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How to pull of sea lion?

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OK, playing a game as Germany. Have a decent defense in the east, try to pull off sea lion.. i am able to neuter the Royal Navy. Get all my guys loaded up on transports. Manual says that you can land them on any coastal tile. wrong, i pull up about 15 transports, manage to land 2 or 3 units, that are then not able to go anywhere because they are out of supply. How does this work? i suppose i need to take a port right away for supply issues.. ok.. but how do i land my guys near a port? i can land a few south of london, but two units out of supply attack london is of course not going to work. So i get some other guys to land in the north to try to capture scapa flow.. only i can't. you cant land troops up there. whats the deal?

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It all depends on supply.If your invasion troops are low on supply and land beside or go to move besdie an enemy unit then if your supply is to low you cant move.

As far as landing anywhere goes,you should be able to invade any beach hex(unless its snow or ice)that any land unit can move onto.

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Build you're paratroops early so the one you get later will give you 3, you'll also need another TAC. Use you fighters to clear the skies over London area while you're bringing in your subs.

Right after France falls, amphib a couple of armies, HQ, perhaps a Panzer group and bring the Kriegsmarine into the North Sea under your air umbrella.

Block off the English Channel, one end with subs the other with the KM, bomb the crap out of the English while landing your amphibs and use your FJs to capture a port or London, follow with the HQ.

If you don't get a supply source your HQ will have 5 supply, get it next to your landed forces and definitely clear a supply source next turn with your bombers, you may need the Italian AFs if your opponent is an SC vet.

If your opponent has purchased the engineer and built fortifications next to London and port, forget Sealion and go take out Malta and expand into Africa.

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