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Everything posted by fscott55

  1. I flanked the enemy with my tank, it was an advancing mission for the AI. During my flank I came across advancing infantry. I stopped and starting picking them off one by one. They kept walking toward me, never looked for cover, never tried to return anti-tank fire. I stopped firing at them just to see what they would do. They walked right on by me without flinching. I mean they literally walked in front of my tank. Until this fix this kind of rubbish, the game is unplayable. A common battlefied tactic like this should be countered with enemy tanks coming in and infantry looking and diving for cover. The AI is so scripted it cannot even cope with a simple flanking manuever.
  2. fscott55


    Linked to the map as in "scripted" LOS? Like scripted AI or scripted missions? I only say this because the AI appears to be very scripted. If I do anything odd or weird, as in try to outflank an enemy tank, any assaulting enemy infantry will run right by me as if I wasn't even there. I took a T70 tank on a flank of some enemy german tanks. On my way, I came upon 20 or so german soldiers who were trying to outflank me. I came to a stop and starting firing at them. Instead of diving for cover, they just kept running towards me, and right on by not even flashing a wink. As if I wasn't even there firing at them with cannon and MG. It appeared that they are scripted in their assault role. There are other disturbing AI behaviors and it appears much of it seems to be scripted. Step outside the bounds of intended and assumed combat, and the AI looks like an idiot. I certainly hope the 1.2GB patch does much much more than address LOS. The AI needs a massive overhauling.
  3. OK, thought there might have been someone who designed a series of related scenarios/ops. Thanks for the help anyway.
  4. Yes, I thought of that, but there does not seem to be any way of sorting operations and scenarios by historical date? If the search function of any of these websites could sort by historical date, then it would be much easier to choose the scenarios. I also wanted to know of there was a certain set of scenarios/operations that were better than others. You know, like a particular scenario designer who has put together a sequence of battles in their historical tinmeline. Sorting out all the numerous battles by name alone is difficult since not all of them are titled the same way. Makes it very difficult. Does anyone have a single pack of scenarios/ops which I can play in order to get the feel for the rise and fall of the DAK in Africa? I like the sense of acquiring new equipment as the war progressed.
  5. I just finished the 6 battle Operation "Mersa Brega".. wow, what a great battle! Now what I would like to do is follow the battles in their historical context. So using just Operations, which ones should I download in order? I'm not real familiar with the desert war battles so any guidance would be nice. I would just like to start from the beginning and play all the operations available in their historical order from the DAK side. Thanks!
  6. Just getting back into CMBB. Was wondering if there is a good early war German campaign mod which starts with Poland 1939 into Belgium and France and all the way through to 1945? Even a campaign from 1939-1942 or so would be fine. Thanks, I'm so out of touch with CMBB. But I do love the early war years.
  7. Yes thankyou. So much simpler to not have to press another button just to get mouselook. This is a standard feature found in numerous games from every genre. Seems like it would be a simple feature to implement. [ November 01, 2007, 04:06 PM: Message edited by: fscott55 ]
  8. Kudos. I'm somewhat at a loss for words in describing my surprise to how good ToW feels. I guess I don't understand why some folks compare this to the CM series. I guess maybe they assumed it was the same kind of game? This feels like war. CM feels like a chess game. Two different games completely. So yeah, I was expecting to be underwhelmed, even despite the good reviews, I always listen to all the critics before I buy a new game. That's just the reasonable thing to do. But a realization hit me, there has never been a game like this either in scale, perspective, or depth. With that realization came the insight that most of the critics were comparing this to a game they all know and love, CM. And I thought, wait, that's a bit like comparing chess to paintball: two different cultures of people and two different frames of mind. So as I am learning this new type of RTS warfare, I have altered my perspective. It does require a different mindset and I am loving it. In fact, I loved it from the first training mission. I can't imagine this game not receiving huge support, if not from the devs, then the fanbase. This is a clear monster. Now, if just one small request. The camera control. It is imperative that it be setup like the Total War series as well as others. There is no innovation required in this area, it is a standard that is the best solution. At least give us the option to have free mouse look all the time without having to push another button or push the middle mouse button. I am just asking for that option. So, if moving the mouse around, the camera looks wherever the mouse looks. It is simple, slick, and perfect for this kind of RTS. If this has already been addressed then forgive me. Kudos.
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