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AAR: "Machinegun Outposts" OP GHOST on 4th Jan.08

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So here is the AAR for my First Mission on Operation Ghost. I played just one Scenario so far but must say that i like the Missions Webwing built like the other Mission Designers more then the whole TF Thunder Campaign. They got Great Feel for Balancing and the Plans start to work out in 1.05. Im looking for Further Patches as there are still some Problems with LOF/LOS and some Unit behavior that make the game some Kind of unpredictable.

I have to say that is starts in 1.05 and with those User Made Scenarios i really Start to Enjoy CMx2 wich is makeing me write down that AARs. Sorry for my Bad English but i hope you like to enjoy to read it.

I also got some Problems Translating the German Names for "Zug" "Battalion" "Gruppe" in the Right English Terms. If not please tell me so and i will try to fix it.

One Question:

Leader of a Battalion= Major?

Leader of a Platoon= Captain?

Leader of a Squad= Leutnant?

Leader of a Group= ??

Leader of a Fireteam=?

I need this so that the AAR Sounds well and i can name the Troops with Ranks. This is also a bit of "giving" back for the Great AAR this Australian Guy wrote wich i really enjoyed to read!

Maybe i will post the Whole Campaign im playing but lets first Start with the Day that 3.Batallion had that Day in the Blue Sector clearing that MGs and securing the Bridges.

Greetz from Germany


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Hey Taki,

It sounds like is going to be a great AAR. I love to read those.

I don't think there are fixed ranks for COs but you should post this question about ranks in the main forum. Loads of experts there. Can't help you much in this, sorry.

Looking forward to your AAR.


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So here is the First Mission i encountered.

Machine Gun Outpost on 4th Jan 08

Major Atak was in Control and Command of the B-Company of the 3.Battalion wich got a Task to find that Ghost wich was mobilizing the Milita in this Sector and fought a Gurilla War against the Americans in this Country.

Captain Atak with his HQ Staff was on the Left Flank of the 1st.Platoon watching the Maps that they Had from the Blue Sector. It was some Photos an F-16 Reconpatrol Took earlyer that Day.

So here was the Plan:


As Captain likes to keep it Simple his Plans was to Supress that #1 Objektive with Both MMG Sections and then Advance with Two Squads and take that First Houses near the Road. After that the 2nd.Platoon should arive and Flank to the North behind that Hill Covered and get in Position to take out MG Obj#2.

So Captain Atak informed his Platoon Leaders 2nd Ltd. Mc Nutt and the other Platoon Leader about his Plans. He also said that there where some Air Support Promised.

So First Platoon under McNutt started to Advance to the Houses Infront. After 1 Minute of Leaping from Treecover to the Next One there where the Sound of an Heavy Machine Gun Section Firing from anywhere close Obj#1. A Lucky Burst perfrorated the Chest of Private Goon whom where a Supporter for a MMG Section.


McNutt gave all Platoons the Order to make Vis Contact with the Houses infront and kick the **** out of the Enemys lying in that Houses infront with everything they have. MMGs, Rifle Grenades and the good Old M4Carabiner.

As Stuff Seargent Citrone Reportet that there isnt anything they can do for Private Goon the Hell broke loose and the whole Platoon got angry and firing even a LAW onto that Houses infront supressing the Enemy.

After that McNutt checked the Wind and it was ideal to lay a Smoke Screen infront of the Stoormtroop Section wich should cover their approach to the Houses.

So two Stormtroops where Flanking the Houses on the Left Site trying to breach the Wall and the other Fireteam on the Right Flank to get straight into the Houses.

[ January 04, 2008, 05:42 AM: Message edited by: Taki ]

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Originally posted by Taki:

I also got some Problems Translating the German Names for "Zug" "Battalion" "Gruppe" in the Right English Terms. If not please tell me so and i will try to fix it.

One Question:

Leader of a Battalion= Major?

Leader of a Platoon= Captain?

Leader of a Squad= Leutnant?

Leader of a Group= ??

Leader of a Fireteam=?

Brigade Commander = Colonel

Battalion Commander = Lieutenant Colonel

Executive Officer (XO) = Major

Company Commander (CO) = Captain

Platoon Leader (PL) = Lieutenant

Platoon Sergeant (PSG) = Staff Sergeant

Squad Leader (SL) = Sergeant

That should help you, unless you want the lower ranks.

