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Can I play CM at more than 640 x 480?

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So far I am real impressed with the feel of

the game. I also like the way you can

tailor the scenarios to your strength level

without the Close Combat way of doing it

which consisted of giving the enemy all

super tanks and your only rifles to kill

them with. However, I don't seem to be

able to get anything better than 640 x 480

screen resolution. I have a Pentium III PC,

running Windows ME, with a Voodoo 3 3000 AGP

video card. I have upgraded to the latest

3dfx driver ( and the latest

version of DirectX (8.0a) and I still get a

"Program Error: Could not initialize

Direct3D graphics" message. I have reduced

my screen resolution down to 1024 x 768

(from 1280 x 1024). Anywhere else

I should check,or should I just throw my

computer out the window. I've also got a

friend who mentioned interface problem when

testing the demo. If I don't tell him how

to make it work he won't be buying the game.

I did and I'll play it at 640 x 480 if

that is the way things have to be.



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I don't know if your video card is causing your problem or not, but to change the resolution in CM you need to delete the "Combat Mission Beyond Ovr Prefs" file from the CMBO directory. Then set your desktop resolution at least as high as you want your CM resolution. Next time you load the game it will cycle through the resolution options again with the best available resolution given first. If doing this doesn't fix your problem then it is something else.

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It's probably either the version of graphics driver that's unsuitable, or you've installed that driver after installing DirX.

First I'd reinstall DirectX (8.0a), if you have it handy.

If you don't have it stored (it's a 10MB download), or a reinstall doesn't help, then do a search for Voodoo 3 threads in this section. There have been lots of problems, but solvable ones.



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A couple more iterations (resetting my

monitor to plug and play as the readme notes

from the latest 3dfx driver suggested,

installing the 3dfx driver and DirectX

8.0a in either order),

and I am nowhere closer to being able to

play this game at more than 640 x 480

resolution. At least I can play the game which is not a total loss. I read the endless

problem notes regarding the Voodoo video

cards and they are no help. If CM is

so imcompatible with the Voodoo cards (or

vice versa depending on your point of view)

shouldn't that be well documented by now

(version 1.12 of the game)? Anybody at

Battlefront reading this?

I guess my next computer will have to pass

the CM test before I spend one penny on it

(or I'll make damn sure that there is a 30

days money back guarantee with no shipping

charge to myself).

Oh well!

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So you're saying that when you attempt to select a resolution (after deleting the CM preferences file) that you will get the "Program Error:..." problem with any resolution other than 640 x 480 (in software rendering mode I assume) ?

You may need to (for who knows why) remove your Voodoo 3 driver and install a "Standard PCI VGA" driver. Once that has been done (after the requisite reboots), then install DirectX 8.0a and your Voodoo driver. If there are any uninstallers run those before installing the Standard VGA driver.

Are you using any "tweaking" utilities for your video ? You may want to uninstall those too if you have any (they may interfere with CM's DirectX calls to get the resolution/refresh rate).

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I may have found the root of the problem.

My computer came with a Wicked 3D video

card which would not work with Close Combat.

I deinstalled it and installed a Voodoo 3 3000. Seems the de-installer did a crummy job. I can still see the tab for the Wicked

3D cards in display panel although it even

tells me I am running a Voodoo 3 cards. I

can't de-install it as it complains there

is no installation log. I can't find any

file anywhere with Wicked 3D in the name.

Sounds, like the only solution is to

reformat my hard drive from scratch.

Fun! Fun!

I'll be back if I still have problems once

my system is back up and operational.

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