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Z Aar

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It should finish in 1945 and Colin's inexperience with where partisans pop up did give him a headache, how unprepared he was for my massive US air fleet up north and letting it destroy his convoy which is as much as 300mpp less each turn. I have to admit I exploited that because I knew he would most likely not have one unit on that village =) .

IMO, he also spent way too many MPPs using amphibious troops to take islands that have zero value. Sure I could have put some bombers on there to spot but there is not much to spot and I get too spot later on as I need it with my LR Carriers.

Playing Japan can be very fun because you dictate the game for the most part and even later on if you have prepared properly you can really frustrate the Allies even with all their superior tech.

That hardest thing that players will have to learn as Japan is when you need to start thinking defense and where you will make stands to slow the Allies. I have not seen much of that in our game and I think Colin is now aware that he did not prepare for defense as he should have. Except for Japan which is packed like sardines with units.

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August 1944, China is held up due to rain and our units await air support since they are well aware of Japan's fierce infantry.

Russia captures 3 cities in Manchuria. Russia is moving in ok and it still does not have all its heavy tanks on the front.

A massive US fleet moves in to eliminate the convoy from China to Japan. We pretty much dare the IJN to come out for a fight.

We send a naval battle group down to DEI, time to take this one back and we find just one bomber on the capital.

Overall the US air power refits.

Check out Japan in the screeshot and the front line in Western China.



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September 1944. We take away ALL convoys. Japan is alone in the night...

Their last carrier makes a strike at one of my BBs, it was pretty beat up because it only caused 3 points of damage to my BB, when I move in to sink it it has STR 5 Carrier and STR 0 air. I also sink a sub. All I see now is 1 destroyer and 1 sub. But I have a carrier in range for one of them plus 3 japan air... so I know it is in danger.

Russia is simply overpowering Japan, they really had no defenses prepared for the big bear as we take another city.

In China we lose a unit but we manage to take another city and kill another unit so for the first time the casualties on the front are greater on Japan. Pretty good considering my air is still not in action but is now fully refited and ready for combat.



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My amphib units survives the attack and take overs Shanghai.

Manchuko is liberated. Russia is piling on heavily and those heavy tanks are going to be quite useful for DDay PTO.

We advance in West China, we take another city and US air power puts on a show and we think Chungking will be ours next turn.



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That unit is being bought back, USA was out of units too buy outside of BBs, CAs, DDs and Subs. In the mean time a US Heavy Bomber lands in Shanghai.

Hong Kong is liberated, DEI liberated.

Chungking is taken by the Allies, now we have to race all the way north if we wish to liberate China and Communist China.

Korea will be under Soviet control next turn, heavy tanks are brutal and I only have L3.

We officially kill our first unit on mainland Japan (TAC Bomber). I am sure he has plenty of units to take his place! That is going to be one heck of a fight.

Philippines are still in Japanese hands.

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Nov 1944.

Japan tank fights to the end and dies bravely while attacking the enemy. Another HQ falls in China and the allies rush for the North hoping to liberate China and Communist China.

Peking is attacked by the Russians.

Korea will be under Russian control next turn. The Japanese paratrooper jumps home but is damaged when landing and the allies pounce and destroy it.

The Allies go a little nuts all over Japan this turn, they kill 3 other units, all air units and damage that ruthless anti air L2 unit down to 5. As well no need for atomic bombs, I think only 1-2 cities are producing over 3 MPPs. Protecting that little spot of Japanese land up north will be crucial, this is what hurt him the most, I probably took away over 2500 MPPs if not more just using my units up there.

Although Japan might get a chance to sink one of my carriers as a fully loaded IJN carrier comes off the production line, although it has no tech I doubt one of my carriers will survive two attacks plus the surrounding air close by, even if that air is damaged.

The liberation of the Philippines is under way.

The british sport a brand new carrier, 2 DDs and 1BB.

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Dec 1944... nothing is happening, UK moves north of China, we sink the carrier they had just received, I should lose a BB next turn, Philippine unit is killed and it will be liberated next turn.

Korea will be under Russian control next turn. Peking is under siege by the Russians.

Okinawa and Taiwan are HEAVILY manned by Japanese troops.

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Jan 1945. The Allies launch a surprise attack on Japan... we LAND! 4 American units land and take over a village, although that village is at 1 of supply. But more troops are on the way... some big BAD ones too ;) . Japan is heavily bombed again... Colin, how many MPPs are you getting now?

We kill 3 air units on Taiwan and Okinawa.

Korea is under Russian control.

Philippines are liberated.

Peking is liberated. The Russians move more into China hoping to grap as much land as possible from their futur enemies.

China North is going to fall so it looks as if we will manage to liberate everthing on the map.



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Thanks Rambo.

Well Japanese consider a banzai push but are distracted by the beautiful snow and do not really reach the US marines.

This won't last much longer, I made some errors though I think Russian entry has a lot to do with this situation too - it means its really very hard for Japan to profit in the long term from taking China. I used the MPP from the surrender to buy lots more units but a similar number were trashed by the Russians. If the Allies entering SE Asia had hit the full Japanese arms they would have had trouble and the extra MPP would have fed into the Naval side which I lost some time ago.

Its not THAT hard for US to take Japan though I should have defended the islands to the North of Japan for sure.

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I will do a small recap of newbie errors made by Colin I that I know he will not repeat.