Also Taki you might want to add the word Spoiler to the title so that other players who haven't played it yet will not get more information then they need :D

Just so you know :D

[ January 04, 2008, 05:59 AM: Message edited by: JohnO ]

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2nd Ltd. Mc Nutt was on the Radio with Captain Atak Reporting that there where the First Casualtiy on an MMG Squad but his Boys adavance well. 10 Minutes after they started their mission the 1st. Platoon took Obj#1 and took out 15 Enemy Soldiers and their HMG Section.

But 4.Squad/A-Team had a Second Loss. Hit by something Big a Man died as they stormed the Front Entrance of that Houses.

"Sgt.Sieland 1st.Squad here. Leutenant McNutt we have taken the Houses and setting up a Defense Position. There where Incoming Fire infront of the Houses killed one of our Boys. We have made Contact to the Obj#2 in the North. We are going Prone and wait for further Instructions. Over"

So they Made it McNutt tought as another Message came in from Sieland.

"APC down the Road Leutenant. Hatch down. They are searching for us?"

"All Squads, open FIre on that APC!" McNutt said. And so they did it.

2 Rifle Grenade Rounds hit the APC but there where no Visual Damage on it. Sgt. Sieland had no LAWs left so another under Sgt. Lampton Fired an M136 RPG onto the APC wich stopped on the Roads with Dead Tracks. With the Second LAW they made an almost hit Close to the APC wich made the HQ Unit inside there bailing out. They where screaming and tryed to take cover near the APC and Crawl to their Death as everyone of them got mowed down.


So 1st.Platoon was in Position and 2 MMG Sections where follow suit Setup Positions in Obj#1.


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Captain Atak looked on his Army Watch. Almost 10 Minutes where passed bye since they where leaping over that Hills and taking out Strongpoint #1.

Everything was going for Plan. Then on the Battalion Channel a Voice came in.

"Here is Major Bagram 4th F-16 Wing. Captain, we have Permission to give you CAS in Sector Blue for your Operation Ghost. There is a F-16 leveled on 10.000Feet 5 Minutes away from your Sector. Please Report in if you need an Airstrike and where to. Over"

That made Captain Atak smile. There where the Promised Close Air Support he waited for. As he looked up he saw 2nd Platoon Setting up near the Road.

He called 2nd Platoon on the Radio:

"Here is Captain Atak. Leutnant, Flank North behind that Hill. We got Air Support otw. Take Position behind that Hill and wait for further Instructions. Get ready to supress the Enemy near Obj#2 and advance after the F-16 GunRun. Over"

"Roger That" Second Platoon said and advanced onto the North Side Parallel to Obj#2 and get into Position


There where one of Atak`s HQ Stuff comming in Reporting to the Captain.

"Captain, we have a HMG Section and other Units lying in that Sektor with Obj#2 Sir. Recommending a GunRun on that Sector Sir!"

"Allright" Said Captain Atak and gave the Coordinates to the F-16 Wing Circeling around 5 Minutes away their Position.

"Gunrun on Golf, Novmeber, Five, two. Repeat Gunrun on GOlf,Novmeber,Five,two please. Hostile Units in that Aera. Easy to find. Target Area is 250m Location is 3 House Complexes sourrounded bye Walls."

"Roger Wilco. ETA 7 Minutes to Target. We are ready to engage Captain. Over" the Pilot said.

After that Captain Atak told the 2 Platoonleaders about the incoming F-16. He dont know what Loadout the F-16 has but he hopes it will be devastating.

It gets quiet for about 5 Minutes. The Silence before the Storm.

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Captain Atak said to his Platoon Leaders:

"McNutt and Cannon. Feel free to attack the Target with everything you have until the F-16 arrives."

"Roger" they said.

After 8 Minutes the Soldiers on the Battlefield heard the Boom Sound of that F-16 Falcon over their Heads.

2nd. Leutnant Cannon ordered to Attack. But it was a bit of early that made him cost 1 of his Boys casualtiy.

So the Syrians in Obj#2 opened up Fire on that "Jump-up-Gun" Cannons Platoon and everyone of the B-Company Trigger Happy opened up Fire on that well scoutet Syrian Militia Positions on Obj#2.

The Hell broke Loose and the Syrian Resistance colapsed. An Intensive 3 Minute Firefight started and the ROF of the Syrians Dropped as RIfle Grenades and MMG bullets, LAWs and M4 where peppering the Whole Place.

The Grunts cheered the F-16 wich where flying 300m over the ground Spraying the Roofs of the Houses on Obj#2. It was facinating and cruel to see the little boulders and Rocks flying from that Roofes with Spray of Blood and hear the Sound of the Dying Syrians over there.

