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Hmm... Kudos.


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I'm somewhat at a loss for words in describing my surprise to how good ToW feels. I guess I don't understand why some folks compare this to the CM series. I guess maybe they assumed it was the same kind of game? This feels like war. CM feels like a chess game. Two different games completely.

So yeah, I was expecting to be underwhelmed, even despite the good reviews, I always listen to all the critics before I buy a new game. That's just the reasonable thing to do. But a realization hit me, there has never been a game like this either in scale, perspective, or depth. With that realization came the insight that most of the critics were comparing this to a game they all know and love, CM. And I thought, wait, that's a bit like comparing chess to paintball: two different cultures of people and two different frames of mind.

So as I am learning this new type of RTS warfare, I have altered my perspective. It does require a different mindset and I am loving it. In fact, I loved it from the first training mission. I can't imagine this game not receiving huge support, if not from the devs, then the fanbase. This is a clear monster.

Now, if just one small request. The camera control. It is imperative that it be setup like the Total War series as well as others. There is no innovation required in this area, it is a standard that is the best solution. At least give us the option to have free mouse look all the time without having to push another button or push the middle mouse button. I am just asking for that option.

So, if moving the mouse around, the camera looks wherever the mouse looks. It is simple, slick, and perfect for this kind of RTS. If this has already been addressed then forgive me.


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I think what fscott55 was saying is that it would be even better still if it was complete free look without having to use the middle mouse button... he's got a point

Yes thankyou. So much simpler to not have to press another button just to get mouselook. This is a standard feature found in numerous games from every genre. Seems like it would be a simple feature to implement.

[ November 01, 2007, 04:06 PM: Message edited by: fscott55 ]

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