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CM:SF Crashing

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I have, in the last 2 months or so, starting playing CM:SF again, as it was previously working against me in any way possible (black screens, freezes, very very poor performance). Howver, after uninstalling (once again) and pathcing 1.08, fantastic! Until now. Unexplicably, (I haven't added anytihng new to my PC or removed anything, and I scan every file I donload with up-to-date Norton software), the gaem won't run the assault on Darl al as sud. It either shows a broken, mixed image (little tiles of different screens mixed up) on the briefing scree (sometimes), when you click on tactical map (always), and if you manage to get through the first two, within the first several minutes of play.

I know I am not running a high end system, but as I said, It had been runnig faultlessly, and doing so on bigger and more complex battles.

Heres my system -


Thanks for any help!


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So some scenarios DO work or do all of them have this or similar problems ? What are your "options" settings (from the main menu) ?

Do you know which particular video driver version you have installed ? The latest available for the Radeon X300 and Windows XP Home is Catalyst 8.4. To be honest I have no idea if these drivers will resolve your problem or cause others. It may take some experimentation to find a set that works the best with CMSF, which may mean an older driver is what may work.

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OK, new drivers on. The problem is.......... GONE! However, an old problem has returned, lag when units are selected, however fastest/fastest setting eliminate this. But there is a new problem as well; targetting has gone really weird. I can't really describe it. WHen I've played it for a bit more like this I'll post again.

Thanks for the help so far.


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