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Decision Event Suggestions & Comments

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One of the features, I really like in Patton Drives East are Decision Events.

Decision Events - These give players a choice of what action to take, along with feedback on the possible consequences.

Example: I am writing a mod now that gives the Allied Player An Option to Embargo Trade with Japan. The Allied Player can choose Yes or No.

YES - If the allied player makes the historical decision then Japan turns its focus to fighting the USA. This allows Russia to redeploy its forces guarding Siberia to Europe as the chance of a Japanese offensive is very much reduced. It also means that half of the USA production goes towards the war in the Pacific.

NO - If the Allied player chooses not to embargo Japan the Russians do not receive the Siberian reinforcements; however, USA production is increased as all production is devoted to the war in Europe.

Each option has its pros and cons. Embargo Japan and the USA must fight a two front war, but Russia can call on Siberian reinforcements.

Don't Embargo Japan and all USA production can be devoted to the War in Europe; however, Russia can't risk withdrawing its troops from Siberia to fight in Europe as the Japanese, an Ally of Germany may invade Siberia.

For me, the key in writing decision events is to make sure that they are "realistic" historically possible events.

The decision to embargo Japan was a much debated option that was implemented.

Neville Chamberlin's decision not to respond to Germany's annexation of Austria was another historical choice with multiple outcomes.

Declare war on Germany then, and the French and British would have to fight before they were prepared for war. Delay a decision (the historical choice) and the German army grows stronger.

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Sample Decision Event from PDE: 1939 Scenario:


The Blitzkrieg offensive over the Polish Armed Forces is an unprecedented success. The quickness of our victory has rendered all military aid by the British and French immaterial and Polish surrender is now reported to be imminent.

The Soviets have also been caught by surprise at the speed of our victory that Molotov, the Soviet Foreign Minister, is urging us to pull back to our previously agreed partition lines and honor the Non-Agression Pact with Stalin.

Should we honor the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact and cede Eastern Poland to the USSR?

This event gives the Axis player a choice of between honoring the Ribbentrop Pact with Russian and dividing Poland with Russia, or breaking the pact and keep the entire country of Poland.

If Germany breaks the pact, their newly conquered territory puts extends to the borders of Minsk; however, Russian war readiness increases and Russia will enter the war sooner.

If Germany honors the pact (the historical choice), Russia annexes Eastern Poland and Russian entry into the war is delayed.

What I like about this decision event is that the decision is realistic and each choice offers relatively balanced strategic advantages and disadvantages that change the course of the war.

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Here's a suggestion for a Decision Event, that could have affected the course of WWII;

20% To Appear Each Game

1. Axis Event re: Benito Mussolini

a. Should we attempt to engineer the removal of Benito Mussolini from office? I know the great admiration that you hold for him, however, he is a pompus fool surrounded by yes men. If we allow him to continue his rule he will likely ruin our plans for an early attack on Russia next summer.

No - Game proceeds as normal with Italy attacking Greece and Yugoslavia, delaying their push on Egypt when Egypt was empty and forcing the Axis to delay their attack on Russia due to the diversion of forces to prevent an Italian defeat in South Eastern Europe.

Yes - 50% Success - Benito Mussolini is replaced by a more competant leader. Italy does not attack Greece and Yugoslavia becomes pro-Axis.

Yes - 50% Failure - The failure of this operation causes Italy to shun any alliance with Germany, and Italian war readiness declines by 50%.

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Another suggestion:

After taking Paris: Vichy France?

Yes: Outcome similar to current game

No: France surrenders only after Paris + Marseilles are taken. Whole of French mainland gets occupied + a small chance that French ships become German, to simulate capture in port. France overseas becomes neutral, but leaning towards allies in war readiness. All french troops in UK become free French + High chance of French ships (those not captured by the Germans) are added to British fleet.

[ April 20, 2008, 03:03 AM: Message edited by: Big Johnno ]

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The next suggestion is more difficult for me to post, as I can understand that someone might be offended by the reduction of the atrocities commited by the Nazi Regime to an in game economical choise. Therefore I wish to state that I have no intention to offend anyone in any way!

Decision moment should be very early on. Ideally in a pre-1939 scenario (Fall Schwarz?). In 1938 before the Reichstag Fire, a discussion is going on about the ethics vs economy of the Nazi Regime.


Should Germany stop the discrimination of minorities that are concidered "less German"?

No: Outcome similar to current game

Yes: The following effects:

Less funds from disowning

* Germany starts with less infrastructure and delay of shipbuilding program (surface ships become available at only strength 5-8 instead of 10).

