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I've got some questions on the editor for anyone who has some familiarity with it:

1. I've put in an extra resource into a country, activated by an event, but it starts off at zero. During play testing it increases at 1 point per turn, like a damaged resource. Is there any way to get it to start at a higher level?

2. Is there any way to run the game in debug mode so it can bypass openning and closing screens and perhaps load and run faster? I'm testing in two player hotseat, which seems the fastest way to do it, but it is slow going openning and closing the game everytime I want to test a small change.

3. I want to use the standard text font and size .. any idea what it is? I've tried a few alternatives but it doesn't quite look right.

Thanks, Makris

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Hi Makris!

In answer to your questions:

1. If I've understood you correctly, you would like a resource to start the game at zero, and then at some later point for it to be activated and start producing MPPs, but for it not to start at 1 but at a higher figure?

If so, you could try having the resource belong to a neutral power, for the portion of territory this resource is in to be transferred to an active country on the date when the event occurs. I think this will give it a starting strength of 5, but I've not tried it myself so you'll need to experiment here.

Otherwise, I'm afraid that there isn't another way round it that I can think of, though you could always set the event to fire a little earlier so that the total MPP effect is the same.

If you meant that you wanted the resource to start the game at (say) 5 and then to increase to 10 then there is a way, but it requires the supply connection to pass through a land-sea tile, so it may not be relevant to your design. If it is, take a look at Ceylon and Trincomalee in Operation Z.

2. I'm afraid not, I appreciate your situation here as I had to test and retest the first few turns of Operation Z literally hundreds of times.

3. If you open up Operation Z in the editor, then by selecting the text icon you can right click on existing text on the map and it will tell you what font, font size, shadows, etc the text has. Make a note of it and you'll be able to then use this information in your scenario.

Good luck!

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Anyone who uses the editor to create their own versions of these games is due maximum respect as far as I am concerned. Bill has answered all your questions far better than I ever could but I just wanted to add some encouragement to a potential future modder.

Good luck to you, sir! I look forward to trying out some of your scenarios in the future... the editor is the bee's knees IMHO. Time invested in it is time well spent.

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Thanks for the comments Bill101 and the encouragement Moonslayer. I'm working on an alternative history mod of Operation Z. It is only a minor modification of the stock scenario, but it creates an interesting rebalancing of forces in the Pacific. I'm just playtesting it now.

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