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what the U.S. obtained was the lion's share of Star Visitor scientist consultants, to assist American scientists in understanding and adapting retrieved Star Visitor exotic technologies into such devices we now know as the computer chip, fibre optics, lasers, gene-splicing therapy, cloning, night-vision equipment, super-tenacity fibers (such as Kevlar lightweight armor), aerospace ceramics, Stealth technology, particle-beam devices, and gravity-control flight.)

The following additional revelation will permit you to ignore those Boeing commercials and NASA press releases about how America is currently building its own first manned space station. My ex-NSA informant revealed that there has been a manned "deep space platform" in orbit above Earth for over thirty years!

"It [has] had three-man [American] crews as well as Russians 'on' since '68!" He further states that since 1973, the space station received additional extremely-high technology, "and has had upgrades since." His disclosure confirms reports I had heard previously from former military officers about a secret space platform in orbit. This disclosure makes clear that the Cape Canaveral Space Shuttles launches, and the "first" American space station being assembled by NASA', are just government "cover" programs. Such programs have served to deflect the public from becoming aware (before reading this) of the existence of a black-project military space station, and of classified military craft which can go well past orbit into deep space....

Look for further significant disclosures in the years ahead, as the current U.S. Administration tries to disentangle itself from 50 years of Cold War secrecy. And as it does so, those who have felt all alone with their personal experience of contact by Visitors from the stars, (who have been deeply involved in our society and its evolution), should feel less isolated.


I suppose that the top secret deep space stations have 'cloaking' technology that enables them to avoid the prying eyes of thousands of amateur astronomers around the world? These astronomers likewise failed to notice the top secret supply missions?

Let's employ Occams razor here: is it simpler to believe that ETs in UFOs can crash on earth and have their technology scooped up and used in secret programs, or that some people can profit from spreading stories about these things when they don't exist?

If this stuff existed, why isn't it more obviously available and why don't we see people making money from it? I can't see anything available that doesn't seem like anything other than a result of evolution of previous designs - including all the technologies listed in the quote above (to which he casually adds "gravity control flight" whatever that means!).

If it is top secret how can there be information about it on the net freely available? Is it perhaps because what we see on the internet is the result of an entertainment industry that meets the need of some who want to believe in conspiracies and such like? You can make good money from purveying such stories, though I'm willing to accept that some people may genuinely believe in this kind of stuff.

After all, a lot of otherwise respectable people believe they have been abducted by aliens, even though it is far more likely they are suffering from sleep paralysis disorder.

We can watch in amazement at Discovery Channel programs in which we see an entire village in the jungle of New Guinnea flip out over fear of vampires haunting them in the night, but really it seems that the same thing is happening here. Humans have a need to believe the fanciful, and what you see here is this need being met.

I quite enjoy reading the stuff, just don't confuse it with reality.

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How to Invisibly Seed Advanced Tech

The best way to get exotic tech into service is to do it seamlessly and without fanfare. Thus, a military contractor is quietly presented with what's purported to be the result of some black R&D program, covertly recovered foreign tech, etc., is told to patent it as its own and run with it. Is it going to say no? This is the scenario presented in Corso's THE DAY AFTER ROSWELL, and I think, based on my own military aerospace experience, it makes a great deal of sense. Sometimes, no hardware is even required. All it takes is a helpful hint, a missing equation, a reference to an obscure paper and voila! Breakthrough! I have watched threat data being seeded into a program through back channels in exactly this manner, together with "suggestions" that we "might want to be sure to run" this case. Would further observe that all kinds of interesting possibilities obtain when an agency is called the Foreign Technology Division, since this allows for several varieties of foreign tech, some more so than others! Did you know we're still living on the vast technical and process base we stole from the Germans in 1945, much of which is still classified or otherwise inaccessible? See the Stephens book for details.

When the American Computer Company kiddingly raised the ET issue over the true provenance of the famous Bell Laboratories transistor, it was massively attacked, and in a variety of ways: site hacked (even from Wright-Patterson AFB), personnel threatened, antiSemitic slurs posted, kids' school schedules and locations posted, etc. Several company officers had their pictures posted with rifle scope crosshairs on them. The alleged "proof" that Bell invented the transistor vanished from the firm's museum, too.

Rather odd if the firm legitimately invented the technology, isn't it? What difference do a few Nobel prizes, towering technical reputations and billions in sales make, after all?

If you read any number of UFO crash recovery accounts, you'll read the occupants wore tight-fitting outfits which had no fasteners, with buttons and zippers being specifically listed as not present. Ever heard of Velcro? What was that item alone worth to the firm that supposedly invented it?

Using the above two examples as exemplars, how ubiquitous have they become? How about Kevlar, a super-tensile fabric? Not only is it in the well-known body armor application, but it's also used, on a grand scale, in tires.

