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Everything posted by Ericfoos

  1. The fixit sites are saying that zapping the PRAM will get you your resolutions back.
  2. The fixit sites are saying that zapping the PRAM will get you your resolutions back.
  3. I am also using airport and am able to play TCP/IP games with just 7023 mapped to my IP.
  4. OS 9.2.1 on a Pismo 500 here and having no problems whatsoever with CMBO or any other program for that matter. As with any system upgrade, I installed the 9.2.1 update with ALL extensions off. I have seen on some message boards lately people suggesting doing it with the Apple base extensions on, this would probably cause problems since the ATI/OpenGL drivers would be enabled under that config.
  5. Use shift-p to toggle the show paths option.
  6. Look for an extension called ObjectSupportLib. If it is in the extensions folder, CHUCK IT! The functionality that it provided was rolled into the system file around OS 8 but unfortunately, some installers don't know that and it gets installed anyways. I've seen Mac's act wacky and removing it solved the problem. http://til.info.apple.com/techinfo.nsf/artnum/n60184
  7. Did you already try shutting off the intro movie? I believe you hold the space bar down while it launches. Helped my intermittant freezing prob when I had the demo (all 2 weeks until I got the full)
  8. ugh [This message has been edited by Ericfoos (edited 01-23-2001).]
  9. Thanks Jason. The assault boat I added as a larf must be the problem. I'm away from home and don't have my manual. If you add one, when you start the game and choose Axis, the single player is not available, just like you say the manual says. I'll remove it out of the battle.
  10. I created a battle, but when I go to test play it, I can only play it as 1 person when I select the Allies. What did I do to make playing against the computer with me being the Axis not be available? Thanks.
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