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I was hovering around 450 for ages - you were eating into my MPP in Burma but I was grabbing new stuff as fast. when China fell it was 550 MPP - I'd lost the convoys but gained there. I might have been briefly at 750ish if I'd got China slightly faster.

Nasty weather break - Japanese consolidate.

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USA Take back Wake Island.

UK liberates Vietnam by killing the HQ.

Tanks are on the way to Singapore.

The 4 Western most Chinese villages are under partisan control, 20mpps for China!

Convoys are still down.

Russian bear is waking up... about freaking time.

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Japan deploys to the US border - did not look at scripts but it might have scared Stalin off for now. I guess before my garrison was too little even though had all cities occupied around the border.

Apart from that we bomb a few partisans and protect our air force.

I'm starting to get a feel for the allied problem - its not SO easy to collapse my position THAT fast despite their superiority in air and sea. The push into China will take some time and effort and I've still got MPP and strategic options. Without China I'd be dead.

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Ooops, I mean USSR border. Hope that caused a panic ;-)

Was wondering if you had snuck some units in Canada :eek:

I like playing JPN because of what you are experiencing now. They get to take all the initiative with attacks in the beginning of the war but then need to switch to defense near the end. Knowing how and when makes a complete game for me.

The Allies can't really play a measured defense in the beginning due to the lack of hardware on the ground. With the caveat of China, it's a more of a one-sided mentality.. no defense, just attack!

Blashy has proven this wonderfully this time around, opting for build-up and research, and not really focusing on the defense, maybe save India, which I'm surprised didn't fall or get dented.

But just remember, you'll just need to hold on to your homeland and Chungking for that minor victory! ;)

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India is pretty hard to crack, UK gets allot of units and if you do invest in them instead of the navy (which I did) you can pretty much have more units than Japan. If Japan has more units it means China will live on and IMHO that is the key in this game, you have to get China to surrender.

UK kills the HQ on Singapore so it should fall next turn. We move into China by taking another city (Kumning). Long range shows that Borneo has one airfleet defending.

We take Guam.

Rain prevents me from bombing his convoy ports but they are still down. This leaves my air free to attack a TAC bomber unit in Manchuria and I manage to eliminate the unit after 2 fighter attacks on it, I do not know if it was damaged already of if my super fighters are showing their might (L4 Fighters).

Solomon islands are under attack and we expect more Japanese units to arrive, that one fighter squadron is holding on best it can.

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There is a really easy counter to what you just said, and that would be to either transport the troops from China (after it surrenders), or operationally move them near India. In which case a player could take out both India, and China, and therefore would then be able to hit the islands hard, and just maybe mainland USA...

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Not really as they are not rails that take you all the way to India.

And as I said, India can easily be stacked with lots of units.

Maybe India can be taken vs. the AI at the standard setting but not the highest one.

As for mainland USA... never gonna happen vs. the AI at higher settings or a human player.

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Yeah, US defensive script gives them tons of infantry to defend, plus their overworked production queue placements.

I tried a West Coast scenario in the beginning of a game. My 6 army and 1 HQ units fought very poorly after a trans Pac voyage, and I could not hope to match the handful of fresh and supplied US units.

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What about simply transporting the units from Rangoon to India. That can be done. By the way the US & Canada can be taken it becomes a blood bath though, and you need much more then 6 armies, and 1 HQ. I usually go with about 3 tanks, 8 armies, 2 corps, 2 tactical bombers, 2 fighters, 3-4 HQ's, 5 special forces, and 1 artillery. Some aren't there for the immediate fighting, but will eventually get there. I also have every naval unit I have at my disposal. Probably like 10 aircraft carriers, 8 battleships, 5-6 cruisers, 3 subs, and 4 destroyers.

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So not much really, Stalin tells the soviets to probe Japan defenses and they do which results in a massacre since I have L0 IW and Japan is at L2. But my US Airpower up north bombs the two cities closest to Russia as Russia pulls back.

Up north of Manchuria we show up with L3 tanks and with their 2 strikes the Russian take that city easily.

An error on Japan's part as they leave Communits China unmanned a partisan pops up.

Way west in China one Japanese unit moves in but the Russians show up for support and even with lesser tech that unit is in very poor supply so we expect it to retreat.