In Friedman's CRASH AT CORONA, he describes witnesses seeing something inside the torn open hull of a crashed UFO that looked like a blinking horse's tail waving in the breeze. that's an excellent layman's description of a fiber optic bundle that's been torn loose, with data still flowing through the system. How many billions were made from that one technology? Certainly, it's widely disseminated.

I've already talked about the TCAP, transfer capacitor, and its phenomenal clock speed, but what I didn't tell you is that unlike what a modern gaming rig requires in order to avoid meltdown, a TCAP is a room temperature semiconductor and runs cool, on a tiny fraction of the power the infinitely less capable gaming PC rig uses. As far as storage, the real limit is the array configuration and the number of atoms available. A crude version of the technology will put 50 GB on a solid state device no bigger than a poker chip.

Is the amazing high temperature alloy Inconel-X purely homegrown? I doubt it. The Germans were way ahead of us in high temperature materials, so it's likely either via them or from some ET source, with my money on the former, given the X-15's timeline.


Never mind the source issue. Look at it simply from the perspective of the nation's sense of self. Triumph upon triumph. Technical breakthrough upon technical breakthrough. Who wants to admit to merely copying someone else's tech, no matter how advanced? Save such stunts for the "backward" Russians! Many commentators believe this is why the true history of atomic weapon development has been so buried here in the U.S., for it can be said to define our very position in the world as the first nuclear superpower. Looks very bad if the Germans got there first and the Japanese third, but that's what the evidence shows. How much more wrenching, then, if our modern civilization defining breakthroughs aren't, as they say, from here?

You might be interested to know that scientists and engineers were deemed especially vulnerable to revelations of ET existence by the authors of the Brookings Report, who feared their utter demoralization and loss of purpose in the face of vastly superior technology and scientific knowledge. I saw a small scale version of this myself at Rockwell, when one of our B-1B engineers would periodically mutter about how the Lockheed guys always had the answer to whatever high speed problem he faced. "It's like they've already done everything we're doing" he groused, and you could tell it troubled him not to be there first. How much worse, then, for those who lifelong ambition was to take us to the stars?

How to Hide an Entire Space Program--And Keep People Quiet

How do you hide a covert space program, a station and what not? With a heavily publicized overt one, replete with impressive distracting visuals, cranked up amateur tracking networks, etc. You do your high-tech missions while everyone's watching the other and while operating from the boonies, such as Area 51 and Alice Springs. Compared to chemical rockets, there's not much to see. A deep space station wouldn't be very big, thus would subtend a very small angle in the heavens, and could be hidden in a variety of ways from visual observation. An easy one against visual detection would be a big mirrored Mylar screen, which would simply reflect the surroundings back at the observer, while hiding the station in both the visual and IR bands. The odds of finding the thing by random chance would be very small, nor would the resupply craft necessarily be easy to spot, as seen in the Luca Scantamburlo Aurora pics I gave the link to at Project Camelot. Even up close, it's practically invisible against space. How easy is it to spot, say, a maneuvering thruster firing by one from perhaps 600 miles away? And rest assured, should somebody find something and start talking, people like my contact would drop in unexpectedly and provide strong disincentives on the one hand and inducements to cooperate on the other. Plenty of UFO researchers have had their places raided, rumors spread about them, equipment, papers and computers seized, etc., nor are they alone, for astronomers have had the same treatment. The professionals are very circumspect in what they report, and as Bob Dean points out in his blistering new interview on Nibiru, they don't report whole categories of astounding, not from here things, starting with the Moon.


The primary control mechanism with professional astronomers lies in telescope/satellite access and budget. No access = dead career. No budget = Find new job, probably not in astronomy. Never forget ridicule or peer pressure, either.

Black project researcher Norio Hayakawa, whom I know, was rousted while on a public highway near Area 51, on public land, and had to sue to get his video camera back. This was after being buzzed by a CH-53 repeatedly flying about 10' AGL while he was driving on said road. Have seen the pics while face to face with him at his home. He was still visibly shaken. Gravity researcher David Hutchinson has been raided repeatedly in Canada, with some of his gear confiscated. John Searl in the U.K. had the electrical system ripped from his home, his papers seized, and he was jailed, they said protective custody, for six months.

What I posted about murder was no joke, either. After Bill Cooper talked about what the ONI had found in its counterintelligence op vs MJ-12, he was forced off the road and over a cliff on his motorcycle by government agents and left, leg bleeding profusely, to die. Luckily, someone saw what happened and saved him. He says he was visited in the hospital by agents, reminded of his luck in surviving (cost him a leg) and asked if he would keep his mouth shut. He said he'd be a good boy, but set in motion a plan, when he recovered, to spread the information so far it couldn't be buried again and to make moving overtly against him/killing him proof of the truth of the claims. Not only do I have this directly from him, but I've talked to the guy who provided security for one of his events. Cooper half succeeded. OPERATION MAJORITY is easy to find, but the word I have from my contact is that electronic methods were used to screw with Cooper's head, in order to discredit him (budget of "up to one million dollars authorized" to destroy his rep), and when they still couldn't make the problem go away, Cooper was set up for a fatal confrontation. My contact minced no words: "They murdered the man." Officially, whack job Cooper drew down on deputies, who lethally defended themselves. The autopsy shows Cooper was shot from behind, believe it was in the back of the head. Oops!

