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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Some other info needed....


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I have gone above and beyond the nominal work it takes to get a game to run correctly. When spending $50+ on a piece of software, I should not have to download utilties, do legwork for the development team (not getting paid) and above all still not be able to play at an acceptable level. This game is not enjoyable and the support team has been rude at times. I am done with this unplayable game and want my money back.

My info needed is how do I get a refund for this game? I have the e-mail showing I paid.

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Battlefront.com does not offer refunds for products purchased. We are a small company and simply can not afford to offer this kind of service. Larger companies can absorb such costs because they turn right around and pass the costs on the rest of their customers."

Sorry, you just can't :( thats taken from their order policy page btw if you want to check it out for yourself

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If you buy a computer game from ANY store including the biggest in the world, "Wal-Mart", and open the package you cannot return it, period. You have purchased ToW from BF, Downloaded it, and Licensed it which is pretty much the same as opening the package.

Deal with it.

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It has to be problems with peoples hardware/software for the most case. I am using a six year old laptop that just barely meets all of the min specs, even below some, and I can run the game at Medium graphics. With the vastly huge proliferation of hardware, software, versions, drivers, etc, and they aren't always cooperating with each other, I don't see how someone could make a program that works with everything. Shoot, look at Vista. tongue.gif .

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Since MadMatt decided to close my topic on the support forum I'll continue here. First off I have not posted much. I like to read the forums and look into the problems (shared by many) then try to fix. I have found NO SOLUTION! I have all the correct drivers played with all of the gizmos and settings the team here tell us to adjust/download and nothing.

I placed the rude comment in my post because of 'I'm better than you' comments some of the moderators like to throw out to people with serious concerns. I also am tired of broken promises by the developer. I need to remind all of the pre-order debacle, then the "patch will be out this week" that has come and gone. I asked about support for intel chips and we have gotten NOTHING for a response. I think the admins were too busy picking fights with other board members that were voicing dissatisfaction.

I played the demo and got decent frame-rates but was blown away at the horrible performance I got with the full version. We all (including BF and 1c) should have taken the video gameplay samples as a hint of what was to come. Check them out now...most of them are jerky and have bad framerates. I chalked it up to various internet/download factors telling myself the real deal can't be THAT bad. Well it is as bad as the videos.

I feel the policy the people at Battlefront have for returns is very poor and weak. When a manufacturer (large or small) delivers a product there should be a path the paying consumer should have to satisfaction. The policy of "no returns because we are small" is pathetic and in my mind is the way for this company to justify stealing. False advertising, lemon laws, etc should apply to ALL businesses large and small. This is a lemon and should be subject to return. Even if you buy a game from Wal-Mart you can return it to the manufacturer. I bought FS X from there and my machine choked on the low settings. I wrote a letter to Microsoft and returned the game for a full refund.

I spent hard earned dollars on my system and it runs EVERY game very well save for this one. The shame is that the gameplay is not great and the graphics are muddy and the overall performance of the game sucks. I am not the only one that has been reading these threads and saying the same things to themselves. I need to voice my opinion because the others that have done so have been thrown off. Go find the patch status started by Moon...all it did was turn into a pissing match between him and some other unhappy people. He as the moderator kept pushing people into a position of fury so he had a legit reason to throw them off.

I do not like getting broken goods for my money that is all.

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the goods aren't broken - many people dont have the same problem and everyone has the same game. You have asked for help and people try and offer it. Your other post was probably closed as you posted the same thing twice.

I am sure that there is a way through this but help them to help you instead of getting annoyed.

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Originally posted by doWnSizer:

I could care less....get the people at 1c to pony up for people that want money back. All the policy is stating is we are small so we can legally steal from you.

heck buddy, you owe ME money for making me read your idiocy.
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Vergeltung, let's keep it civil.

We take customer concerns very serious and if somebody cannot make the game to run, we do make exceptions and refund. However, we also make it very clear that people should try out the demo first before ordering. So "poor performance" is usually not accepted as a reason for a refund.

Instead I would suggest to wait for the first patch. The developer is working hard to fix various technical glitches which, given todays massive amount of hardware combinations, are hard to avoid unfortunately.

And yes, the thread was locked up for double-posting.


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Yo V, don't read it if you don't like it. Thank you Moon for calling him out. If you are lucky enough to have a computer that will run this then play and don't read. Sorry I don't have any more money to give. I spent it here so you could call me an idiot.

I'll wait for the patch and I hope it works and I will sing praises all day if it does...if not forget BF and 1c. It will be too bad because I have bought all 3 CM and all of the IL2 variations. That should make BF and 1c open their eyes because I will not be the only one jumping ship.

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Okay, now is not the time for name calling, and I will not condone such behavior from either the original poster or in followup replies from others.

As to your comments, we never said that a patch would be out "this, that or any specific week". We have repeated that we are working on the patch RIGHT NOW and will get it out to everyone as soon as we can. At this very moment, a game patch which aims to fix the problems being reported IS our path to customer satisfaction, the same path to which you alluded to above that we are not following.

