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Is there a random scenario generator?


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Originally posted by Eightball:

Subject line says it all. It seems this is almost a 'must' given a game of this scope, so is there one and if not are there any plans for one?


The AI uses specific scripting. Units move and react exactly as preplanned and as dictated by specific triggers. Therefore impossible to random generate. Any game designed in this fashion will never have a random generator.

You likely noticed every time you play ascenario especially the first time how smart the AI is and how hard he is to beat, such is the trade off as compared to a dynamic AI which to date is not very challenging.

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Originally posted by Nikki Mond:

You likely noticed every time you play ascenario especially the first time how smart the AI is and how hard he is to beat...

Not really - the AI is hard to beat due to huge weight of numbers/equipment. Mission design taking into account everything that might happen is probably possible, but would be a huge undertaking done manually - and it certainly hasn't happened with the stock missions. The AI does very little if anything to respond to changing situations.

Someone could write an engine that analyses units and the map (if the information were accessible) and then generates a set of orders/initial placements based on that (as, presumably, CM does). However what's we're talking about is a whole new game layer - and if they didn't do it in the long years that ToW has been out they probably won't do it now. The engine could be modified to re-evaluation the situation based on triggers. Maybe ToW II I guess.

Have fun


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Originally posted by FinnN:

Someone could write an engine that analyses units and the map (if the information were accessible) and then generates a set of orders/initial placements based on that (as, presumably, CM does).

Great idea!!!!

For the moment though, it does not seem as if the map format will be released!

Best regards,


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