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Steel Avalanche challenge


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Im fighting and fighting, but the German tanks are overwhelming..

Destroying 15 tanks but still 8 remain.. tried serval tactics; waiting in country slopes, behind train stations claw strategy, hold ground strategy, concealment strategy.. nothing works. My soldiers are shot down if they heroicly sprint towards the enemy tanks.

any ideas, fellow generals?

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Im think there also needs to be a directional order or something as im always having trouble pointing my armour the right way,they want to point to the enemy they can see over to the left flank but i know theres several armored vehicles just about to pop over the brow of the hill ahead of them but they keep wanting to rotate themselves to engage the enemy they can see,ordering them to target something they cant see yet or telling them to stay put dosnt help either,any suggestions guys?

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Seem to remember using the "no fire" function is the way to do it. Since told not to fire they will stop aiming and stay put. However, the snag is they will not open fire when the enemy appears : you have to monitor them tightly.

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In 'hold position' tanks will not rotate their hulls. Order them to 'rotate' to direction where you are expecting an attack, and then order them to 'hold position'. Tanks will rotate turrets to face present enemies, though, while SPG will not move (and thus ignore all targets outside of their narrow fire sector).

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Ah cheers for help guys,btw sneaksie apart from answering our questions which is great to see you doing,are you developing anything more for ToW? as i dont intend on getting ToW2 (desert war was never a major interest of mine) id fancy seeing the Making History teams world map and your battle system married up (kinda like a MTWII/axis and allies hybrid) http://www.making-history.com/purchase/demo.php :)

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In 'hold position' tanks will not rotate their hulls. Order them to 'rotate' to direction where you are expecting an attack, and then order them to 'hold position'. Tanks will rotate turrets to face present enemies, though, while SPG will not move (and thus ignore all targets outside of their narrow fire sector).

txs for your reply (I was aware of this) but any headsup on my question??

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Im fighting and fighting, but the German tanks are overwhelming..

Destroying 15 tanks but still 8 remain.. tried serval tactics; waiting in country slopes, behind train stations claw strategy, hold ground strategy, concealment strategy.. nothing works. My soldiers are shot down if they heroicly sprint towards the enemy tanks.

any ideas, fellow generals?

I've had the same problem. I even took the hill and one of the towns once. My next order was to hold the hill against counter attack. I held it, and held it, and held it but never got the victory.

I even let the game run overnight and in the morning, I still held the hill, and still hadn't won!

So I did the weenie thing: I dropped difficulty to Easy.

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The only way to complete this mission (i think) to wait for enemy on reverse slope of the hill and behind houses on the station to shoot at their sides. First reinforcement is almost doomed, because they are forced to cross large open space under fire, but sometimes some of them make it to the station. Second one is vital to success, SU122 are only ones that can destroy Tigers from front with their 4 HEAT rounds. Use HEAT only against Tigers, shoot HE at other lighter tanks (122mm HE in most cases will take out Pz III and IV). Keep at least 2 of SU122s behind last buildings as last line of defence, they can kill last enemy tanks that wiped out all your other forces and bring you victory.

In short, avoid long-range frontal engagements: most German tanks in that period of war are tougher and have superior guns. T-34-76 should avoid frontal engagements against Tigers even on close range.

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The only way to complete this mission (i think) to wait for enemy on reverse slope of the hill and behind houses on the station to shoot at their sides. First reinforcement is almost doomed, because they are forced to cross large open space under fire, but sometimes some of them make it to the station. Second one is vital to success, SU122 are only ones that can destroy Tigers from front with their 4 HEAT rounds. Use HEAT only against Tigers, shoot HE at other lighter tanks (122mm HE in most cases will take out Pz III and IV). Keep at least 2 of SU122s behind last buildings as last line of defence, they can kill last enemy tanks that wiped out all your other forces and bring you victory.

In short, avoid long-range frontal engagements: most German tanks in that period of war are tougher and have superior guns. T-34-76 should avoid frontal engagements against Tigers even on close range.

today I played the battle again and again and again. Honestly; played scenario at least 20 times. On Medium difficulty setting is a absolute no go. This scenario is not realistic if you need to win. 20X german tanks are just to much. a real shame..

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