, unless the Japanese invest too little in the invasion, be in favour of the Japanese.

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I always appreciate your candor and helpful remarks Scotty, and Bill I want to thank you for getting right on the forum about this but I feel I am not explaining myself right. Bill your right I did take the oil fields first in DEI but I still think you have a convoy problem, I accidently discovered it a week ago and you addressed it for China. The first mpp in the column of mpp's is Japan after that come the convoy mpp's for each country captured, I understand about the convoy out of DEI not being up to snuff for 4 or 5 turns. When DEI

surrendered my Japan mpp's went from 205 to 157, the next turn it stayed at 157 plus whatever convoys I had going to Japan, but when I turned the convoys off in the scripts I jumped to 249 which tells me you have a major convoy problem, now because of Scotty's comment of turning off the convoy routes I can play the game without a problem, and I personally dont care if it is fixed or not but I did want you to know about it Bill.

Sorry if this causes a problem for the programers.


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Hi Willy

You were explaining yourself correctly as what you've described is actually exactly what I expected, as you were taking income from the oilfields before the DEI surrendered. Then the DEI surrenders and Japan's income from the DEI now relies on the convoy, but as the convoy won't start working for 5 turns due to the port's destruction, your income will fall before rising again.

If you were to play with the convoy scripts on, then after the strength of Batavia's port has risen back to 5 then your income should go back up to 205 (or even more if you've made further conquests by then).

As Japan relied on imports of raw materials, turning the convoy scripts off means that an allied submarine strategy is no longer a feasible method of draining Japan's income. It's up to you of course, but my own preference would be to play with the convoys in effect.

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Hi Willy

You were explaining yourself correctly as what you've described is actually exactly what I expected, as you were taking income from the oilfields before the DEI surrendered. Then the DEI surrenders and Japan's income from the DEI now relies on the convoy, but as the convoy won't start working for 5 turns due to the port's destruction, your income will fall before rising again.

If you were to play with the convoy scripts on, then after the strength of Batavia's port has risen back to 5 then your income should go back up to 205 (or even more if you've made further conquests by then).

As Japan relied on imports of raw materials, turning the convoy scripts off means that an allied submarine strategy is no longer a feasible method of draining Japan's income. It's up to you of course, but my own preference would be to play with the convoys in effect.

Will do thank you Bill, are you from Reading Pa. or some other Reading?


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