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Patton Drives East Demo Released!

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May 2nd, 2008

Patton Drives East Expansion Demo Released

Hello everyone! Today we are happy to offer up the demo for the second Strategic Command 2 expansion, Patton Drives East. This exciting new expansion explores the various what-if's of an alternate outcome to the events of World War 2 including how a war between Stalin's armies and the Allies would play out.

Strategic Command 2 Patton Drives East Expansion is currently available for Pre-Order via our online webstore with an official release date occurring in early May.

Download the Patton Drives East Demo here

Strategic Command 2 Patton Drives East Expansion Demo (v1.0)


This demo includes THREE turn limited (1 game year each) playable campaigns:

* 1939 Storm of Steel turns the clock back to the very beginning of hostilities in Europe as the German army prepares to occupy the Sudetenland and Czechoslovakia.

* 1945 Patton Drives East allows you to change history in the months after the Nazi surrender as Patton is allowed to drive across the Oder River and push forward to the very gates of Moscow.

* 1948 Berlin Crisis unleashes the fury of Stalin's Armies against the Allies in a contest for the total occupation of Europe.

Multiplayer modes are disabled in the demo but the campaigns are playable against the AI as either side.


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greetings, personally i love the alternate WWII campaign, have played my first game, although a game on western allies and russia will be much more balanced than against the axis forces, the big punch to good for me is that i have managed to conquer france on october 39, this give me more resources, it upset russia and united states but france is much more valuable in resources than 2/3 minors, in example, denmark, poland and belgrade, added in is the plunder from take early france, around 500 mmp, If I Remember Correctly, this give some advantage to take minors easily and each turn i produce all resources in france to when i do upset again russia or united states attaking the minors, the french partisan scripts still i like it, but a interesting what if is that i now have much time to explore what if's, as an invasion on united kingdom (sealion), overall the AI works much more fast now, even when in the first expansion it is good enough (WaW). very pleased with the demo, can't wait to play the complete scenarios one after each other, the better from this expansion is that is an excellent point at base to set a cold war scenario, all the editor features add capability to do a cold war scenario,

best regards,


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Well I've played with the Demo a bit and have found it both frustrating and exciting.

I first tried Patton Drive East as the Allies, and in this case Patton didn't drive very far. I was frustrated by the lack of power in my air units. So I redid it as the Russian, and lost nearly ALL my units to Allied air! :mad:

Go figure!

This afternoon I played Berlin Crisis as the Allies. Wow - what a blast! I managed to hang in there and France fell on the last turn of the Demo! :eek: Whew - lots of fun here, tomorrow I hope to play it through as the Russian.

Nice work! Now if I can only get the hang of the whole airpower thing maybe I'll actually be able to win a game or two!

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just played the "berlin crisis" scenario, i think indeed is a game much more balanced than any "basic" axis vs allies scenario, aside the fact that both cases are with realism on history, axis never produce same amount of war machines that the allies or russia, just very pleased that one of the better games on the market have this expansion available on days from now onwards, still will have liked a multiplayer with 3 players, axis, allies and russia, or a game that start with axis against allies and then you can import the result to a game on allies vs russia, but think that the expansion do not need for it, can be aproached as a alternate world war 2 enviorenment much more balanced, games less balanced not are worse, given you can adjust difficulty and being under excellent "mod-editor", at last, want to say that russia have a good army on his hands and have the ability to focus on one or another theater, in example can left on defense the mid-east theater and focus his reserve units on take france and italy and off-set the production advantage edge on the allied side, russia can match allied air if concentrate his air units, at least nearly to it, taking after france and surrender italy, spain and norway/sweden/finland can end in a game of all of europe under russia banner against united states, very interesting situation, i am more pleased than a first view (before), upon i played the demo on "berlin crisis" scenario, and pleased that all the features in weapons and warfare expansion are here too, research seems to start just perfect on history levels, better russia land army (tanks) against better navy and allied air research, the way of united states increasing activation is well featured and adressed, democratic nations have less tolerance to casualties and then less ready to an all-out war than communist nations, is nice to find that in the time russia is expanding trough europe united states, gradually, increases production, as a final note, side note, as the balance is ok, as a side note i think the allies must give some ground at start to save valuable units untill, if can, match land forces of russia and more important, time to give reinforcements time to reach mainland europe,

very pleased, more than at first with this "alternate history" set of scenarios,

really to not failed to truth can not wait to play the entire "berlin crisis" scenario,

with best regards,


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I just finished my first foray at "Storm of Steel". Very refreshing, as Axis, I avoided the initial contact with Poland and went immediately West.

Took out the Swiss first...boy did USA get angry. Yeah but those chumps are an ocean away, who cares? tongue.gif

What a beautiful pincer move through Switzerland and LC to the gates of Paris. :cool:

Now I'm wondering about how to avoid war with the West by circumventing Poland and maybe taking down USSR first. :confused:

Oh and talk about a jump on the "Battle of the Atlantic", wow....this really is a viable option. smile.gif

Can you spell "strategic variations"?

I still long for "Days of Decision", but I'm not as thirsty as I was before! ;)

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attack on any neutral can and will upset united states and russia, for me at the least it all depends on what nations of these give more resources or access to attack on better setup russia or limit united kingdom, if i remember correct, switzerland and poland are 1 resource each, i think that is better avoid to attack switzerland, maybe it upset usa and russia same than attacking both, first holland and then belgium, belgrade upset greatly russia, for me it is not an option, the increase on war effort-readiness for russia simply is much more valuable than a single capitol, with plunder and the good diplomacy system you can bring on finland, rumania, bulgary and hungary, or use plunder on attack the british, but rumania opens the "turkey option" on board, just my thinking on straight fall weiss, in "storm of steel" axis have even more options as game start before indeed and the extra time can be much vital,

best regards,


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