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Smoke Trails


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Its very unrealistic (exspecially in Multiplayer) when you can see the Smoketrails of Vehicles that your units havent spotted yet.

Will this be fixed with 1.10 Patch? Is it Bug or Feature?

If Feature please explain why. Is it is right now it feels very unrealistic.

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i knew that someone would state this comment.

As it is right in some Point it is absolutly wrong in others.

Right = Smoke Trails can reveal enemy Positions (like in WW2 Desert Wars)

wrong= they dont come up immideatly on the enemy Screen, not with Pinpoint Accuracy

Genreally Dust Smoke in a Area with Activity after 1 or 2 Minutes after Tanks drove there with realativ spotting (like Tanks facing in the Direction the Dustclouds comes up) is okay to me.

But please turn of that unrealistic DustRadar!

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In real life you will not have the eagle-eye view of the battlefield we have in CM. If you look at the game from ground level, dust clouds will not tell you much about enemy location unless you are looking from high ground - just the way it should be in real world.

IMHO, physical modelling of dust is fine. The fact that it reveals your position is unfortunate side effect of having non-frustrating command and control system (the one where you can zoom around battlefield as you wish).

Using "slow" and "hunt" helps as well.

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In real life you will not have the eagle-eye view of the battlefield we have in CM. If you look at the game from ground level, dust clouds will not tell you much about enemy location unless you are looking from high ground - just the way it should be in real world.

But players dont use it that realistic way. So it have to be changed. Dust isnt spotted, its just there for you as Information not for your Units to be spotted. Its a big Glitch in the Game Engine.

Any official Word on that?

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This is a rather old grief isn't it, "Dust Radar" has been around since CM:AK. I found that if you use the slow movement command you're vehicles don't make a dust trail though.

They already fixed "Borg sight" and in the new patch they fixed "audio radar" maybe in the future we'll get dust and smoke that only appears if you have LOS?

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