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Will mouse wheel actually zoom the camera?


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In TOW1 the mouse wheel is moving the camera up&down, instead of zooming (in contrary to what the options screen says). Especially in the camera modes "lock to center" & "lock to cursor" this behavior is:

1) useless, because your area of interest goes out of the screen (this should happen only when scrolling)

2) redundant, because you can change the altitude of the camera by vertical mouse movement (without losing sight to the current area of interest)

The mouse wheel should zoom the camera or move it along it's current view axis, not in vertical. At least in the two orbiting camera mode mentioned above.

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I've spent some quality playing time with the latest TOW2 beta we're testing currently this weekend, and wanted to add a general comment to what Sneaksie said: the general interface in TOW2 is MUCH improved and MUCH more smooth over the original title. Not that TOW1 has a bad GUI, far from it (given the challenge to command lots of units on large battlefields in real time) but TOW2 has really polished it further. Not least of which is thanks to a whole bunch of good suggestions from this very board.

The zoom feature is one such improvement that helps getting around the map, but there are many others (I especially like the little speed-o-meter on top of the screen where you can set game speed to pause, 1/2, 1x and 2x) with one click. Now you can control much bigger forces without having to pause all the time. Great feature for anyone who isn't 12 years old and not used to the usual clickfest-RTS games out there :)

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