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Praise and suggestions!


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Hey everyone... I love TOW... Getting to learn

how it works is tricky but am getting there.

Here are a few things that would make the game

so much better if possible to implement:

1. "Ambush Unit" icon above head - When the unit is in hold fire and hold position mode, chances are they are in ambush mode. It would be nice to see the icon above their head change to something like a ghost or invisible icon (so I can remember who is set this way).

2. Ability to easily select ANY unit, issue a move command and right mouse and drag to auto turn unit to that facing direction when it gets there. Same goes for any non moving unit. If you want a prime example of how to do it, think Company of Heroes and how you easily can issue a move command and rotation in just 1 mouse movement. It would save alot of forced rotation of units (picking unit, picking rotation button, clicking direction of rotation, unselect)

3. Garrisoning Buildings - I am not sure why this was left out but it really adds to the realism and depth. Now we don't need super details in buildings (like Combat Mission has) but something is better than nothing... I want my sniper in the old house on the farm and they are stuck ground level ... :( Esp for MG42s hidden in buildings... maybe this can be retro fit back in?

4. Multiple Waypoint Movement - Ok I think this will be in the patch coming... YAY!

5. Mortar Units - Hand mortar units... Wonder why they were not included? Effective yet short range.

6. Color change on Stat bars - When looking at the sat bars of units and soldiers.. the dark brown is hard to tell whether that is positive or negative.. A color like blue or green might be easier to see...

7. UnTOW of a AT gun from a truck when truck is down - How do you untow a AT gun when the truck is disabled? I try and get soldiers to un hitch it and move the gun (and it is 100% ok) but they can't if the truck is knocked out.

8. Critically Wounded units - I think they should not be able to move. Sure they can fire and look around but their ability to move should be ceased.

9. Smoke Screens - Are there smoke screens in the game? Can I fire them? Maybe this could be a possibility of the foot mortar units?

10. Ability to place some mines, barbwire or tanktraps in the setup area for a cost of points.

11. Ability for soldiers to get defense bonus along walls and behind trees etc... (Similar to Company of Heroes)


I do love the game alot... Just did the first Polish mission a 2nd time and am getting better at learning how to use the terrain and hide AT guns better. This is one of the best WW2 tactical games I have ever owned... The detail is amazing. Watching a tank splinter under the shelling, watching the crew scramble for mercy and hide only to pick off my Captain with a handgun... nice!


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Also I forgot...

12. Vehicle move Backwards command - How do you do it? I need many tanks to charge up the rear slope of the hill and reverse... but I don't know how to reverse them. (Company of Heroes used a SHIFT + click movement (behind the unit) and it would drive backwards as long as you kept clicking behind it.

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1. "Ambush Unit" icon above head - When the unit is in hold fire and hold position mode, chances are they are in ambush mode. It would be nice to see the icon above their head change to something like a ghost or invisible icon (so I can remember who is set this way).

2. Ability to easily select ANY unit, issue a move command and right mouse and drag to auto turn unit to that facing direction when it gets there. Same goes for any non moving unit. If you want a prime example of how to do it, think Company of Heroes and how you easily can issue a move command and rotation in just 1 mouse movement. It would save alot of forced rotation of units (picking unit, picking rotation button, clicking direction of rotation, unselect)

8. Critically Wounded units - I think they should not be able to move. Sure they can fire and look around but their ability to move should be ceased.

1. I can't count how many times I forget that I've set hold fire and hold position. A visual cue would be great. Good idea.

2. This is already implemented. Just hold down the right mouse button when selecting a destination and drag so the arrow is pointing the way you want it.

8. I agree with this 100%. I believe degree of wounds does effect fighting ability, but critical wounds are life-threatening, so should be equivalent to KIA. Soldiers with serious wounds maybe will have recovered by the next battle (some of them are a year apart in the campaigns), but for the battle in which they got wounded, they should most likely be combat ineffective. Probably more effort than it's worth to code, though.

12. The "Retreat" command sometimes works like this. If the distance is small, the vehicle usually reverses (if it has a reverse gear). Sometimes, though, they turn around first.

This is an excellent game, a few rough spots, but tons of fun!

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Originally posted by Kharnvor:

The retreat function doesnt work for SPG and tankhunters without turret if they have an enemy in sight (or firerange?).

They allways try to to aim at enemy and dont accept the command, hold fire and dont move command should help in that case but it doesnt :mad:

IMO that should be added to high priority list for the first patch.

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Originally posted by prowlinger:

6. Color change on Stat bars - When looking at the sat bars of units and soldiers.. the dark brown is hard to tell whether that is positive or negative.. A color like blue or green might be easier to see...


I think that the browns, reds, and beige colours go well with the general colours of the game. A bright green or blue would sort of ruin the style.
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