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Slightly different take on Slow Performance

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My system:

Asus P5B-E MB

E6600 Core 2 Duo


Nvidia 8800GTX

Nvidia 97.94 drivers and 158.19

Downloaded the demo, max settings @ 1680x1050, played first training mission and everything was buttery smooth, but when went to second mission it became stutter city??! :( Loaded FRAPS and checked FPS; I'm getting about 5-8fps with above settings, and upto 10fps with all settings at Low @ 1024x768. Tried using one core but this slowed things down even more!

Gone through the various tweaks suggested in this forum to no avail. Due to the very poor performance I'm getting I must be suffering from a rather drastic incompatibility. Will try a reinstall this evening and see if that helps.

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Exactly the same problem here, with almost exactly the same system specs (just slightly lower Nvid 7950GT512 vid card). Brand new top level pc, (XPMediaCentre, sp2 - don't trust Vista yet) but it would barely run the demo after the first tutorial mission. One core or two, makes barely any difference. CPU usage is shown as a constant 100% (which is worrying. Can it take that kind of strain?), and the game is so slow as to be unplayable. I've tried all the suggested tweaks, like you, and nothing helps.

I'm downloading the full game right now, but am not hopeful it will be any better.

BF, this is obviously a serious issue for many of us. Laying out big money for a top spec system, in large part in anticipation of ToW, and finding it won't run. There's a major incompatibility somewhere in the prog, surely? I have no problems with other spec hungy games and applications.Are you on it with a fix?

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Originally posted by handihoc:

BF, this is obviously a serious issue for many of us. Laying out big money for a top spec system, in large part in anticipation of ToW, and finding it won't run. There's a major incompatibility somewhere in the prog, surely? I have no problems with other spec hungy games and applications.Are you on it with a fix?

my computer may not be as good

AMD Athlon 64 3200+


1gb RAM

Windows XP PRO

i may bot have spent nearly as much money on mine but it should still run good on my comp and it runs like crap.

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Originally posted by Cougar_DK:

I just changed my resolution from 1680x1050 (screen native reolution) to 1024x768 and the FPS is nearly the same when looking at the units in the first single player battle (don't remember its name) i.e. non campaign.

Same with me, which makes one think that it's not to due to our graphics cards being incapable but some kind of program compatibility issue.

Originally posted by Percopius:

Seems that the grass settings made a real big differnce for me. Did you try rolling back the grass setting?

I did. Made 1 or 2 fps difference.
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It seems that the biggest FPS killer right now (for me) is the shadows. So I'm right now playing with out. I havn't played around with the grass though, mine is "Normal" right now. It seems there is something eating up cpu cycles, beacuse other games like Armed Assault, Supreme Commander etc. runs just fine.

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i only switched the andvanced nv setting hardwareaccelaration = one monitor, instead of dualmonitor, so my second one is still running as before, but without accelaration, which is no problem, because most games are played on monitor no.1.

give it a try, so you dont have to re-arrange your icons etc.

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Originally posted by bluescreen2:


i only switched the andvanced nv setting hardwareaccelaration = one monitor, instead of dualmonitor, so my second one is still running as before, but without accelaration, which is no problem, because most games are played on monitor no.1.

give it a try, so you dont have to re-arrange your icons etc.

Ta, I'll give this a go!
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