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Campaign Discontinuity


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Campaign Discontinuity

Having played the first two missions of each campaign, there is a big discontinuity of forces in the missions of the campaigns, the worst case is the Allied campaign you start off with US Infantry core group and the next mission is British Tanks, where's the continunity?

The core group is not always carried over from mission to mission of the campaigns. This kills any role-play aspect of the campaigns.

I would like to see the same core group in each mission of the campaign and hope this is addressed in the up comming expansion packs.

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The remainder of your squads are always there afaik.

The dead ones are replenished with new recruits and they're available for you on the next map.

I think the presets don't use the same squads, but I always swap for them.

If a squad is locked, you can just replace soldier for soldier.

The allied campaign is using two different armies, so not everyone will be available on missions that use only one army.

Don't forget to move your soldiers from obsolete units. I had campaigns where I used the exact same crew in various tanks in all the maps.

100 gunners/drivers make tanks and td's deathmachines.

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It's not just with the allies campaign, one would expect your core group to always carry over, they don't.

One of the issue is it's hard to tell one infantry unit from another and the same with tanks. I'm gona see if I can name them with with the editor.

It would be nice to get an overview of your units at the end of a mission, this way you can better tell which unit survied and which ones didn't. The unit screen at the start of a new battle, contains a differen OOB then at the end of a battle.

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What youre pointing out is sort of true and not true at the same time. You will NEVER lose a unit from your core pool, that just doesnt happen, everything gets carried over but what youre noticing is that in some missions the devs wanted to limit the units you have access to, presumably for gameplay or maybe historic reasons.

So an example might be (not an actual one) towards the end of the german campaign Ive got access to about 10 tigers or something from past missions, but the next map is an infantry focused one so the devs dont want you rush tanks (he he) and to stop you they "remove" my tigers from the SELECTABLE unit pool, but those tigers havnt gone anywhere, i just can't use them for this mission.

You may have allready known that I wasnt sure from your post but personally I dont mind this system at all otherwise I would be more or less taking the exact same set of units on every mission depending on the points allocation.

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True. However, imo it would have been better to design campaigns that draw upon the same force pool. For example a US infantry-based campaign, a British AFV-based campaign, etc.

I also think campaign battles should somehow tell you what forces you are going to receive as reinforcements (better still, don't have reinforcements and allow a bigger initial force). You just *know* that your starting forces are going to inadequate to do the job, so you sit there waiting for the reinforcement trigger - leaving your hand-picked initial team looking a bit half-arsed.

Still enjoy the campaign battles. It's just that they could be a tad better in terms of reinforcements (no offense to the designers).

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Once or twice I've noticed soldiers in the default selection with medals, so I guess it might be possible that veterans from previous battles get picked.

In general though I don't really feel too much like it's the same team going through a campaign. Beyond what's been mentioned already, I think it would add to this if you could see the medals on the small portraits in the pick screen. It'd make it easier to chop and change teams and make your veterans look a bit less generic. Not that AT teams or infantry last more than a couple of missions usually anyway due to the artillery and huge odds you often face...

Have fun


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Originally posted by pad152:

Campaign Discontinuity

Having played the first two missions of each campaign, there is a big discontinuity of forces in the missions of the campaigns, the worst case is the Allied campaign you start off with US Infantry core group and the next mission is British Tanks, where's the continunity?

The real problem is that the developers were too ambitious. They wanted to include every year of the war on several fronts and nationalities and have only 5 default campaigns to spread across these fronts. Therefore they had to combine the US and British units into 1 campaign. It would have been much better to concentrate on 1 front or 1 major campaign like Stalingrad 1942/43.

This game probably could have been released 2 years ago if they had done this and would have more continuity in their campaigns.

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