After 25Minutes Captain Atak gave the Command to cease Fire. As there where 4 Syrians Milita with a White Flag where comming out of the Building with black Faces.

"The Plan worked out. Commander!" McNutt said on the Radio.

But Atak didnt listen. He opend up another Channel. "Ltdn. Cannon please Report in to the the Company HQ when this Mission is over. Everyone Report in Status"

"Roger" said Cannon and the other Radio Messeges where dropping in.

All Unit where on Medium Ammo Status. There where 2 WIA under McNutts and 2 KIA under Cannon`s "Trigger Happy" Command.

2 Squads Ammo Status is Red and they are really low on Ammo. Atak though that they get some Supply Reinforcments but they didnt. There where just the New Plans comming in. "Take the Bridges" where the new Orders.

Atak took a Deep Breath.

So far nearly everything went fine.

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NOte on CMx2 Engine:

As iam a lovin Simplayer i played the Balkan Scenario Falcon 4.0 and loved it. Exspecially the Airfield Bomb Runs with Runway Buster Bombs to take out the Enemy Airfields and make them unuseable.

As i noted in Cmx2 the Time to call in the F-16 was okay with 8 Minutes. I ordered the Falcon to Area Target that Buildings on Obj#2. That was all okay to call in CAS.

But what was not okay was the Time for the Falcon to pull up take a Circle and Attack again. That took way to long. It took about 3 Minutes or more for that next Attack Run and it didnt Use any Gbu`s. Only Unguided Rockets on that third Run.

The Time from First Flybye to the Second or Third one is way to long for my Taste. You should also ne Better what a F-16 is carring and should order her what she should use onto the Target. A 500lb Bomb or a GBU should have been way better. Also the Unguided Rocket Pads are way to uneffective.

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AAR: "Bridges" B-Company, 3th Batallion, Captain Atak

So here is the Briefing. High Command wants us to Take that Mosque and Hold that Bridges that are in Town.

Report in Status is that we have 2KIA and 2 WIA. The Two Wounded Men are on a Provisonal Field Hospital(Made of 2 Medics and a Little Instant Tent nearby the Road in the East of the Blue Sector). Ammo Status is okay and all Units except for one has all Ammo Left. The MMGs are Okay and we have Rifle Grenades left.

There is 3rd Platoon otw to "Sector Blue" and they will be here in Short Time.

"3 Platoons and such a Big Town to take without any Armoured Support and many many open Field." Captain Atak thinks.

He overlooked the Briefing. There was no Word on Take up the whole Town. And with one Look on his lack of Man&MachinePower he came to this conclusion:


1St.Platoon Mc Nutt should stay at there Starting Position and giving Firesupport for 2nd.Platoon. But there where some Problems with that. The Walls around the Houses wich McNutt occupied seems to be higher then they really looked like giving them a Bad Line of Sight to the Town so they had to expose them self drving McNutt a Bit Nuts.

The 2nd Platoon under Leutnant Cannon should Recon the Positions of the Enemy and Advance on their Right Flank and move forward to the Mosquet. Then they should setup Defensive Positions there to hold that Mosquet wait for Reinforcements or if there isnt that Stiff Resistance Advance trough some trenches to the West and secure those Bridges.

B-Company HQ have some Sniper Units sent. They should take that Hills on their Right Site, dig in and Overview the Battlefield and Direct Support Fire onto the Town if they get some. Maybe that F-16 Falcon is comming back?

3rd Platoon should stay in Reserve and should Link up with Company HQ and getting Orders on the Fly as the Fight goes on. They probably go onto the Right Flank taking the Route of the Second Platoon or giving Firesupport from that Hills. Not too much Planing.

So B-Company goes to War again!

Captain Atak was most concerned of the

- Lack of Support Weapons on that Mission

- Daytime attack with lots of Open Ground to the Town with lack of cover (sadly Trees and Bushes arent giving much of Cover in CMx2, hjope they fix it soon)

- No Ammo Reserves

- Uncomplete Recon of that Town (yes they say there isnt much resistance but who knows?)


MOre to come. Stay tuned. Comments on this are welcome!

[ January 04, 2008, 11:21 AM: Message edited by: Taki ]

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So the Units tryed to do like their Platoon Leaders said.

After they started their Advance on the Right Flank with 2nd. Platoon they came under Fire from the Mosquet. This was no Suprise but the First Casultiy was an MMG Support Man again.

