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Mac error type 11

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Hi , I am play testing a huge scenario with my co-designer and we have come across a Mac error type 11 which then crashes the game for me. This scenario is huge and file sizes now that our forces are engaged are tyupically 2MB and over is size. When the error occurs the file size is reduced to 137k to 225k. The movie plays but unit orders are mixed up it seems. Pathways for vehicles are confused and ending in traffic jams while original orders were carefully given to avoid such. Also a gun unit emplaced within a building is seemingly invincible to direct hits from return fire. On hitting the done buttom after giving orders for the next turn the game takes forever to process the orders and then crashes with a dialog bosx stating it is an error type 11.

WE are both playing this on either a G3 or G4 Mac. Playtesting the scenario against the AI showed no problems. Only now while testing the scenario against each other have we experienced this error. Any idea why this is being generated. WE've played the bad turns over twice and still keep getting errors. We also tried sending stuffit files and uncompressed files to test but also no luck.

If anyone has any ideas why the game is producing incorrect instruction files we would appreciate any help. If anyone would like to look at the scenario or its files I can email it to you.

All best


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I've found that most weird problems that crop up on usually well behaved programs can be fixed by both zapping the PRAM & rebuilding the desktop directory on a Mac.

Were you playing over TCP/IP or PBEM? I've found that some times file sharing can conflict with CM in LAN games.

Are you both using the same version of CM?

Try reinstalling CM, or at the very least dumping the CM preferences file & restarting the game.

Reload the file after doing the steps above & resave it under a new name & try that new one.

Hope any of this helps


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Hi thanks for the reply. We're both playing thew latest 1.12 version of CM and we're also both on OS9.1.

Well I';ve only just rebuilt my desktop the other day to see if that would change things...no luck. Will try zapping my pram and check my system with Techtools Pro3.3 to see if that will pick up any faults that may be causing the corruption in this scenario file.

We're testing via PBEM so tcp/ip isn't involved.

Will keep you posted.

all best


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The movie files should be large, while the standard turn computation files should be a bit smaller. It sounds like one of your PBEM files got corrupted at one point, but it still managed to get loaded up by CM. However I'd assume that this would be a very rare possibility (corruption that doesn't cause CM to halt).

I highly suggest the constant use of a compression (Stuffit) program during PBEMs to avoid corruption of any turn. You both may want to start up with a minimal extension/control panel set (necessary sound, video and hardware extensions) to play CM.

Although it would be a hassle, you may want to start your playtest over to see if the results duplicate themselves again (like at a certain point within the scenario).

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I was beginning to think it was stuffit that was corrupting the files since it is only reccommended to compress files up to 2MB. These files started to get corrupted when both our reinforcements shows up at the end of turn 25. This may mean we'll have to make some changeson how our reinforcements are scheduled.

Thank you for your insight.

All best


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Your memory allocation to Combat Mission may be too low for the size of the games you're playing. I increased the "preferred" setting of mine to 64 MB long ago.

You wrote that you're using a fairly recent machine, so you probably have enough RAM to also increase it.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by lucero1148:

Hi , I am play testing a huge scenario with my co-designer and we have come across a Mac error type 11<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

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I'm using a 233/G3 with 512MB's of RAM and 128MB's allocated to CM. I also just installed a Radeon PCI card and it's made a world of difference in how the game appears.

I think the problem now with this scenario is that on this particular turn where it starts corrupting the file maybe due to the fact that both sides receive substantial reinforcements at the same time. We've replayed this turn about 4 turns now and it's been frustrating but a blast. Since we're playtesting its not a big deal since it's funny watching how CM history gets to change a little each time. Still each time the turn plays out the game crashes at the end of its turn processing cycle. Our files at this stage of the game has ranged from 135k to 3MB's. Both sides have about 6,600 vs 6,800 points and 3 reinforcements on a huge town/country map.

We are going to start from scratch to see if by changing the reinforcement arrivals will make a difference and allow the game to process the files correctly .

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