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problem w/finishing on-time

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Hi all,

I guese its just-me,, but in most "user-created-scenarios", I have a

problem with not having enough time to finish the scenario, and I

admit Im not a fast-player, but thats WHY I play strategy games for;

the time to think-out the strategy!!],, maybe Im just

too-slow[and its true to-a-point, my personality is a slow-detailed,and methodical-type]

but that-aside, I do wish more designers would add "more-time" to

their scenarios.

[ive only finished one on-time, and it was one of the best ever!!;

"rock-around the block"]

I wish that future designers would take a hint from that scenario!

and add more-time to theirs!

ok,,I'LL get-off my soap-box now,,,

let the flamming begin!

have a good-day everyone!

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Are you playing real time or turn based. If you are playing real time, I'd say for your personality that you should play turn based. You will have greater efficiency of your assets which should give you better results over real time.

I would find myself fighting one side of the map and then going back and fighting the other side. When in turn based you get to do both at the same time.

Some things I don't like in turn based but you have to take it with a grain of salt.

Let me know which one you play so I can give some feedback directed at that approach.

By the way... I hate timed missions in any game ...even xbox types...:mad:

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Are you playing real time or turn based. If you are playing real time, I'd say for your personality that you should play turn based. You will have greater efficiency of your assets which should give you better results over real time.

I would find myself fighting one side of the map and then going back and fighting the other side. When in turn based you get to do both at the same time.

Some things I don't like in turn based but you have to take it with a grain of salt.

Let me know which one you play so I can give some feedback directed at that approach.

By the way... I hate timed missions in any game ...even xbox types...:mad:

yep,,Im playing RT,, I agree w/you, I should go-back to TB.

Thnx for the kind Tips!,,I appreciate-it,,,,

I had thought about turn-based,,but I wanted to try RT, because

of all the TB-games w/CMBB, I'LL switch w/my next game today.

IMHO, a timer for any-CM-sim, should be an option, NOT mandatory!!

TheReal-armed-forces dont have a time-Limit!!!.


[funny-pun ->> "col.J Doe to his CO, about an "F18 mission" he's about

to go-on; "sir, you mean I have to be back to the carrier in 45-minutes!!,,



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No the real armed forces don't have timers, but they do have to do things under a schedule imposed by command. Command doesn't say capture that when you want, they say get it done in the next few hours and be ready to move onto the next objective. I agree that another hour could be added for larger scenarios, but few scenarios have ever made me go longer than the time limit. I approach all scenarios with a mix of speed and caution. Especially when I use Marines. You just can't spend all day taking an objective when command expects you to blow through multiple objectives in a day. I just try and suspend reality and keep in mind that this is a simulation and external factors often affect things. That is my justification.

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The Pause (Esc) button is your friend, General. I don't like the WEGO system (except for the video capture ability). I play RT and use pause alot...I'll plot out a few "moves" ahead for my side (Quick move to Building A, clear first floor, clear second floor, quick/fast to Building B..) then when it goes to ****e, I pause and reissue orders again. I never care about time, because I'm in it for the fun of watching my pixeltruppen dance tot my tune, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHa...or not.

Anyhoo, I don't like the timer function for the simple reason that it shuts me out from finishing the game if I feel that there is more that I can accomplish (or lose!) in the scenario.

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GEN Moore does have a point.

If this were 'real world' the simplest scenarios on the smallest maps would have max time to play them through. You hear of ambushes or attacks in Iraq that have extended for most of a day - reproduced as scenarios they'd be reduced to 50 min if you're lucky. And I say that speaking as someone whose constructed a dozen scenarios (more-or-less). My scenarios tend to average about 55 min in length. Any time under that and I can't do what needs to get done, any time over that and I start to get restless while playing. So I have to build towards that 55 minute goal. Which means being careful how far I have to walk my men, being careful not to disperse the objectives so far apart that they can't all be reached. Which is not good. I'm designing to the clock, not the tactical situation.

Y'know, I've got a pile of scenarios in mid-design at the moment. I should take my own advice and add at least add another :15 to game length.

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GEN Moore, you're right man. I feel the same way and have argued those points in many threads.

Military operations do have a time limit obviously, but there are many instances where a unit may be in battle for many hours.

So... while many scenarios should be limited to under 2 hours depending on the mission at hand, some scenarios require more time. MikeyD is right. Imagine where you're sitting in an outpost and are faced with a relentless enemy attack? Or a special ops mission where you have to use stealth to accomplish your goals? Or having to jumpstart a stalled urban assault?

It seems like common sense to me. Is there a technical reason why scenarios can't go more than 2hrs and 15mins?

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Thnx solders,, Im glad Im not the only one that gets a little

twisted-w/the timer thingey,, maybee in a future patch??,,

and future scenario/designers will heed this thread.

I promiss to give plenty of time if/and when I start creating scenarios!!

I did switch-over to TB today, and got more-pleasing results!

It reminds me of the show I saw on the Military-channel about the

TET-Offensive->"Veitnam-campaign, for all you young-people",, and

how it took a few-company's of marines to go-50ft. across the street! and it

took up-to 2-days to go those hard-faught 50ft!,,

to the "Hanoi-Palace, I think it was??",, and they lost something like 100-solders

in the process!

Great thread!!

Thnx solders!!

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