A Fighter keeps attacking Iwo Jima and getting hits.

Very small advances in China for UK, rain keeps the US airpower from being operational.

I major naval engagement is probably about to occur soon enough.

The Russian navy starts bombing Japan in the north under cover of US airpower.

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I didn't realize Communist partisans are so likely - Japan has so few forces that its impossible to be everywhere. But we kill another Soviet unit and sink an Allied cruiser.

I think I'm joining the chorus that feel Soviet intervention at this stage is overkill.

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Yes, in this game Stalin seems there only to dogpile..which I guess can be more or less his strategy historically.

The game now takes an ahistorical bent now, however. It becomes just a matter of Japan holding on for dear life, giving ground up slowly while making the Allies pay.

Definitely, as a handicap, the more advanced player should be orchestrating Japan.

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The Russians are weak in terms of armies but their level3 heavy tanks with 2 strikes do ok, we managed to kill 2 units and our US friends up north bomb the cities in Manchuko.

Slow moving in China but progress is made as a couple of units are taken down.

At sea USA shows their very long range tech and take out a battleship and a destroyer around the Philippines as we move in closer with our armada.

We take Iwo Jima and two other small islands.

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We are in July 1944.

In China we take the city just next to the Vietnam border. We move in next to Chunking but that one will be bloody for me as his units are experienced. My air will be key for that battle.

We liberate part of Borneo.

We take another island basically the whole chain east of Iwo Jima are under US control (so is Iwo Jima).

My navy is totally chewing up his navy. I kill 2 battleships, 1 cruiser and 1 carrier with only 3 of my carriers. My extreme long range of air all over the place is making it impossible for him to hide. This was all done around the Philippines. Long range is simply key for both sides, if USA ends up with LR early and Japan does not have it trying to surprise the US navy is near impossible as you always see them coming. Basically if you do us Japan's navy actively, do it early and fast. If you have no LR tech then hide it very well for the end game invasion to help slow it down.

The UK navy gets a small revenge for its earlier losses as west of the Philippines two UK battleships sink a cruiser. UK is back up to 5 ships after the initial navy was left 4 dead by the admiralty.

In Russia my heavy tank kills 2 more units while my TAC kills one anti tank unit. My US bombers flatten a good part of Manchuria.

1945 is looking more and more like DDay PTO style.

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I agree with your long range aircraft postulate, Blashy. For scouting and interception, this war tech is critical for both sides. If JPN neglects to take Wake or even Guam early on, the US has a great spy post by just putting a Bomber there with LR.

Also, more importantly, it saves the carrier groups from being killed en masse. On offense it allows for kills in stand off range, while letting your BB and CA get into the fray as a shield. This reduces the odds that the opponents carriers will spot your carriers as they move in to kill your bait.

On defense it allows your carriers to move spread out in CAP. If one carrier is unlucky to be spotted/attacked the others can help defend at range.

Oh, and it's fun to snipe repairing vessels in port from another island group!

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I agree too and its nice Japan starts with an edge in aircraft range. I was investing and got one hit but, especially as upgrades cost, Japan cannot win this technology race if US really goes in heavy. Its inevitable my fleet it outclassed at this point, plus there is also the intelligence edge that the Allies enjoy. I have to say LR air has been hugely helpful to me in China.

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August 1945, the ships that took out my UK navy gets pulverized by the US Navy, plus I spot a BB in Taiwan (Intelligence hit) move a carrier to attack it and one IJN Carrier intercepts, my attack kills the BB I use my second for the CV and it goes down as well.

I am pretty sure I have full command of the sea by now.

In China we are at the gates of Chungking and little reinforcements are on the way for Japan , so 2 units, 1 HQ and one incoming tank are all that is left defending that area. We damage one unit pretty good and another that is on the city next to the mine. Or partisans unit moves from his city of 10mpps to take over that mine of 15mpps.

Russia is on the offensive, with supply so poor for Japan in Manchuria even my no tech land units cause good damage to Japan's L2 IW. A couple of cities should fall next turn.

Our air power up north of Japan keeps flattening Manchuria and keeping convoys out of the game.

He is stacking units on Japan, filling in pretty much any spot to land on.

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