"First Time under Fire"


Just as this Happened a Tree got Shaken in Front of the 1st Platoon as they startet to deploy their MMGs to the Left and Right of that Houses. What was it? Tank? Artillery? Mortar? First Platoon was guessing but Advanced at the Same time to That Hill from wher you got good Overlook on the Town. 3 Men got wounded on the approach to that hill and where lying for 30 Minutes without Medical Aid in the Open. Little Wonder they survived.

2nd Leutnant Cannon spottet in the Top of the Mosquet Tower an enemy RPG as its hot Dust Beam where whirling out of the dome.

"RPG in the Mosquet!"


Both Platoons MMG peppered the Place with MMG while the Second and Third RPG Round was fired unguided in the Direction of McNuts Platoon.

The Squads used everything they had to pound the **** out of that RPG Man and as the the made a Direct hit with an LAW the RPG Fire was over.

Till that Point everything was under Control and Captain Atak gave the Order for the Second Platoon to Advance on the Right Flank. But as they Approached more and More Enemy Fighters Showed up at the Mosquet. It was a Big Strongpoint of the Enemy and we where advised not to Destroy or Damage it. We where in a Bad Situation. Second Problem was some Enemy Fighter in the Center of TOwn on some Balconys with good Firearc on the Cannon Platoon and McNutts had no LOS on them.

So Second Platoon was Stuck and couldnt advance. Problem was bye Time that they also Ran out of Ammo. The 2nd Platoon on the Right Flank had the Most Losses.

Multiple Enemey Gun Mounted Jeeps poped up and 2 of them fell to the Sniper.

"Confirmed Kill on 520m Captain Atak!" the Spotter for the Sniper yelled to the Company Commander. And they did well.

"Sniper Confirmed Kill on Enemy Jeep"


Sgt.Sorehad had the Heaviest losses but as the Third Platoon came into Play and moved past the Postitions of McNuts the Company Commander Captain Atak gave them Command on the Right Flank to attack.

With some half backed Support from 1st.Platoon and 3rdPlatoon Sgt.Sorehad from 2nd.Platoon advanced on the Right Flank. Fire Popped up infront of that Mosquet Areal and there where the Toughest Fighter duck in this afternoon on those Firefights. Sgt.Sorehad got wounded heavily and went down. But Corporal Kay took the Lead and fought on reorganizing his Men.

The Enemys in those Trenched almost stopped the Advance on the Right Flank. The Towncenter was Shelled by 81mm Mortar but only with average Effect. Still there showed enemy up and Fired on the US-Troops Right Attack Wing.

With Combined Arms, Rifles, Grenades, Sniper and MMGs they pinned the Mens in the Trenches down but they didnt duck in nor did the get Killed. They fought like Tigers.

"4 Insane Syrian Helldogs almost hold off the Attack for 30Minutes!!!"


Then our Brave Corporal Kay had enough. He asked his Furious Leutnant Cannon if he can Storm that Trenches down their and Cannon gave him the Command over 2 other Men.

Like Devils they Ran down the Hill avoiding Enemy Fire. As they reached the Trenches there where an Intense Firefight and one of Corporal Kays Men fell to the enemy. The First and only KIA of the Day.

They advanced trough the Trenches and the Fire in the Towncenter stopped. Now the Rest of the Second Platoon advanced over the Open and layed down in the Trenches.

They wherent there yet as Corporal Kay placed some DemoCharges on the outer Mosquet Wall. "They should not Hurt the Mosquet. But noone said about the outer Walls!" Corporal Kay said and blastet the Walls.



Second Squad with More Ammo and Manpower got trough the Breached Wall and Advanced to Clear that Mosquet Arial. In the Last Building there showed a Man up and wanted to Revenge the Hurt of the Mosquet. He shot the Men besite Corporal Kay left him heavyily wounded.

The Squads cleared the Mosquet and left no Syrian Fighter out there alive. 2nd Platoon took Overlook Positions in the Tower and Cannon and a recon unit advanced through the Trenches further West to have an Overlook onto the Bridges.

"Mosquet Save, moderate Losses but everything went as planned"


They where right in Time. As the Briefing mentioned it was Important to Secure the Hill near McNutts. 3rd and 2nd Platoons MMGs had taken the Hill.

Cannon Reported:"Here is Second Platoon Leutnant Cannon. Incoming Fighters from the West out of Town on the other Site of the River are trying to retake that Bridge. Over"

"Copy that, Cannon. MMGs got vis to target. Open Fire!" and the MMGs Hammered the **** out of them and protected the Bridges and kept the Doors shut for more Enemy Fighters to drip into the town.

