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Setting up a TOW Modding Group


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I am looking to set up a modding group for TOW, but would need some answers first from BFC & 1C about just how modable TOW is.

Two simple questions:

1. Map, Campaign, Scenario editors - Are you going to release them? And if so, what fuctionality will they have? How feasible would it be for you to make all these fully customisable? i.e - not just editing existing "out of the box" files.

2. Graphics - Can you disclose the files that can be modded and their formats so that we may alter them? If possible, de-hardcode some of the files that can't be modded.

A plea:

To both companies - Does disclosing this sort of info make you less inclined to making any future addons? Maybe, but you know (BFC know this already) that you MUST build a community around a game, and if you don't, any game you produce/develop will have a very short life span. I would go as far as to say that any game made today is dead without this.

Anyway, BFC/1C please respond.

In the meantime, anyone who is interested in this game and has some familiarity with the current TOW editor, or any past skinning experience please make yourself known in this thread. We can get in touch.

[ May 04, 2007, 06:18 PM: Message edited by: Manx ]

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OK, I think u ask about what is modible.

You can creat scenarios and mod existing ones.

U can ,soon, use a map editor to creat new maps based on the LARGER maps the small scenario, including those in the campaigns, are pulled from.

U can make campaigns.

What u cannot do is change data tables, add new equipment, ie that not in game. Create maps from scratch.

Hope this helps.

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can not add new equipment? :confused: :eek:

Wow this going to get old and fast played out.

Want smoke, new vehicles, new skins, new units, if those are in xml format then it wont be hard at all. But if your saying we have to pay for updates to the code for new models and game play then whats the the life span of this game 7 years in the making? 2 months of play? WOW for game that took this long to come out you would think we would be able to mod it and keep it going.

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Well colour me a pessimist in this regard. I'm currently editing some missions, and I've come to the realisation that one will have to code for each and every missionevery time. It's not just a matter of placing the right forces in the right places anymore and having at it, you have the prime responsibility of the game play as well.

Map editing, forget it. The amount of time required and the technology involved place this outside most peoples reach. I don't see much community mapping for IL2 and that's much more popular.

Skin editing should have been in from the start and I'm still scratching my head as to why that was left out. The more I look at things the more they need a Gautrek dusty mod.

Oh well, one can only hope for matters to improve I guess.

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Originally posted by PFMM:

The more I look at things the more they need a Gautrek dusty mod.

Don't worry mate as i'm waiting as well.

I'm waiting for the patch to see what gets fixed so i see if i will buy the game.

Plus i am waiting to see if it will be possible to mod it anyway as i can't believe that this side of it was left out.

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Can Map textures be modded? I suppose we need an editor for that. But I would really like to mod some of the existing map textures,

If so it may be possible to apply the map files (whatever format they may be) through a commercial ray tracer which would greatly enhance the game.

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I don't think a map editor was ever released for il2 sturmovik nor the ability to add new vehicles/aircraft. This is why over the years there were so many addons that added new aircraft, maps objects. The pirk with all this was that the aircraft were very well done and worth the wait.

The down side is that the game will remain unfinished due to licensing (iirc american A/C companies fishin for royalties)..... some aircraft and a lot of ships just never made it in.

About the only thing you could do was create missions and skins

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