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Realism settings - anyone find them unreal?


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Basically I played on easy today and found that things started acting a little more like I would have expected. My tanks and infantry were not instantly blasted away like they had signs saying shoot me on their forhead.

Does anybody else think that "high" is not what it is cracked up to be?

Anyways I also seemed to get a performance increase which also made a difference.... time to start experimenting for me.

Perhaps I just liked it because things went my way ;)

High Realistic parameters for all military equipment. The damage

inflicted on the enemy for both sides corresponds to the real-world performance

characteristics of weapons and ammo.

At the Highest difficulty level you cannot switch off morale.

medium. At this difficulty level, troops under your command have

a minor advantage over the enemy due to higher damage inflicted on the

enemy (compared to the real-world performance characteristics of military

equipment and ammo). At this difficulty level you can also switch off


Easy. At the lowest difficulty level your troops get a significant

advantage in fire power (compared to the real-world performance) and the

damage done to the enemy. At this difficulty level you can also switch off

soldier morale.

Combining levels of realism and switching on/off “morale” you can

adjust the difficulty for the current battle as you like.

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Well I've moved from easy to normal difficulty now, and I guess the practice must have paid off as so far I'm not finding normal much harder than easy. I guess if you use reasonable tactics you're hitting the enemy when they're not hitting you and so the effect of the difficulty settings isn't going to be that great. That said I'd be amazed if anyone could do the German Dunkirk scenario right first time.

Have fun


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At highest difficulty I've rarely managed to win a battle first time in. Only once, in fact. That was the one in the German campaign when you have to take a railway station, and first get Tigers, and the Russ hit you with massed T34's and SU's.

I've played everything at highest difficulty, and that's how I prefer it. It's generally pretty challenging, but far from impossible. Wouldn't say I've handed the AI its butt on a plate, but everything's turned out winnable with thought, tactics and occasional quicksaves or complete replays from start.

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Well that makes sense. Has anybody noticed what the differences are ? Apart from the mentioned even playing field (which is how i like it) have you noticed that the enemy also get an advantage in numbers and re-enforcements etc in the campaigns?

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"Well that makes sense. Has anybody noticed what the differences are ? Apart from the mentioned even playing field (which is how i like it) have you noticed that the enemy also get an advantage in numbers and re-enforcements etc in the campaigns?"

I don't think so. As far as I can tell, the only difference between the levels is in the variable damage inflicted by the weapons of each side. The numbers of troops on each side stay the same, and as far as I can tell the "intelligence" of the AI also stays the same as well.

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