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IMac Freezing

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I'm into Macs playing this stuff, and Macs work like a breeze (better than my dodgy PC mates). I'm not sure about the demo problems (but my demos worked fine). Just get the official software, pay the dough, reward the hard-working ordinary souls who have developed the software, and you should be fine. I play on bog-standard iMacs and iBooks, and it all works fine. Is your stuff totally standard? Good luck; this is the best thing since Squad Leader, if you know what that means.

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At what point are you getting the freezing in the game ? Do you mean you have the 1.02 Gold Demo or actually the 1.00 Gold Demo ? To be honest both should work the same (a few tweaks within the game, that wouldn't affect the potential to lock up or not).

How much memory do you have allocated to CM ? You may want to increase that amount. You may also want to close down any other programs you may have running in the background. I've heard of some people having problems with Netscape being open. I'd also suggest reducing the number of extensions and control panels that you are loading up (at least temporarily).

As REVS asked - do you have any non-standard hardware hooked up to your iMac, especially USB devices ?

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Guest Madmatt

Here are some more general suggestions for Macs.

1. If you're running Norton Disklight - turn it OFF.

2. Try setting your desktop to 640x480 before launching CM. If that works,

try 800x600 (or 832x624).

3. The backside cache may be causing problems. You can disable it with

"G3/G4 Cache Profiler" from www.powerlogix.com . I think it's free.


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