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Starting CMSF leads to trojan horse warning!

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This is weird. Just started last night when I tried to open up CMSF. Immediately got a warning from AVG as per the picture below:


Of course I click "heal" and "move to vault" but the same thing happens when I tried to start CMSF again. It won't let me start CMSF up.

The other option that AVG gives is "remove threat as power user", but I haven't use that yet as another warning sign comes on saying that this could make my system unstable - need my computer for work as well, so not willing to do this yet.

Can anybody help?

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Yeah, I'm getting that too. It's freaking annoying. Obviously it's a false negative - that file "lcmmfu.cpl" is part of the DRM.

Oh DRM, how do I hate thee? Let me count the ways ...

The only work around I've found so far (I've tried heal, ignore, vault, and remove as power user ... nothing worked) is to disable AVG, which is less than ideal.

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We have informed AVG (and eLicense already). The workaround for the moment is to exlude .cpl files from scannable files in your AVG configuration.

I have used AVG myself in the past and the same thing happened with a common javascript library last year, causing virus warnings to pop up all across the internet. AVG acted quickly back then (less than a day).


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