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TCP/ip WEGO w Replay possibly still for Normandy game!?

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Well you don't need to sell me on it.

Using it in a classroom as a training tool (as I do) means that the "quasi PBEM" work around does work and it gives you the "replay" facility for AAR / Lessons Learnt.

But I'm not "the guy". :)

But are you basically waiting for each turn and is this not just like archaic hotseat games? I hope I have this wrong. It would be very nice to have a work-around of sorts :)

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As a long time CMx1 player, I am anxiously waiting for CM: Normandy to be released (-and to see what features it is released with.) Its been a long wait indeed since CMAK, but I have no desire to play any modern era games at all -ever.

With that said, I for one will not be playing CM: Normandy as a single player. I look forward to (hopefully) someday again spending my Saturday mornings gaming against my best friend who lives 2600+ miles away.

BFC, I've supported you for quite a while, but if you will not return to WeGo, I just cannot see how I can even buy your product. (My apologies.)

IMO, RTS sucks. It always has. I don't want to waste my time trying to rush around a battlefield -trying to make sure that I remembered all of my forces -and then find out that the one crutial unit I should have moved, I didn't move. If I want more pressure in my life, I'd stay at work 24 hours a day. Gaming is a way to relax, have fun, and make friends.

You guys made important inroads with WeGo. The pause at the end of the turn makes BIG sense. Please don't throw that away.


online pause and save please :D

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But are you basically waiting for each turn and is this not just like archaic hotseat games? I hope I have this wrong. It would be very nice to have a work-around of sorts :)

Yes its PBEM (just "local") so Player A does their turn and then waits while Player B does their's then resolution.

Not Player A and B concurrent then resolved.

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