1) He left cities in Manchuko unmanned 3 times and I got increased Russian activation 3 times because of this.

2) I exploited his newbie experience by quickly capturing that northern village. There was a chance for him to kick me out with his navy early on but it was sent after the UK fleet. He probably did not see long term consequences by letting me build up an air base, in the end I have now taken away over 2500mpps via bomber raids just from that location. I am sure anyone reading this thread will now place one unit on that village at the begining of the game.

3) China and the use of bombers, they were used to attack units instead of cities. I always had enough MPPs to buy more units and reinforce, not as many as I lost but enough to keep China alive for a long time. When the bombers are used against the cities it causes more MPP damage than a single point of damage to a unit cost to reinforce and it reduces supply to current units making them easier to kill.

Some other stuff that I do not really consider a game changer for this game and I will let other players discover for themselves what they are as they play.

The IJN, for sure he will do better in future games but he did ok. Again I will not say more as players can discover how best to play the IJN.


Jan 2009

A Winter invasion is really in force. Many units are damaged in Japan by shore bombarding to help out the landed US troops resist a counter attack as they await supplies. One is killed guarding Nagasaki and a bomber unit is killed up North.

A Russian tank and HQ land on Japan, yep the ruskies what a piece of that action as they swing for the northern part of Japan.

A suicide corps is sent in the south to force units to stay in that area. Brave souls!

The destruction of Taiwan and Okinawa is under way. A massive air fleet is around Shanghai.

Commie China is saved by UK. The Russians are not happy!


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First repeat of Blashy ** Then me **

1) He left cities in Manchuko unmanned 3 times and I got increased Russian activation 3 times because of this. ** Yes, I think at one point I thought Russian entry was inevitable so I stopped trying to garrison as heavily and did not understand how to ramp up the garrison later to keep Stalin quiet. **

2) I exploited his newbie experience by quickly capturing that northern village. There was a chance for him to kick me out with his navy early on but it was sent after the UK fleet. He probably did not see long term consequences by letting me build up an air base, in the end I have now taken away over 2500mpps via bomber raids just from that location. I am sure anyone reading this thread will now place one unit on that village at the begining of the game. ** A good move. I felt did not have the resources to garrison heavily though did realize there could be problems. Actually I with I had put a bomber one island further from Japan and seen him coming. **

3) China and the use of bombers, they were used to attack units instead of cities. I always had enough MPPs to buy more units and reinforce, not as many as I lost but enough to keep China alive for a long time. When the bombers are used against the cities it causes more MPP damage than a single point of damage to a unit cost to reinforce and it reduces supply to current units making them easier to kill. ** Good point. **

The IJN, for sure he will do better in future games but he did ok. Again I will not say more as players can discover how best to play the IJN. ** I felt I was too passive after Pear Harbour and before I hit the UK fleet but did not have the MPP to reinforce and upgrade my fleet and build a ground force in China so chose the latter.**

** Blashy - we need to verify this but I think not holding NZ might be a mistake - think I did quite well out of that. **

** In may ways I had more technology than I could affort. Naval warfare 2 is great but it costs a lot to get your fleet into the new technology. Similarly, by the time I got advanced air 3 it was too late. Mobility is useful - in China I wish I'd had it to get into difficult terrain. Actually, given the Japanese speed of advance through jungles I might suggest they have it at start with a couple of the Burma and Singapore units upgraded. **

** One other surprise - the Dutch air force fights on - was not expecting this, after all both NL and Dutch East Indies were occupied by this point. **

** Felt I should have deployed AA and Art in Burma to slow him down. I do not think taking India was possible at high water mark without losing momentum in China. **

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Blashy ** me first thought ** <<<me second thoughts >>>

3) China and the use of bombers, they were used to attack units instead of cities. I always had enough MPPs to buy more units and reinforce, not as many as I lost but enough to keep China alive for a long time. When the bombers are used against the cities it causes more MPP damage than a single point of damage to a unit cost to reinforce and it reduces supply to current units making them easier to kill. ** Good point. ** <<<Actually on second thought I am not so sure is so obvious. I'm sure Blashy is right on MPP but there is also demoralization and reduced of his ability for immediate counterattack and loss of experience. >>>

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I left NZ to be captured, I wanted to see what would happen with Australia's home guard as I never saw it in beta. NZ is easy to defend with one unit, not guaranteed to not fall vs. the IJN but it would make them waste allot of time in that area.

The bombers do much better at taking away MPPs, remember they demoralize the unit on that city on the same time. I was quite impressed at how many Chinese units I was pumping out. Try it next time, I am sure you will see a much faster fall of China.

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This third wave invasion is a big one, we take 4 cities, will lose 1 for sure but the other 3 are permanently in Allied hands.

We land all over the island. Not much firepower left in Japan now.

We liberate China and will most likely miss the liberation of New Zealand by a hair before this game is over.

Screen shots attached.



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Another wave, Japan has 2 cities and 1 village left.

We take Taiwan and Okinawa.

In China the battle lines are being drawn between Russia and the Allies, the cold war is going to have a different feeling with Russia having all that extra territory, even part of Japan.



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The next few turns will be pretty bland, I am letting him keep Hiroshima and Tokyo. He asked to see the A bombs so we will wait until August which is when they start. Although they might not because I already have so much territory on the Island. Actually I think they will not trigger at all because of how much I progressed. I will have to check the scripts.

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