"MMG Guarding the Door to Town aka THE BRIDGES"


"Good Job" Captain Atak said. "3rd Platoon. Advance trough the Town Center and capute that Bridges. 2nd Platoon reporting only weak resistance. Report in when you have them. Over!"

So there where 10 Minutes left when the Third took that Bridges.

"Bridges save Sir. 3rd Platoon Commander said. No Visual Contacts."

"Hold the Bridge" The Captain said. "There is the 2. Battalion showing up there replacing us. Good Job Boys!!"

"Final Standing after 60 Minutes"


Then there was an Light MG barking. And reported in after 30Seconds. "Sniper Team Dead. They where in Hideout Position. Glad we spottet them from that 3 Story Building here in Town Center. They are dead Captain"

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"Last Syrian bites the Dust"


Atak took a Deep Breath and waited for the Status Report on every Platoon.

After a While he got the Numbers:

"Captain!" one of his Staff Reported. Atak knew there where lots of Casualtiys through out the Day and had Shaking Hands as he waited for the Numbers.

"We got 15 Men light and Seriously wounded. 1 Men KIA. Its Sgt Sorehad from the 1.Squad 2nd Platoon Sir. Died while they where advancing on the Right Flank Sir!"

The captain feel bad and good about that Day. They got away with a Blue eye. They had taken out a Stronghold of the Syrian Underground Forces (20KIA 50WIA only in Mission#2)and a Keypoint where the Militia and Terrorists form up.

This was an outstanding sucessfull Day for the American Forces but 3 Men had to Pay the Price. B-Company had a Rest. Lets see what Alpha and Charlie will do.


Captain Atak out!

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I think he is too good!!!

Playing Veteran, I'm not having quite as much luck. On mission 1, I was only able to take the mg position on the left. I was prepared to take the one on the right, but time ran out. I lost 4 good men.

Now I'm on mission 2, and I'm struggling to take the mosque. I've lost more men, but hopefully I'll be able to bounce back and take it...

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Originally posted by the Fighting Seabee:

I think he is too good!!!

Playing Veteran, I'm not having quite as much luck. On mission 1, I was only able to take the mg position on the left. I was prepared to take the one on the right, but time ran out. I lost 4 good men.

Now I'm on mission 2, and I'm struggling to take the mosque. I've lost more men, but hopefully I'll be able to bounce back and take it...

I have managed to take the bridges once without taking the mosque first. So it's really up to you.

I was always too worried about the KIA. But their numbers are usually small. You really need to worry about the WIA. Fix them if you can. If they count as injured when the mission ends they are as good as dead for you since you won't see them again for the rest of the campaign!!! tongue.gif

I have made the last missions easier because of your comments Seabee, but now they will be a walk in the park to Taki!

But then again based on his performance, the AAR and his tactics he is probably not like your average player.... :D


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OK Webwing. We'll see what happens when I get to missions 6 and 7. ;)

BTW, very cool of you to add me into the credits. :cool: And thank you for the campaign and all the hard work you have put into it. Sadly, it may be awhile before there are any user made campaigns that even come close to yours!

Mission 2 AAR to follow, although with a little less imagination than Taki tongue.gif

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Mission 1 AAR:

I moved one platoon up toward the left and the other up the middle. I was trying to hit the first mg position from 2 sides, while keeping mg1 between me and mg2 so I could use mg1 as cover from mg2. During the assault, I lost 4 guys. Just as I started to pound mg2 with mortars, time ran out. Draw.

Mission 2 AAR:

I started with guys in both mg positions. I moved 2 platoons up the left to the small ridge overlooking the town. The other I moved up the right side hill. I tried to pour as much fire on the mosque area as possible, but the enemy was heavily entrenched. So I rained down mortars on the complex near the mosque there in the corner of town. They were completely wasted because they had no affect at all. The rest of mission 2 was spent in a shootout with the mosque and the guys near the bridges. I lost 0 men, but had 18 wounded. I wasted thousands (maybe 4 squads worth) of rounds of ammo trying to kill one guy in the trench by the mosque who took out several of my guys. Total defeat.

Now I'm working on mission 3, and hoping I can pull out a win. Mission 3 AAR soon.

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What the hell?! You had air support on the first one!!! Why didn't you use it?

********** Major Spoilers Here *******************









On the second one, trying to outgun the guys on the mosque can be a disaster and a waste of ammo.

