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Ramadi (Iraq) - WIP map 50% complete

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Looking forward to this map coming out -

On this topic, there is a great new book out by Dick Couch called "The Sherriff of Ramadi" it focuses mainly on the Navy SEALs who played a very important role in turning Ramadi and Anbar around from 04 through 07.....But also discussing how they worked everyday with conventional forces to make this happen... .the SEALs and Army worked incredibly well together to turn Ramadi and all of Anbar around (Marines also).....Great book.

I also have a family member who is in the "Teams" and has been DR in Iraq twice over the past several years....and worked Route Michigan.......

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Thanks for asking.

Short answer: RL got in the way big time. I work in finance for a major US energy company. Been a little busy of late, so I haven't had time to do much since early Sep than to check the board on weekends. I preordered Marines but have only had time to play a couple of scenarios. And the Couch book is on my required reading list too, but haven't had time for that either.

If things keep going on this way, I may just post my map up on CMMODs together with my historical research on the Battle of Ramadi (2004-2007) and see if anybody wants to carry the ball further.

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That's disappointing to hear LLF. It seemed like it was coming along really nicely too. I know about real life getting in the way though, i've thrown together some small hodge podge type stuff but never really got into building AI plans are anyting of the like because I don't have time. Nice looking map though. Hope you find the time to go ahead and finish.

Best wishes.

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Thanks for asking.

Short answer: RL got in the way big time. I work in finance for a major US energy company. Been a little busy of late, so I haven't had time to do much since early Sep than to check the board on weekends. I preordered Marines but have only had time to play a couple of scenarios. And the Couch book is on my required reading list too, but haven't had time for that either.

If things keep going on this way, I may just post my map up on CMMODs together with my historical research on the Battle of Ramadi (2004-2007) and see if anybody wants to carry the ball further.

I would love to see this option - Have you put your map out (along with research) and allow others to start making a string of single missions .......and you could always step in with a bonus string of missions that you could put together when you had more time.

That would be great.

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  • 6 months later...

I must've missed it if it has. Somehow, I totally forgot about this meticulously made project. I'm happy that it got dug back up. The texture work is flat out amazing.

My fingers are crossed that it has been released, and, if it has, that somebody's in the process of releasing a mission or campaign for it.

Does anyone have The Word?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for remembering me and my epic project.

No, I still haven't finished the map. Just as I was putting the finishing touches on it, I decided to expand it an extra 300m east (to OP Horea), so the full size map will be a full 1km by 500m stretch of the embattled Route Michigan as authentic as I can make it down to the last wall.

I have changed jobs and cities in the last 6 months and so CMSF has regrettably taken a back seat to RL altogether. I don't even get on the forum more than once every 2 weeks. Also, until I can unpack my desktop rig I'm restricted to my low-res laptop running Windows 2000 (CMSF runs but only choppily), so I can't even share any new screenshots.

Also, at some point, I'll repost my various building textures and doodads to the new CMMODS.

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I did however work up a set of mission orders for the first scenario. Comments are welcome, especially from anyone who did time in Ramadi during the bad years (2004-2006).




Ramadi, Iraq, Good Friday, April 6 2004. Since occupying Sunni-dominated Anbar Province in April 2003, the US Army had tried to keep a low profile. But as US-funded public works aimed at winning over the populace sank into a cesspit of incompetence, corruption, tribal feuding and sabotage by resentful Ba'athists, American forces found themselves forced to leave their fortified bases to protect both infrastructure and officials. This in turn exposed them and their large logistical trains to snipers, IEDs and increasingly, to deadlier "complex attacks" by well-armed groups of former soldiers and tribal militiamen who knew the ground intimately.

In March 2004, First Marine Expeditionary Force assumed tactical control of Anbar. In the Marine spirit, General Conway took the fight to the enemy, with aggressive patrolling and police actions aimed at disrupting the resistance and contesting their control of city streets and villages. At the same time, he redoubled efforts to build up Iraqi national guard and police forces, whose effectiveness and loyalty were virtually nil.

The escalating violence in Anbar gained global attention when the killing of four Americans in Fallujah triggered a regiment-scale Marine incursion into that city. As fierce fighting continued there on the morning of April 6, 60 miles further west in the restive provincial capital of Ramadi, LTC Kennedy deployed his 2/4 Marines into the streets near the Government Center to forestall a rumored attack. The Marines of Golf Company were unaware that hundreds of heavily armed insurgents had taken up ambush positions, telling residents: "Today we are going to kill Americans".


Insurgent attacks have been becoming bolder in Ramadi lately. This Sunni provincial capital was home to many Saddam-era soldiers; they are well-armed and know basic infantry tactics. The dominant Dulaym clan are accomplished racketeers and smugglers, and resisted outside authority even in Saddam's day, but their militias generally stay near their homes. The main city-wide insurgent forces are local Ba'athist "die hards" of the "1920 Revolution Brigades" and "Kata'ib Salah al-Din" (Saladin Phalanx).


The main US combat forces in Ramadi are 2/4 Marines ("Magnificent Bastards") and 1/16 Infantry (Iron Rangers). These units monitor the main entry points into the city and conduct specialized missions, but are nowhere near enough to control this sprawling metro area of 400,000. The 4,000 odd National Guard and police are essentially useless.

With the Fallujah battle raging and resources thinly stretched, all we can do is to keep the lid on the bubbling pot of Ramadi as best we can.


Ramadi is wedged between the Euphrates River and the Habbaniyah Canal. The most densely built up area is bisected east-west by Route 10, aka Main Supply Route MICHIGAN.


Intelligence has received word that the insurgents intend to occupy the Government Center in the center of the city to show that open rebellion is spreading beyond Fallujah. The Anbar provincial administration barely functions, but it is critical that it remain in being since the Iraqis are supposed to resume control of their own government in June 2004. Were insurgents to occupy the GC even temporarily, it would be a major propaganda coup for them, and could inflame all of Anbar province.

Try to avoid major property damage, especially to mosques (even if they're shooting from there). Even more important though, do your utmost to avoid friendly casualties -- the only metric on this war being relentlessly tracked by the media is American body bags. When in doubt, send bullets not men.


3rd platoon Golf Company is to patrol the streets around the Government Center on foot and engage any armed insurgents, calling in the MQRF (2nd Platoon) to flank and destroy them. If heavily engaged, they can call on the Weapons Company QRF/A from Hurricane Point and helicopter gunships from Camp Ramadi.

The National Guard forces in the GC have US MTT advisers and will defend the place, but won't venture outside for anything; they're mostly Shi'ite draftees and are scared of the populace.


Since the lightly armored Humvees are vulnerable to IED attack, it is probably best to patrol on foot. In addition to the usual sniping, several ambushes have been attempted in the last few weeks by bands of 10-30 fighters supported by LMGs and RPGs. Nothing the Marines haven't been able to quickly suppress however.

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