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red and blue vs. red

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you change the parameter in the data page. change BLUE v RED once you have purchased some units to RED V RED and you can have all sorts of stuff.

I made a crazy scenario with Syrian SF guys backed up by a few Brads and on the other side some US Engineers jumping out of BMP2's.

All cos I was curious lol

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I found this quote from Steve in Winecape's thread (from Sept. 2005).

"No mixing of Red and Blue forces. Interesting, yes, but not something we planned on allowing so the game is not currently coded to handle such a possiblity. Not saying it couldn't at some later point in time, but more work would be needed to make that happen."

Not everything is set in stone...unless it was a Trojan Horse they didn't expect.

Somebody already posted a scenario using this exploit. I think it's one of the Iraq based battles. It was a cool find. Opens up a lot of potential scenarios for Afghanistan too.


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One thing to add though:

It seems the game reads out the first unit in the editor's unit list to determine who is playing whom, no matter what you pick as blue/red. This means if the first unit in the list is for example a Syrian unit, the side is "Syrian" in the battle result screen even if you picked blue as the side and there are U.S. units picked.

So if you want a U.S. force with Syrian assets mentioned as U.S. in the battle result screen, you should pick a U.S. unit as the first in the list.

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