Mortar's best use is to kill guys in the trenches, in the open. They will do no harm to enemies inside buildings!

Once rid of the trenches you attack the mosque from it's weakest point, the back. As you would in real life.

Not having all powerful artillery, tanks or Javelins forces you to study the map to find the enemies weakest points.

Personally I like to attack from the left in this map. Works well too.

It's easy for me to teach you tactics in a map that I designed and played a zilion times!!!! :D:D:D

I suck when I play other peoples scenarios! :rolleyes:

Anyway I hope you have better luck with the third mission.


[ January 05, 2008, 03:51 AM: Message edited by: Webwing ]

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I got another Serious Problem with the Mission what is more CMx2 Game Problems then Mission Design Fault.

I had all the 3rd Platoon driven up to the MG Obj#1 in the Second Mission "Bridge". Half of the Squads didnt Move and was Stuck near the Houses. That made 3rd Squad almost Half that Effective to me.

I played on Elite and like the Challenge. I played alot in Blitzladder and German Lague and performed well there in CMBB.

I think its most Important to think at the Beginning what Gameplan you have. Thats the Point. That always gave me a Solid Base on my Missions. And its Fun to Think about a good Gameplan. ;)

But can someone explain me how the Wounded System Works?

When they lay there in Red Circles they are wounded or dead right? When i put Men there they start to give First Aid and try to evacuate them.

But there are two Questions to me:

1. How you Find out if the Soldier is Dead or Wounded? Only in the Final Stats? How is that Calculated?

2.Are there any WIA comming back Later in the Campaign?

Edit: That Mission was not a Walk in the Park. Was really Challenging. I only played it once without Saving. And will do it for the Rest of the Campaign. So the Bravo Company has 3 Dead and 15 WIA. If they get Ammo back it will be okay. If not it will be a Real Challenge.

I hope the Next Mission with Charlie Company isnt all that Hard.

[ January 05, 2008, 05:50 AM: Message edited by: Taki ]

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Hi Taki,

I like it when is difficult and challenging. So I make my missions like that.

You are playing the missions the way they were meant to be.

As for the questinos:

1) Red is seriously wounded or dead. Yellow is lightly wounded. I could not confirm this but if you give the soldier first aid he may not count as wounded in the end.

2) For you wounded is as good as dead as far as the campaign goes. They are not coming back!!!

You will get resupplied(ammo) at the end of every mission. Also rest. But no replacements for dead or wounded.

Next shouldn't be too difficult. But it gets harder and harder after that! smile.gif


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AAR: Operation Host, Charly Company, Sweep&Clean

So here we are. Charly Company in Sektor Green. Is it coincence or Fate that their Sektor of Operation is Sector Green? Because most of their Troops are young Guns with no much of Experienced in Combat. They are Fresh out of Fort Bragg and got almost none Combat Experience at all.

According to the Operarion Plan they have to built the Firesupport and Back Bone of the Final Approach on the Ghosts Hideout. But they have to do this Mission first.

Priority with Planning is to have few as possible Casualties because we lack those men on the Final Mission in Purple sector.

Battalions Operational Stuff gave us this Mission without any Info on the Big Picture. Just the Objektives to Take the hills, Houses and this Slepping Valley down there with the Add that this Mission will be an Easy one.

"Dont Trust your Stuff!" Captain of Charlie Company thought. The Words "It will be easy" are the Most alarming ones for an Experienced Officer.

So he studied the Terrain Carfully and gave the Orders to his Troops. Plan was divided two Phased.


On Phase 1 , 1st Platoon would Break North and Take that Houses 1+2 because they got very well Strategic Important Overlook over the Battlefield in the First part of that Mission. If taken they can Give Firesupport to Platoon 2+3 that are Advancing through the Valley and taking Farmhouse3 and the Hill on the South-East Site.


On Phase2 the First Platoon should Advance to that Hill and Take Position there overwatching the Village and Supress any Enemy they encounter. Reconing and Supressing enemy in Town is their Main Goal.

Second and Third Platoon Advancing on the Right Flank Left and Right Hand to the Road setting up on that Hill near 1st Platoon or on that Woods on their Right Flank.

If Ammo Status and Moral is still okay they will advance into that Vally and taking it.

Most Concerning Problem and Priority to the Plan was not to Take the Road as Captain from Charly Company feared Ambush Positions.

"All Platoon Leaders! Go back to your Squads. Good Luck Gentlemen"

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