You don't have to be Bill Cooper, though, to win the silencing sweepstakes. There are dead girlfriends of UFO researchers who were forced off the road and killed by mistake when agents thought the researcher himself was driving. I'm researching a UFO recovery case with no less than twelve murders tied to it, an entire scientific team which unearthed a craft and wasn't trusted to stay silent, resulting in numerous "accidental deaths" over the next five years or so. In another case, someone involved in a UFO shootdown stayed silent himself, but someone else spread it all over the Internet. The man who stayed silent got whacked anyway.

Why UFO/ET/Black Program Insiders Are Talking Now

There has long been a factional fight between those who wanted to disclose ET existence and at least some of the tech and those who wanted to keep a draconian lid on the matter, the latter heavily influenced by the haves of the current energy, medical, pharmaceutical, etc. system, added to which there's been a decades long public acclimatization program whose existence is well established, but things have now reached a point where there is very nearly open revolt. Lots of black operators have discovered they've been had. With death imminent, many are talking, knowing the government can't hurt them now. They see a public likely to welcome ETs. They know full well the incredible price protecting the haves has cost. They see cities crumbling, crime rampant, their own kids on drugs, the economy imploding, the skies polluted, the nation on the verge of outright dictatorship and know full well NONE of this has to be this way.

Those coming forward are taking big chances, and not just for themselves. Breaking the secrecy oaths for a military officer typically carries a substantial fine and jail time but starts out with reduction in rank, forfeiture of all pay and allowances due or to become due, and that emphatically includes retirement pay. "Honey, guess what?" One black program whistleblower I know said his service was so mad it was considering recalling him to active duty, just so it could court martial him, convict him and send him to Leavenworth! Fortunately, cooler heads prevailed, aided by a thick Pearl Harbor file of official malfeasance and suitable assured Pearl Harbor file mass disclosure procedures.

Several dozen people have come forward without immunity from Congress, and hundreds would if granted release from their generally unconstitutional, illegal secrecy oaths. Further, some whistleblowers that I know of are being cheered on by their active duty colleagues, who are themselves fed up but not quite as bold. Others, like Bob Dean (retired Command Sergeant Major, Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe; was cleared to the top there; see vids at Project Camelot, YouTube, etc.) firmly state that the only reason they're still alive is that some want them to talk and are protecting them in various ways. Most of the people talking have everything to lose and nothing to gain by coming forward. Who wants to spend old age in poverty, let alone jail, and that's assuming one isn't simply killed? Threats and even lethal attacks against loved ones are far from unknown, too. Much harder to be brave when someone near and dear is at risk. Sooner or later, though, critical mass WILL be attained, at which point the truth WILL be out there. Already, the spin's begun to control what our perception is of what's been revealed. Expect that spin to be scary!

I think that if you keep positing that everyone talking about ETs, UFOs and black projects, particularly the normally zip lipped people trusted with little things like nukes and the nation's most sensitive secrets, is profit driven, publicity seeking and/or crazy, you're going to need to take Occam's Razor in for resharpening! Are you prepared to ignore dying declarations? The courts don't. I've talked to former military and intel people personally, some face to face, with ranks ranging from enlisted through colonel. I've seen with my own eyes some of the lower level classified reporting and through private contacts, seen "fastwalker" imagery back when none was in the white world. I've talked to people who've dealt with ET artifacts, people who've reverse engineered technology that makes the latest terrestrial stuff seem anemic, etc.

I urge you to do some serious research, but change it up this time by asking "What is the evidence this could be real?" Powerful Senator Barry Goldwater, a Reserve Major General in the Air Force, while on annual active duty, once asked General Curtis Lemay, head of Strategic Air Command for a tour of famous UFO associated Hangar 18 at Wright-Patterson AFB. What'd Lemay say in reply to this highly cleared officer? "No, H^## no, and don't EVER ask me again!" That alone should tell you something.

I leave you with a discussion of the known U.S. antigravity craft, together with the sourcing thereto, some named explicitly. I can independently confirm the TAW, having known about it for a great many years, as well as the B-2's agrav capabilities. Even the least of these provides the tech base that'll give us the Marine Spaceplane and the aforementioned postulated Devil Dogs in powered armor. The material tech's there, the weapon tech's there, the interface tech's there, there are sensors which can literally see through walls or detect a beating heart amid a rubble pile, and there are a bunch of ways to do the powered exoskeleton side of the problem, to include armor, environmental conditioning, flight, etc.

On the bounce!



John Kettler

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