It does us no pleasure though to see you, a legitimate paying customer, having such problems with a game which has our name on it, and we do take the responsibility to our customers very seriously and will continue to try to help you, even though you seem to ignore my offer.

Since I already stated all of this before, and your response was to once more post a litany of "why you feel cheated" instead of ANY information for me to help you with, I am not sure this is going to get either of us anywhere.

I do find it interesting though that you have such strong feelings about our stated Sales Policy and yet you felt compelled to order anyway. I am sorry that you *FEEL* lied to, cheated or hoodwinked (and all of that without a single direct email to us too!), but I have no control over what you feel and can only continue to provide the level of service to our customers that I have for the last several years in my best capacity.

I stated before what we need from you to try and help, you can either respond with the info requested and we can work on getting you fixed, or you can choose to ignore me like you have already done.


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Looks like I posted while everyone else was posting. Okay, downsizer, I am pleased that you are going to wait and see what the patch does for you, if in the meantime you want us to try and work with you right now, we will! I just need to know more about your specific problem and your hardware. Is it just slow performance? Are you getting any lockups? What game settings are you running, what drivers and most importantly what is your hardware configuration?

I understand peoples frustration when they encounter a problem, TRUST ME I DO (I am a gamer too, if I wasn't I wouldn't do this for a living) but people sometimes have the tendency to yell out "Fault" when in reality we are urgently trying to help them get the ball back in play.


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Matt, I have voiced my displeasure with the company and am now done. I literally have tried ALL of the solutions on the forums. Tried checking 1 cpu tried the nvidia control panel etc. I do not get any CTD. I only have very poor framerates. I have tried with all of the options on and off and still get the same result. I have all of the current Nvidia drivers, and sound drivers, DirectX 9c. my system is as follows:

Windows XP SP2

Dell XPS DXG061

Intel Core Duo 6400 @ 2.13 GHZ

2 GB Ram

Nvidia 7950 SLI each @ 512mb

SB X-fi

This should MORE than enough to run this game and run it quick. It is crazy because IL2 1946 runs @ 45-60+ fps maxed out....any solution in a patch will be welcome. I have bought a lot of stuff from BF and am just frustrated and at a wits end this time around even after playing the demo etc.... Thanks for the help

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hey Major,

I have had 6 Dell computers over 10 years and not had ONE problem with any of them...so I go with the computer that works for me. Sorry I'm not crying even after reading.

Bio I'll try this thanks for the help and post the results.....

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Originally posted by doWnSizer:

hey Major,

I have had 6 Dell computers over 10 years and not had ONE problem with any of them...so I go with the computer that works for me. Sorry I'm not crying even after reading.

Bio I'll try this thanks for the help and post the results.....

same here. they work, period. Never had a problem either.
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Dells are sub par by my standard.

We use only Dells at my place of work and they fail inexplicably very often. Often and always its a failed Motherboard due to capacitors or a naff screen for no good reason. Fried power supplies, dead RAM, CD ROMs eating disks... its mental.

They also do not offer decent performance which is my main concern.

I built my own machine ( ok with some help ) and its alot better than a dell you could buy for the same cost, and I dont need tech support.

The only thing I cant fault is the tech support for Dell, since I talk to them SO often they appear friendly, helpful and good people...

Best thing about a Dell -> Tech Support smile.gif

oh Small Form Factor PC? fits in a bin nicely!

There are certainly better machines out there...(NON DELL)

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You know the same can be said about a Mac. I use a Mac at work (graphic design) and it is a new G5. I have more crashes, failed programs and crazy junk happen with that hunk of crap. The quirky commercials on TV are a big joke in my book. Macs are impossible to troubleshoot and I have had no luck with support. My uncle has usd them since the IIe and swears by them.

I would like to set it on fire and roast hot dog above the flames....but my boss won't let me. The funny thing is is the Dell at home is just as good with Adobe CS2 programs as a Mac. I think Apple should stick to quirky little gadgets for 14 year old girls.

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Originally posted by MajorPrivate:

Dell sucks anyway, lmao

www.ihatedell.net read and weep

Are you serious? You can't be serious.

Are you implying that he can't get the game to run because he bought a PC from one of, if not the largest manufacturer in the world?

The same manufacturer whose systems power Fortune 500 companies and the U.S. military?

That's akin to saying his game won't work because he's running Windows and Microsoft sucks.

Or did you just want to throw in a belittling statement to a frustrated user, just for fun? That's real cool.

Honest to God, I've been reading these forums a long time, and it's gotten downright damned ugly in here lately.

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Well, for the most part I have the pleasure(or pain)to find some games over the years that haven't worked on my system(s) is not because of the developer but because:

1) Spyware inflicted on my cpu (BF 2142 is a great example).

2) You have a Trojan on your cpu (or worse!)

With that said, if it still doesn't work then you have two opinions: Buy a new video card and get a life or keep on playing cute little games on your macincrap!

Enough said!

p.s. I was one of those individuals who hated this game at first but realized it wasn't the game but lousy tactics. Now I love it! Thank You Moon & MadMatt!

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