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Everything posted by Makris

  1. I looked through my saved games, and unfortunately the only ones I have are either of Brisbane occupied, but with the port still held by the Allies, or ones that are several turns before it is occupied.
  2. Thanks for the reply Bill. There weren't any allied troops in the area, but just this turn I moved a unit along the coast from the north of Brisbane south, and once it passed through the southern coastal square it triggered the port's destruction. I have the saved game if you want it.
  3. I captured Brisbane a few turns ago, but the number in the port square remained red. This turn an allied transport landed in the port square and unload a unit while I was still in occupation of the city! I am unable to move any ships into the port square myself, or work out how to capture it. I'm wondering if this has something to do with the city being part of the US in game terms. Any thoughts? Thanks, Makris
  4. I'm playing Japan against the AI, and China surrendered perhaps nearly two years ago. It seems to be generating very few MPPs for me: it was only creating 11 for a while, and now it is only creating 18. Is this WAD? Thanks, Makris
  5. I'm playing a game as the Japanese versus the AI, and it is putting up a reasonable fight. However, I've notice a few odd behaviours that the developers might be interested in looking into: 1. Brisbane is currently surrounded by a Japanese fleet, but the AI keeps loading units into amphibious transports in the harbour each turn, which I destroy each turn. 2. I have a small fleet stationed a way off the Japanese coast. Every few weeks the AI sends a single unescorted transport right into the fleet where it is destroyed. This has happened several times, and the fleet hasn't moved in that time. 3. My troops are dug in all along the Burma-India border. The UK AI has been building up troops along that border now for a few years. I can see around twenty or more infantry units, plus a few other types of units. Even though it outnumbers me about 2 or 3-1, it has only done some minor skirmishing along the border. This may be WAD, but it isn't strategically that sound: tieing up so many troops for so long with no real gain. Makris
  6. Thanks for the comments Bill101 and the encouragement Moonslayer. I'm working on an alternative history mod of Operation Z. It is only a minor modification of the stock scenario, but it creates an interesting rebalancing of forces in the Pacific. I'm just playtesting it now.
  7. I've got some questions on the editor for anyone who has some familiarity with it: 1. I've put in an extra resource into a country, activated by an event, but it starts off at zero. During play testing it increases at 1 point per turn, like a damaged resource. Is there any way to get it to start at a higher level? 2. Is there any way to run the game in debug mode so it can bypass openning and closing screens and perhaps load and run faster? I'm testing in two player hotseat, which seems the fastest way to do it, but it is slow going openning and closing the game everytime I want to test a small change. 3. I want to use the standard text font and size .. any idea what it is? I've tried a few alternatives but it doesn't quite look right. Thanks, Makris
  8. Thanks Hubert, and for your prompt emails this morning UK time Martin. The problem is now sorted. I do remember seeing that screen, and thinking I should probably read it all rather than just clicking to download the game. I'd bought the game just after reformating the drive on my laptop, reintalling windows, finding drivers, and setting up a wireless network ... so in the mood for reading screens I wasn't! Best, Makris
  9. Hello, I just bought and downloaded the game. I did the transaction through Paypal, and only recieved a confirmation email of the purchase through them. Nothing on that email appears to work as a license number. If Battlefront sent me an email as well I didn't receive it, and it may be a problem with my hosting company bouncing some foreign email (long story ... it's not in the spam folder, and I had to register for this site via google for the same reason). I don't have a Battlefront store account since I bought it through PayPal, so I can't get the license sent to another address (as I did with the board registration). Could someone at Batlefront respond and I'll forward you my Paypal proof of purchase. Thanks, Makris
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