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I have been mulling over the idea of putting together a website with technical information of modern weapons (their effective rages, complexity, etc.) that are used in Shock Force & tactics on the modern battlefront. I would definitely need some help on things but I thought it would be a nice companion to go along with the Shock Force series of games & modules, especially for newcomers, novices like me & those with no military experience. I'm an American but in no way will that limit my website to just US weaponry. I want all countries & insights from their citizens & their military. This will be a FREE website, paid by me. No pop ups, ads or any other annoyances. Any thoughts? Any experts willing to help? Anything else? Any input? Authors? Writers? The ones who do the hard work, the soldiers of the world.

Thanks in advance!


P.S. My freezer is full of venison from this past weekend but I actually suffered frostbite on my right fly the bird finger & my right ring finger. A first for me, the wind was just brutal.

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How do you feel about Wiki? Would that be good for your purposes?

I've never done a Wiki site before but I'm game if that's what everyone wants & thinks best. I have some input here from a couple of Rangers but I would need all the help I can get. I've never been in the military so this is a true gaming experience for me. I have several videos from one of the Rangers that everyone would enjoy & I can put those on the site & let's add everyone's, from anywhere, their videos too. No gore, just some nice things that go boom. We'll keep it a family friendly site. I'm open to anything. I really feel it would be a nice companion to the Shock Force family. I want to support Shock Force in anyway I can. Let me know what you think, ideas, etc. Let me know who wants to help. I have programming experience but I never turn down free advice & help. I want to see the modules for the Israeli, German, French, Dutch, etc. military keep Battlefront busy designing & profitable making these available to us. I love the game. Battlefront deserves the kudos & the support for a great game. If we do it, everyone come up with an idea for a domain name & we can vote on it.

P.S. Anyone near or coming through Central Illinois, the venison BBQ, wild turkey fry & cold suds are on me for those who help. Anyone that just wants to drop by too.

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Yep, I'm just thinking that for a project like that you'd need an easy editing access for the community, or otherwise it would very heavily rely on your input, which I don't think is in your best interests. There's lots of fan made or official game wiki's out there, so if it works for others it's worth looking into. Mind you, I don't know anything about setting one up... but I like the idea of an interactive online manual/game knowledge database. There could be a whole section for scenario editing guides and tips, too. Maybe yet another section for JasonC's groggish rants, but then you'd need a bigger server...

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Yep, I'm just thinking that for a project like that you'd need an easy editing access for the community, or otherwise it would very heavily rely on your input, which I don't think is in your best interests. There's lots of fan made or official game wiki's out there, so if it works for others it's worth looking into. Mind you, I don't know anything about setting one up... but I like the idea of an interactive online manual/game knowledge database. There could be a whole section for scenario editing guides and tips, too. Maybe yet another section for JasonC's groggish rants, but then you'd need a bigger server...

I will start on gathering info on Wiki & start on the site. Can someone get me a real SMAW so I have 1st hand experience with it? I'm sure Uncle Sam wouldn't mind. I'll be checking in soon. Any suggestions for a name of the site? How about "Raw Dogs and War Hogs" from Uncle Ted's "Craveman" CD? Heee.... "Love Grenade"? There's no Barry Manilow fans that I'm insulting out there, is there?

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I started the Wiki & it will be named "Shock Force - Military Intel". That is, if it's okay with Battlefront. If I could use Shock Force graphics, that would be great. 100% free site & it will be open to all, so international Shock Force fans, start your engines. I want a site to enhance Shock Force for us civilians & to support Battlefront for a great game. I'm heading over to Columbus, Ohio to head bang with my Friends, American Dog, for their annual Christmas party. I will start on the Wiki Monday. I will have to recover from decadence & debauchery via American Dog & that usually takes a day or two. I'll check back soon.

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  • 8 months later...

Did anything come out of this, or did alcohol flush it all away? :D After reading hcrof's strategy guide thread I started thinking if the forum is the optimal medium for doing that. Especially considering the (now 2 hour) limitation on editing a brain-farted post, but let's not stray to that. Even without that limitation a forum thread quickly gets cumbersome to read and maintain.

Then I remembered this idea of a "CMwiki" where users would be able to write and edit articles on game concepts, tactics, units and equipment, as well as scenario editing and mod making. I have no experience with starting such community sites, so I'm just going to raise the issue back on table and hope that someone more web savvy (and who is able to host it) picks it up. (I'm sure that there would be more than enough willing contributors here to fill such wiki with references, guides and pictures if it ever comes about.) So, anyone?

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Did anything come out of this, or did alcohol flush it all away? :D After reading hcrof's strategy guide thread I started thinking if the forum is the optimal medium for doing that. Especially considering the (now 2 hour) limitation on editing a brain-farted post, but let's not stray to that. Even without that limitation a forum thread quickly gets cumbersome to read and maintain.

Then I remembered this idea of a "CMwiki" where users would be able to write and edit articles on game concepts, tactics, units and equipment, as well as scenario editing and mod making. I have no experience with starting such community sites, so I'm just going to raise the issue back on table and hope that someone more web savvy (and who is able to host it) picks it up. (I'm sure that there would be more than enough willing contributors here to fill such wiki with references, guides and pictures if it ever comes about.) So, anyone?

LOL I quit drinking in 1995, I was DXed with Multiple Sclerosis that year. :) I'm still game to do it, let me start & I'll start asking for refrences on things. Let me know any ideas you would like to see.

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Ah, brilliant!!! MS is as good reason as any to stop drinking ethanol (and start smoking pot... although I don't know if that really helps with the condition or if it's just hippies making excuses up?).

I think from the get go we should take into consideration the need to separate information about different games, ie. CMx1 series, CMSF, CM:Normandy etc. so that it is easier to find relevant information - so if I try to look for CMSF anti-tank tactics, I'm not told about the use of PaK 40 and Bazooka. Real world data eg. about T-72 or MP-40 could be independent of game platform - or would that really be necessary since there is Wikipedia for that? Maybe not.

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