* Plunder of countries is reduced to .. (50?) %

Higher quality of leadership because of less influence of Nazi partyleaders on commissions

* Adding of an extra lvl 8/9 General (Guderian?)

* less effect of russian winter because of better winter eqp

Larger forcepool both in Germany as in conquered territories and less resistance to occupant

* Adding of volunteer units

* lower chance for partisan activities

Scientists stay in Germany

* Increase of research speed for Germany + decrease for United states (simulate by intel +1 and / or a higher invest maximum for Germany? Influence on atom bomb development (Honch?).

Of course it will be very difficult to game balance the initial disadvantages and the later advantages for Germany in the Game, but I surely hope that someone with 100+ posts and modexp would be able to work out this WHAT IF? the nazi regime would have been less criminal.

[ April 20, 2008, 04:19 AM: Message edited by: Big Johnno ]

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Patton Drives East has the following Decision Event in the 1939 Storm of Steel scenario:


With the French military soundly defeated, intelligence reports that the newly appointed Prime Minister, Marshal Pétain, is willing to sign an Armistice with Germany.

Terms of the Armistice dictate that Germany shall remain in occupation of northern France giving us access to all of the French Channel and Atlantic ports while allowing for a self autonomous French government to continue to operate from Vichy, Southern France. Pétain has also agreed to maintain internal order and defend remaining French territories, including French possessions in North Africa from Allied assault.

Alternatively, Mussolini assures us that the Italian 5th and 10th Armies can easily crush the remaining French defenders in Tunis and Algiers eventually clearing the way for our forces to march all the way west to Casablanca. This would be of vital strategic importance since it not only gives us access to a Southern Atlantic port but may also allow us to attack Gibraltar from the south should Spain not come on side.

Should we sign the Armistice with Pétain and create Vichy France?

Thus the Axis player has two choices;

a. Yes - Vichy France is created

b. No - The French Government relocates to Algiers and continues to fight.

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Wouldnt Mind a decision event like the Mussolini replacement for the wallpaper hanger....also if you already own Finland and Norway the Swedes join Axis...Really like the ones you have so far i hope they all get implemented...what about a decision event for the Brits regarding poss Anglo-German alliance if Hitler is replaced with German Royalty....Queen Victoria was German just a thought...might not be a good one tho!

keep up the good work on a absolutly brilliant game!

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July 1941 -Should Japan attack Pearl Harbor and spark the entry of the US in WWII?

No - Japan entry to the war is delayed by a full two years until and it consolidates its gains in China. Japan receives three infantry corps, one tank group, one artillery group and an HQ to reflect the deflection of naval resources from the attack. US participation into WWII is delayed by a full year.

Yes-Japan gains two carrier groups, one battleship group and the US pacific fleet is decimated (Losing 4 battleship groups, two cruiser groups, two destroyer groups).

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  • 2 weeks later...

How about with the successful conclusion of Sealion and possible armistice with UK, there are the following choices.

1. UK moves Capital to Egypt as it is now and continues war, no possible lendlease from USA. Germany receives little plunder, partisans as is. Spain gets enormous diplo move to Axis side.

2. UK moves Government to Canada with USA help to rearm. Germany receives greater plunder, but Spain hesitant to join Axis, partisan activity greater.

3. UK signs armistice and assumes neutral status with slow escalation of re-entry(two years min.) into Allied camp (dependent upon Axis further aggression). Germany gets greater plunder plus MPP resources from Commonwealth every turn after evacuating "The Isles". Kriegsmarine gets supply from CW/UK ports until re-entry. USA lendlease level dependent upon % UK leaning back to Allied status.

Too complicated? Adjustments?

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In my HONCH Fall Weiss MOD for PDE (in the works)I have scripts for the use of Hydrogen Bombs on German cities in 1945-1946 if still at war. I will make them decision scripts...."The US has a hydrogen bomb available for use. Your generals suggest dropping it on the key port and industrial center of Hamburg. Do you wish to drop the bomb?" This will destroy the city, port and any units within one tile of Hamburg. The city and port will remain at zero indefinately. However, what other effects (diplomatic etc.) would you suggest for a yes versus a no?

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Also a wicked large drop in morale for Axis forces but maybe a small boost in prod times to duplicate the oh Sh*t we got nuked we better get a move on .....also think the option should only be once a month at most twice a month due to the insane amount of resources that these weapons used up...anyhoo keep up the great work when someone buys my other lung i will buy PDE but pennies tight right now 1 car broken valve spring other car water pump dead....wat a fukin week lol

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