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Marine AAV7 Weapon Use


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The AAV7 in the upcoming module has a turret equipped with both a .50 cal and the Mk 19 grenade launcher. Will I, the player, the vehicle commander, have ANY control over which of those two weapon systems gets used?

My understanding of the AAV7 operation is sketchy, so forgive me if I am wrong, and please post here if you can correct me.

In real life, the AAV7 turret operator can select either weapon; he can choose either the Mk 19 or the .50 cal depending on the target. I'm reasonably certain he could fire both if needed, however the ballistic differences would mitigate against that except under extremely close ranges.

So, will I be able to choose which weapon gets used? Or is it a TacAI option? Or, is it hard-coded like Bradleys where you must exhaust the 25mm ammo before you can fire the 7.62mm coax? (Hey, is THAT a gripe/request for a fix? Sure it is.)




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My guess is (although this is just a guess based off of what I have read about AAV7s, and I have no actual knowledge of how this is implemented) that it is selected not unlike how a rifleman chooses whether to use his M203 or his M4 currently.

I'm reading Marines in the Garden of Eden right now, which is an excellent book, and at one point he mentions (if I am not recalling this incorrectly) that one AAV gunner was shooting his .50-cal and his 40mm grenades virtually simultaneously. While I don't think this'll happen in game, I think it more than likely that the AAV gunner will pick and choose, rather than the Bradley situation.


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Yeah, something. Of course, which is TARGET and which is TARGET LIGHT? Minor, but still needs to be addressed.

That solution would sidestep the need for BF.C to re-examin their approach with regards to Bradleys (and other combat vehicles with multiple weapons) where the TARGET/TARGET LIGHT toggle merely inhibits the ATGM (or other special-use weapon) firing on a target, leaving the player powerless to use the coax only.



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Yeah. However, as a control freak (only at specific times in game), I feel that I should be able to lay down coax fire on any point I choose. That would save my autocannon ammo for the times I need it, as well as the other weapons. In the case of suppression fire on suspected positions, the coax is the best choice, especially when considiering the ammo loadouts. I should not have to wait until I am out of ammo for one weapon before I can fire the other.

Of course, getting the AAV right is a first step.

The AI should be able to use any and all weapons at its disposal as it sees fit. I am not trying to override an AI decision to FIRE. I am trying to override an AI decision to HOLD FIRE.

If the AI does not see a target, but I, the vehicle commander, understanding the tactical picture and trying to support a FUTURE move by my troops, should be able to FIRE on points I choose. It could be an area of trees and brush that I THINK could hold an ambush team, or it could be to fire on a house before my troops rush it. That decision is MINE. The AI is out of its depth in those situations. Why should I be limited to blasting with autocannon instead of coax?



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With the release date getting closer and all the module info already out there, the Beta tester 'code of silence' tends to get a bit porous. Still, we're still not really supposed to be chatting freely about how the sausage gets made. So I don't know how far I'm allow to go to assure you that things are working as they ought in this particular case. Hint hint. ;)

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